9th Anniversary Event Thread

I just wanna share the sentiment of others and say the way the HBR was brought back for the event and made server-wide was ingenious, seriously. However to make each quest award the same amount of points could have been tweaked a bit (e.i a brainless Forest run rewards the same amount as a Tower run which requires some level of competency), Other than that, i think this is the best Anniversary event since i joined 5 years ago.
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Haven't been here for a while until this event so I forgot the server timing rules, does it go by UTC? What time does the event end today?
Hi, I'm new to the server and I knew about how this event works a bit too late (literally on the last day), but I managed to get a few badges. about 49 bronze and 4 silver. Still 1 silver and 1 bronze away from a gold one, *sigh*.

I have no idea to what expend them on? Any suggestions? My main is a FOmar. Are the weapons worth it or can they be obtained via other methods or grinded?
Despite my bitching and moaning, I did enjoy the event. Finally got off my ass and got my FO's to a high-ish level. I will leave some feedback, for what it's worth:

1: The move to having quest completions count as points was admirable, but I don't think it was quite as well done as it should have been. Since every quest had basically the same reward at completion, there wasn't really any incentive to do any quests except the really easy and quick ones, especially if you are just stacking badges. Why hunt an uber when you can just get stacks of gold badges and sell those for the ubers you want? That being said, it is only year 1 of this system, those kinks can get ironed out for next one.

2: The boosts are a tad too small tbh. I am not sure what the last few unlocks would have been, but if I was to guess, they would have rounded out the drop/rare/etc chances to 50? I think if you really wanted to encourage people grind out the unlocks, they should be just a bit better overall. And yes I know, those boosts are the same every year. The difference being that the event is trying to encourage players to do new and different quests rather than just spamming forest. Adjusting the boost to even just a tad higher for unlocks would encourage people to go for them in this new format.

3: An alternative to the second point is that certain quests should maybe have unique rewards/boosts/etc for them to be considered by players. Maybe Gold badges for doing Tower/Seabed, slightly better hit drop rates etc. It can be rotational so that other, lesser played quests can get some unique boosts as well.

4: Make a quest exclusive drop of a weapon, frame, etc, for the duration of the event that can only be found on that quest. I.E. To encourage people to play AA or Tower, have something normally not found with hit or is normally not tekkable be so and have them drop exclusively on those quests. People who have everything from the game would have a chance to get these items with hit or other stats that they normally wouldn't.

5: The AA quests were pretty neat but not a lot of incentive to do them (outside of unlocks anyway). The enemy variety was just a bit too much, which is weird to say. I don't really have any suggestions off the top of my head on how to rework these (maybe they don't even need reworks), but they are tough quests. The reward should reflect it.

I tried to be as constructive with feedback. Thanks for the event, got me back into PSO again and now I have motivation to actually keep playing like I did in the past.
Despite my bitching and moaning, I did enjoy the event. Finally got off my ass and got my FO's to a high-ish level. I will leave some feedback, for what it's worth:

1: The move to having quest completions count as points was admirable, but I don't think it was quite as well done as it should have been. Since every quest had basically the same reward at completion, there wasn't really any incentive to do any quests except the really easy and quick ones, especially if you are just stacking badges. Why hunt an uber when you can just get stacks of gold badges and sell those for the ubers you want? That being said, it is only year 1 of this system, those kinks can get ironed out for next one.
I'm really not sure even removing badge rewards entirely from MAE Forest would have changed anything. Its appeal is more likely due to its ease, familiarity, and the amount of Hidelts for a chance at Sky Badger and Cold Shootman. When I say 'familiarity', I mean that I often meet players who say they never really played ep. 2 on Gamecube- so this is not a new phenomenon.

2: The boosts are a tad too small tbh. I am not sure what the last few unlocks would have been, but if I was to guess, they would have rounded out the drop/rare/etc chances to 50? I think if you really wanted to encourage people grind out the unlocks, they should be just a bit better overall. And yes I know, those boosts are the same every year. The difference being that the event is trying to encourage players to do new and different quests rather than just spamming forest. Adjusting the boost to even just a tad higher for unlocks would encourage people to go for them in this new format.

The boosts are already very high. If you did an RBR quest you'd have 170%ish RDR and DAR (and rare monster boost). Admittedly, this is not great for some enemies who already have a high DAR- I think there used to be an overflow mechanic where unused DAR boosts would contribute to RDR; it'd be nice to see that come back. But in general, if you make the boosts too high, people won't bother playing at all outside of event time.

3: An alternative to the second point is that certain quests should maybe have unique rewards/boosts/etc for them to be considered by players. Maybe Gold badges for doing Tower/Seabed, slightly better hit drop rates etc. It can be rotational so that other, lesser played quests can get some unique boosts as well.

It could be tried, but, as it is, every area already has unique and worthwhile drops at a boosted rate with high monster count. Do we really need exaggerated boosts and incentives for the other quests just because people are comfy in the Forest?

4: Make a quest exclusive drop of a weapon, frame, etc, for the duration of the event that can only be found on that quest. I.E. To encourage people to play AA or Tower, have something normally not found with hit or is normally not tekkable be so and have them drop exclusively on those quests. People who have everything from the game would have a chance to get these items with hit or other stats that they normally wouldn't.

This sounds difficult to balance. If the exclusives are too common, people would farm them quickly and then go back to Forest. If they drop too rarely, people would just stay in Forest to begin with, letting other people hunt them and then try to trade their Hildetorr drops for it. Even if balanced well, the behavior of forest-goers is, as mentioned above, not necessarily logical, but rooted more in comfort/nostalgia. Of course, *I* would love a quest where Soul Eater and Wok of Akiko's Shop drop with hit, but quest-exclusive drops would be something quite new and a rather drastic measure to attempt and counteract Forest Fever.

5: The AA quests were pretty neat but not a lot of incentive to do them (outside of unlocks anyway). The enemy variety was just a bit too much, which is weird to say. I don't really have any suggestions off the top of my head on how to rework these (maybe they don't even need reworks), but they are tough quests. The reward should reflect it.

I tried to be as constructive with feedback. Thanks for the event, got me back into PSO again and now I have motivation to actually keep playing like I did in the past.

At the end of the day, you should play PSO to have fun, not for boosts and badges. The AA quests (and DD series) have given us a brand new experience- it's really fun to figure out strategies for the new mob compositions and to have ep. 2 hell strats working alongside ep. 1 and 4 tech/melee strats. This is new content that still preserves vanilla balancing and if you enjoy playing the game it is something to appreciate. The staff shouldn't have to bribe people with disproportionate rewards to get them to play it. As for hunting, AA1 is the best Pan-Arms hunt and a few people (including myself) found Heart of Tension Blaster/ Heart of Flamberge during the event. People who are staying in Forest are missing out on all of this.


Having said all that, I do think an issue with the HBR system is that conscientious milestoners end up trying (and failing) to pick up the slack of the devoted Forest-goers. It's not really fair because they're always playing the quests with the least amount of points and never get to play Forest/Desert themselves (until late into the event when they realize it's not worth it anymore).

Maybe a non-HBR-style point tally is better. Just have easier areas like Forest count for less points, but everything still counts towards the milestones. This way, people can play what they want to and everyone wins.
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I just wanted to thank the team for organizing the event.
I started playing about a month before the anniversary event and wasn't even aware that there was one until 2 days before it happened.
I had a blast!
Haha! My bad! Reading a post just literally above mine was too much for me. :po_O

By the way, I never did thank you all, did I? Thank you so much for this wonderful event! It was my first anniversary and even though I never got very lucky despite the last week, my grinding for the pwand for a week straight came to no avail, I had a ton of fun! :)
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