Although you did actually make a few rebuttals, the majority of your post is contrarian sarcasm.
I mean, you call me out for playing the, "Sega had no idea what they were doing" card, but DID THEY? Look at how relatively unsuccessful PSO was as an online game due to their poor planning and foresight. Am I somehow WRONG for saying this?
Example: What kind of idiot makes a game where you can permanently alter the stats of your character by accidentally hitting a wrong button on the quick menu and give NO OPTION to respec your character EVER? Do you really think this was a deliberate choice on their part or just laziness? Occam's Razor points to laziness. Or perhaps you think material resets are too forgiving and should be removed?
Regarding your snide remark about my explanation of inflation: If the U.S. economy was as deflated as the Ephinea economy is now, they might damn well consider raising inflation by 50%, so using the 2.0 to 2.5% as the de facto standard is invalid.
PSO's true failure from an economic standpoint had never been seen because of all the previous iterations of hacking and duping. Now that we see that a person cannot "finish" a character without putting in THOUSANDS of hours, I can declare quite objectively that the system is broken.
The lack of trading is because most people have hit a "wall" on gear where they either need to find gear worth Sphereing or find the PDs to Sphere their good gear. Nobody wants to trade for junk they don't need. This further deflates the value of lesser items in a vicious cycle.
It seems to me that you like your games to be rough, harsh, and unrewarding to play. Either that or you don't like seeing others having fun under your stern, watchful eye. I'm here to tell you that most people enjoy the ability to make reasonable endgame progression in a game without overly-relying on playing the economy. Diablo 3 moved to this model and has since enjoyed immense success compared to its abysmal launch. Why do you think that is?
If you want to express unhappiness anytime the reasonable operators of this server decide to fix some of the backwards, counter-productive, and draconian decisions made by Sega, I suggest you relegate yourself to playing PSO GameCube offline.