Quick question - Quick answer

When creating a game what is "solo mode" and how is it different than than the other options?
There is a number of changes, including but not limited to:
  1. The number of invincibility frames players receive after getting hit have been increased in one-player mode to match the GameCube version of the game.
  2. Enemy's stats are different and often times decreased/easier from their multiplayer mode counterparts. The wiki can be used to see the exact differences.
  3. One-Player Mode specific quests (and some quests that can't be played with one player.)
  4. Anything I might have missed that others can chime in about; along with the obvious things like people can't join.
When creating a game what is "solo mode" and how is it different than than the other options?
The enemy stats are rebalanced to be lower than normal multiplayer lobbies to account for there being only one player. If you've ever played the Episode 1 and 2 version of the game it's basically playing the offline version of the game.
When creating a game what is "solo mode" and how is it different than than the other options?
One person mode scales both the number of enemies and the stats they have for single player.

Some quests are only available in solo player (the story missions) and some are only available in multi-player

But your drops and xp are the same rate. So don't worry too much!
1. Do government quests in normal / hard / v.hard give weapon rewards with hit % ?

2. Can you claim special weapons with hit % (from Ultimate) multiple times on the same character?

I'm thinking of the following quests :
1-3:Subterranean Den (swords / rifles)
2-4:Waterway Shadow (daggers / mechguns)
3-3:Central Control (slicers / shots)
5-5:Test/VR Temple 5 (sabers)
6-5:Test/Spaceship 5 (handguns)
7-5:Isle of Mutants (partisans - double swords / launchers in v.hard)
1. Do government quests in normal / hard / v.hard give weapon rewards with hit % ?

2. Can you claim special weapons with hit % (from Ultimate) multiple times on the same character?

I'm thinking of the following quests :
1-3:Subterranean Den (swords / rifles)
2-4:Waterway Shadow (daggers / mechguns)
3-3:Central Control (slicers / shots)
5-5:Test/VR Temple 5 (sabers)
6-5:Test/Spaceship 5 (handguns)
7-5:Isle of Mutants (partisans - double swords / launchers in v.hard)

You can check the rewards on each quest page in the wiki. The quests are listed here: https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Quests

You only get one reward per character.
I like gold numbers. On Proof of Sword-Saint's Wiki page, it says
Unlike most units, the stat boosts add to the total and not to the base.
and my question is: does it also subtract from total stats?

For example, if I have max Def, PoSS, and a RR on, will this stat still show gold in the menu? Thank you.
I like gold numbers. On Proof of Sword-Saint's Wiki page, it says

and my question is: does it also subtract from total stats?

For example, if I have max Def, PoSS, and a RR on, will this stat still show gold in the menu? Thank you.

With some levels and a ton of def mats from good guy Saverbott, I now have the answer to this question.

PoSS does indeed subtract from total stats. Meaning if you have gold DFP fear not! — it will stay that way.
Been forever since I last played and have noticed that new Mag colours have been added. Are these colours obtainable in Mines boxes like the regular colours or do I need to do something different to obtain them?

Also how are box Mag colours determined? Pretty sure on GC they were determined by the outfit/colour of your character at the time you found them but not sure if it’s different in BB.
Been forever since I last played and have noticed that new Mag colours have been added. Are these colours obtainable in Mines boxes like the regular colours or do I need to do something different to obtain them?

Also how are box Mag colours determined? Pretty sure on GC they were determined by the outfit/colour of your character at the time you found them but not sure if it’s different in BB.

Yep, wiki gotchu. Box drops = random and can include new colors, character creation = predetermined original colors.
I made a TTF Hard game today asking for help - and some how the game got highlighted in the top scroll banner as an advertisment by some one telling players to help etc in the server, how is this done? tx
I made a TTF Hard game today asking for help - and some how the game got highlighted in the top scroll banner as an advertisment by some one telling players to help etc in the server, how is this done? tx

Probably a custom banner by Mercy, she's Ephinea staff. She often helps out new players and shouts out lobbies for people to join.
I made a TTF Hard game today asking for help - and some how the game got highlighted in the top scroll banner as an advertisment by some one telling players to help etc in the server, how is this done? tx
To add to what @DM 경호 stated:

The GM's (Server Admins/Moderators) have the ability to type custom banner messages at will, and you will see the name of the Staff member responsible for the custom banner immediately PREceeding the message.

This is usually used only for formal server announcements by Admins, but Mercy (AKA "MewPlushie" AKA @Harborer of Hope ) took the idea and started using it to rally help to those who were seen alone or asked for help. She calls it "Halping the nooblets" because its usually done for players starting out at Normal difficulty level.

In this case, she probably saw the room name asking for help and rebroadcasted it to the whole server to get more attention. Hope it got you the help you needed.
To add to what @DM 경호 stated:

The GM's (Server Admins/Moderators) have the ability to type custom banner messages at will, and you will see the name of the Staff member responsible for the custom banner immediately PREceeding the message.

This is usually used only for formal server announcements by Admins, but Mercy (AKA "MewPlushie" AKA @Harborer of Hope ) took the idea and started using it to rally help to those who were seen alone or asked for help. She calls it "Halping the nooblets" because its usually done for players starting out at Normal difficulty level.

In this case, she probably saw the room name asking for help and rebroadcasted it to the whole server to get more attention. Hope it got you the help you needed.
Sabri-chaaaaaaan~! <3! *GLOMPS and GROOMS~!*
To add to what @DM 경호 stated:

The GM's (Server Admins/Moderators) have the ability to type custom banner messages at will, and you will see the name of the Staff member responsible for the custom banner immediately PREceeding the message.

This is usually used only for formal server announcements by Admins, but Mercy (AKA "MewPlushie" AKA @Harborer of Hope ) took the idea and started using it to rally help to those who were seen alone or asked for help. She calls it "Halping the nooblets" because its usually done for players starting out at Normal difficulty level.

In this case, she probably saw the room name asking for help and rebroadcasted it to the whole server to get more attention. Hope it got you the help you needed.
Oddly, mew's diligence was even assumed to be "a Bot" (NO Insult to 'Casts' out there~!) when she had entered a room that was asking for help! They were Surprised to see it was an actual living, breathing Staffie behind the scrolling~! <3!
Are Shifta/Deband disks supposed to be rare? My girlfriend (FOnewearl) and I (RAcast) started playing on Ephinea about a month ago, so far we're both level 41 going through Hard difficulty and the highest Shifta disk either of us has seen is 4. She's never played PSO before and I only ever played a bit of the Dreamcast version offline, so we're not sure if that's normal or if we're just unlucky.
Are Shifta/Deband disks supposed to be rare? My girlfriend (FOnewearl) and I (RAcast) started playing on Ephinea about a month ago, so far we're both level 41 going through Hard difficulty and the highest Shifta disk either of us has seen is 4. She's never played PSO before and I only ever played a bit of the Dreamcast version offline, so we're not sure if that's normal or if we're just unlucky.
They aren’t super rare but they are more likely to drop with higher levels in Ult. I would suggest getting 1 (one) Photon Drop (PD) and trading for a set for you guys. You also might be able to just ask in the lobby and someone might just have lots they can give for free.