I've found a pretty seamless current method to install this game via winlator with the mostly newest graphics drivers and wine versions. Have not had error 916 or any issues at all with anything lol. Also got this working on my retroid pocket mini and again on my ayaneo pocket s. oh and my phone razr 2024. No login issues
Controller users:
(Before proceeding be aware there is a kink i haven't worked out yet. Something specific to the newer wine versions and input bridge combos winlator uses, has been causing me an issue where LEFT joystick Y axis has not been performing properly in game(CANT WALK FORWARD LOL). It's detectable via the in game joystick mapping, but using it to walk has not been working. I've been fighting it, and believe it to likely be related to DINPUT joystick mapping, where newer versions of wine use SDL and joystick coordinate system translation. Something in that pipeline broke maybe related to how PSO BB uses the input. PSOBB only uses DINPUT. I've tried some things like forcing raw input or forcing SDL DINPUT to respect that raw. But no luck so far. Hopefully there are a few others here who want to give it a shot and fix it for me <3?)
I have not posted a bug report of this bug yet on the winlator main github repo. Reasons are, its hard to post a substantial report if you can not prove the exact cause....but i have posted about the issue on winlator/exagear discord today.
***I do recommend you use the winlator frost i mentioned before before this controller issue i mentioned gets resolved. That uses wine 8.0.2 and not the wine 9.x and above where issue is present. But the downside is that version has way less features and refinement
1. Download and install winlator cmod glibc.
2. Once set up, go to settings. Change box64 to once of the newer versions. should work. Keep Box64 preset on compat or intermmediate will probably work. Save settings.
3. Go to container tab in winlator, click the PLUS to make a new one.
Screen size: Pick something matching your devices aspect ratio. For example i pick 1600x900 for my ayaneo pocket S. Leave Graphic and DxWrapper to Turnip and DXVK. (unless you don't have a snapdragon processor, then you gotta use VIrGL and wined3d, which is worse performance but usable sometimes.
Change GPU to GTX 970 (dunno if it really matters ha)
IF using virgl, set offscreen rendering mode to backbuffer, if not it doesnt matter.
Change video memory to 4090MB if you can
4. Still in container setup, navigate to Environment variables tab. Change the WINEESYNC SLIDER to false (make it go left)
5. Navigate to the Drives Tab:
You need to mount the driver that contains this git respository in it.( unzipped)
You can put in any other useful executables or things in here too.
6. Navigate to the Advanced Tab:
Change startup selection to Essential (load only essential services)
Mess with processor affinity if you want and know what you're doing.
Change change preset to intermmediate here if you want, if it something didnt take affect. Compat is probly more reliable tho.
Uncheck Enable Xinput
Check enable Dinput
7. Click the check and create the container.
8. Click the play button in containers menu to enter the virtual wine x11 desktop
9. In file browser, navigate to the folder you mounted with pso_wine. Probably mounted as F:\
Navigate to pso_wine/pso_wine-master/pso/android
Double click the install.bat script
Wait for install to complete. Terminal will close once done.
10. Click start in bottom left, System tools: Install Wine Mono and Wine Gecko.
11. Swipe from the left to open menu, and go to Exit container
12. Go to Shortcuts menu in winlator. Should be one called Ephinea Launcher. Click it.
13. After a bit, a 'do you wanna install gecko' menu should pop up. You can if you want, but just click cancel.
You should now see the ephinea launcher open and update the game!
14. Once game is updated, use your mouse and navigate to options.
Here, you wanna change the resolution to what you made your container. So i pick 1600x900.
And also select fullscreen.
For direct3d api, you can try dx11 or dx12 if you want. If you are virgl user, you probably want to stick to dx9 or 8. 9 is a safe bet overall for both types.
15. Click start game
Once the main menu loads, navigate to 'Patch Download'
The game should patch and then close.
16. Once again in the shortcuts menu, select Ephinea PSOBB. This is the main game executable that you will use most often. You really don't ever need the launcher unless you need to update or change settings. Load PSOBB
17. Go to register user ID. Swipe the left side of the screen and hit keyboard to enter your userid and password.
You will need to hit the enter key to set these values after they are highlighted green and you have entered them.
To hit enter, we are going to use an on screen RTS keyboard to do so. Swipe left screen again, and hit input controls. Use the dropdown menu and select RTS. Then click ok. An enter button appears on the bottom right of your screen. You may have to spam it for it to be detected. SPAM IT lol
Do the same for password.
18. Log in! Go to start game in the main menu.
Feel free to turn off the rts input control, you probably wont ever need it again.
the DXVK HUD in the topleft can also be disabled if you like. That's part of the env variables within the container settings. Just trash the dxvk hud related settings if you want.
19. Thats it, enjoy! Graphics should be mostly flawless for many devices. Some you may have to mess with turnip drivers/other gfx drivers. Only 19 steps wow so easy.
Once again if any of you want to help me with the joystick y axis bug for newer wine versions i would super appreciate it and am getting tired.
Oh and lastly, my name is shooty on ephinea. tho i barely play, im dumb i more just want to make things work than actually play the game sometimes.

small edit: i think i've proven the 916 error should be resolved. in fact i fixed it last time around i think but my instructions were probly lacking hehe