I'm unsure if I caused this thread from not wanting to resta all that much last night as fomarl as I prefer to mate/moon over resta/reverser. >_>"
I find it much more useful to glide divine j/z into sof/gif spam so you don't have to work as hard and "deplete your meseta" with charge/mates for zerk but also so you ck more easily. I find it lazy when all a fo does is resta spam as they aren't really contributing to the party in any meaningful way to weaken enemies efficiently. What good is extra hp if player has map/spawn memorization? There are times when resta spam is encouraged though like heat rooms where party zerks heavily or if it's a quest with densely packed enemy clusters such as bonus room of MSB or CCC (that usually shoot projectiles like belra) and it's understood HUs+RAs will be spamming zerk *mostly with dob/zerk arms/HS* so that j/z/sof isn't needed as the damage output far exceeds what a FO can do in those scenarios.
The argument that you shouldn't have to waste meseta on mates comes off as odd considering it costs more to buy fluids, so in a sense you expect the FO to pick up the tab. I don't really feel that this is your main concern behind this though considering there are more than enough meseta opportunities to be gained from picking up armors/junk and not to mention events usually end up passing out extra meseta, ticket meseta roulette prize, etc. If meseta was truly your concern, you would use HS/zerk vulcs/zerk arms over cvulcs/carms/BL and have some map/spawn memorization down to make that play style viable considering charge is what truly eats meseta.
In the OP you said you don't like dying, well setting mates to your dpad and being comfortable quickly pulling it out for a quicker/more reliable heal after your ck/combo is far more effective than relying on the startup time of resta as well as praying that the fo is in range to resta connect before your death. Like what if you need to SSS ck with HS vs zu but your up against a dense zu pack such as a cookie run? You want to be able to SSS ck then quickly trimate so you don't get intercepted by other zu. By the time resta would/could reach, you could possibly be dead either from it not connecting because of fo range, start up time, or fo was distracted doing something else. Eliminating the opportunity for death by utilizing your full tool set would ultimately prevent you from dying more often.
I think if you tried DF out ade, you would be far more understanding. DF is a very useful tool, but it's not the end all/be all sort of single item that you're making it out to be. There are plenty of opportunities where cvulc/lk38 can give a similar result if not better depending on scenario. A big reason why I play Hucast majority of the time is so that I can be self-sufficient and join w/e pub game without it feeling like a drag. I know during fiasco I tried sticking with fomarl but got irritated after first few days when the games would take too long. Players wouldn't ft, their multi-enemy damage output was weak, maybe they'd spam fs/sn whole game, things I expected from them being the FO weren't being met. It's much less of a hassle when I can just dob/lk/df/cvulc/ft and do the work myself with my only expectation of lvl 30 s/d. I've also noticed it's a lot less stressful playing like this for the less skilled players as their load management isn't nearly as demanding, thus they die less often considering the enemies are stunned/die too quickly for them to die and they're happy as the game goes quicker(if they do contribute heavily though then yea the game just flies by which is optimal).
Hope this helps, I read the whole thread to try to understand the other viewpoints too. You are a friendly person and good spirited but a bit stubborn with some of your view points, I think it could help if you explored other options/tools in game without being too quick to bash it.
I didn't read the whole post yet but no you did not cause anything don't worry. This was based on a conversation I had with another player after a perfectly good game. It was actually right after I found a PGF and was just talking about future DF use and the state of the game. Please don't worry

Edit: This isn't about exploring other options or tools. This is about ONE tool in the game that forces everyone else, even people who aren't using it, to play around their wishes. It's the only thing in the game that is even REMOTELY that disruptive. It's just too different from everything else in the game.
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