9th Anniversary Event Thread

Was the heal ring always there in AA2? Does AA1 have one too?

Hmm, any tips on getting through that small fourth room in August Atrocity #1 on Ultimate? I've been consistently getting walled there with the wave with the two Mericarols and a couple of chaff Sinows; it's just too small there for me to dodge the insta-kill megid spit consistently enough, I think.
Not the kinda quest I’d envisage soloing. I’d use a RAmar/l, SQ thru the Meris and then Demons Needle or Baranz Launcher everything. With other chars, I don’t think I’d make it that far (without getting very frustrated).

You might not have these things which is fine. This really is a multi quest IMO and others can always carry.
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A heal ring was added to each quest last weekend. In AA1, it's behind the warp before the final room.

For the 2x Mericarol and 2x Sinow Beat spawn in one person mode, worst case you should be able to door cheese the spawn. The Sinows will return to their spawn point and you should have time to Zonde/Barta once and leave the room. Probably better/safer to use a handgun or rifle weapon.
A heal ring was added to each quest last weekend. In AA1, it's behind the warp before the final room.

For the 2x Mericarol and 2x Sinow Beat spawn in one person mode, worst case you should be able to door cheese the spawn. The Sinows will return to their spawn point and you should have time to Zonde/Barta once and leave the room. Probably better/safer to use a handgun or rifle weapon.

It makes me so happy that you also use the term "door cheese."

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For the 2x Mericarol and 2x Sinow Beat spawn in one person mode, worst case you should be able to door cheese the spawn. The Sinows will return to their spawn point and you should have time to Zonde/Barta once and leave the room. Probably better/safer to use a handgun or rifle weapon.
Much appreciated! That's basically the strategy I've devolved down to using, though unfortunately my cheese has quite a few holes in it still - that just means I need to practice, haha.
Can we please have the option to disable the timer on the MAE / AA / any other quest where it’s not critical to the mission? It just stresses me out.
So...when does the Anniversary Event end this year? We're not even halfway to the 20k clear total reward tier, lol. Any chance this gets extended another month or something so we can reach that goal?
So...when does the Anniversary Event end this year? We're not even halfway to the 20k clear total reward tier, lol. Any chance this gets extended another month or something so we can reach that goal?
9th Anniversary Event
12th August ~ 9th September
It helps to read. You aren't promised to reach every goal, maybe something will change maybe it won't, but it certainly won't be because you asked. Don't get over entitled.
I think in the last couple days of the event you will see people spamming quests that are low on the list because of FOMO of not getting the later rewards. We will probably get to play with the entire boost spread for a few days atleast I think.

I haven’t compared the rewards to last year myself (to verify they are the same) and I don’t want to spoil it for n00bies within this thread but I will say that the final reward is very VERY good. Because of this I think people will push around the last week for the boosts.

The goal was to get people to play more variety of quests… I think the goal was accomplished. If I wanted to spam more niche hunts I really could during this event. Things like viridia tower (for neis claw) etc.

I think the AA quest series is kind of the bottleneck here, because there’s no public spawn list (that I know of) it’s hard for players to figure out the best ID and so it’s viewed as a waste of time or inefficient in general. It’s also a longer quest. It leaves a player thinking “I could have farmed 3 silvers in forest in this time, wtf am I doing lol”.

Since forest is such a short quest and the rare mob + RDR being so powerful perhaps there could be more tweaking to the points system based on time. I understand AA awards 8 points instead of 4 but since it takes 3x the time of forest it’s make more sense to award 12. I’m not suggesting it to award more than one silver… but that would help too.

Don’t get me wrong. With the Omnispawn gimmick it’s my favorite quest in the game and it makes me very happy to see where it could lead the future of this game and how much it tests game knowledge. It’s the peak this game has ever been. But since the spawns are not widely understood it become less efficient for a host to decide to host it versus the other 10 non-omnispawn areas.

I don’t really think anything should be tweaked tbh it’s fine how it is. Like I said before I think FOMO will push players to spam these quests during the final week. Overall I like this event more than the last few years. When it was HBR with the 300 points awarding a sphere it encouraged a very toxic amount of gameplay IMO lol. And post-HBR it was just very much the same few quests.

Great work and great event guys! I have unfortunately had to work a lot of overtime this month of august but the sessions I have been able to get in have been some of the funnest in years for me!
I found that post disproportionately rude to what was asked. I only knew where to read the fine print this time because I learned midway through the last event to not just “help myself to read” but really comb over the OP. It is an exceedingly tiny text.

But yeah, you can do your part and encourage people to play less MAE Forest and Desert in favor of the lesser played tallied quests, e.g. AA1, Seabed, SS and so on.
Small text is an option select for "tldr not reading that lol"

Not reading that big ass wall but I don't think we will hit all milestones this year. Like some of our friends in here, the vast majority do not bother to read and thus do not know about the point system. Or don't care (like me, don't wanna run AA over and over with unwashed heathens)

Which is fine but I don't think the quests should be considered Maximum Attack anymore.

Numbers don't lie that Forest is still insanely dominant; I think it may be worth hiding the point leader from the quest menu until all milestones are cleared.
Or a new quest entry which loads the lowest clear count and provides a badge drop boost. For the 10th anniversary anyway. Assuming we're still here and Matt says Runescape>MAE2 :(
Not reading that big ass wall but I don't think we will hit all milestones this year.
Well we have 14 days left and we’re over halfway there I think (considering several quests are far above 20k, and others close). With the FOMO during the last week I still stand by my prediction we will get a couple days with full boosts.
Numbers don't lie that Forest is still insanely dominant; I think it may be worth hiding the point leader from the quest menu until all milestones are cleared.
That’s a terrible idea lol. You shouldn’t control players to that degree. People should be free to run any quest they want since they are time limited. The rare mob + RDR boosts as well as how fast forest is to farm silver makes it extremely powerful. To remove that is basically removing a huge portion of the event.
Or a new quest entry which loads the lowest clear count and provides a badge drop boost.
Would be cool but potentially hard for people to select the proper ID thus making it awful. Maybe just a blanket boost of some sort to all those quests that need to be brought up to reach the next milestone?
For the 10th anniversary anyway. Assuming we're still here and Matt says Runescape>MAE2 :(
I think the system is perfect as is. If you wanted to make it slightly better I’d tweak the point rewards like I mentioned in my last post.

Make AA award 12
Make harder and longer areas like Tower/Seabed etc award 8

All in all it’s a great event and I bet they will change it a lot next year lol! Remember they also said there was a AA4 in the worx LOL!
I'm usually pretty critical of events and the staff in the past as I cared so much about this game but,
you outdid yourself.
AA1 and AA2 are amazing quests!
It's been a long time since I played quests that brought me as much joy as summer MAE, cookie quests, and xmas quests.
AA2 is my favorite as well, AA1 is really good too though! Look forward to a possible AA3 in ep4 if that ever happens.

Only slight critique that you already mentioned is just readjusting the milestones next year.