Quick question - Quick answer

I feel like this question is probably asked a lot so sorry in advance, I tried to do a search for keywords but couldn't find what I wanted. anyway,

As a slightly poor PSO player I've managed to accumulate close to 1000 free spending PDs and want to acquire my first nice, sphered weapon and have Heaven Striker in mind. Being the very unadventurous player I am (I still spend most of my time in Episode 1) I lack some experience, and am unsure which 2 attributes would be ideal, so I ask the community who may have some more insight on the matter. For some reason I had Native and Dark in mind because I think I saw another one with those attributes, but I have no other real reason for this. Also, I am torn between 30h or 35h. I probably can't afford to buy and sphere a 35h but it's something I could work on. I don't know, are there certain thresholds where you need a certain amount of hit and some number is ideal?

also, if the answer is "it depends on what you want to run" - a little bit of everything. primarily episode 2 on a RA (racast or ramar). Event quests, RBR, maybe targeted item hunts, so whatever quests are the most popular probably.

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I feel like this question is probably asked a lot so sorry in advance, I tried to do a search for keywords but couldn't find what I wanted. anyway,

As a slightly poor PSO player I've managed to accumulate close to 1000 free spending PDs and want to acquire my first nice, sphered weapon and have Heaven Striker in mind. Being the very unadventurous player I am (I still spend most of my time in Episode 1) I lack some experience, and am unsure which 2 attributes would be ideal, so I ask the community who may have some more insight on the matter. For some reason I had Native and Dark in mind because I think I saw another one with those attributes, but I have no other real reason for this. Also, I am torn between 30h or 35h. I probably can't afford to buy and sphere a 35h but it's something I could work on. I don't know, are there certain thresholds where you need a certain amount of hit and some number is ideal?

also, if the answer is "it depends on what you want to run" - a little bit of everything. primarily episode 2 on a RA (racast or ramar). Event quests, RBR, maybe targeted item hunts, so whatever quests are the most popular probably.

N/D would be great for Falz/Olga + Ep4. The wiki has monster types listed here if you're interested. If I was going to sphere a HS, I personally would do N/D because it would benefit me the most for the content I typically run :)

Edit: 30h is plenty but the more ATA, the merrier!
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I feel like this question is probably asked a lot so sorry in advance, I tried to do a search for keywords but couldn't find what I wanted. anyway,

As a slightly poor PSO player I've managed to accumulate close to 1000 free spending PDs and want to acquire my first nice, sphered weapon and have Heaven Striker in mind. Being the very unadventurous player I am (I still spend most of my time in Episode 1) I lack some experience, and am unsure which 2 attributes would be ideal, so I ask the community who may have some more insight on the matter. For some reason I had Native and Dark in mind because I think I saw another one with those attributes, but I have no other real reason for this. Also, I am torn between 30h or 35h. I probably can't afford to buy and sphere a 35h but it's something I could work on. I don't know, are there certain thresholds where you need a certain amount of hit and some number is ideal?

also, if the answer is "it depends on what you want to run" - a little bit of everything. primarily episode 2 on a RA (racast or ramar). Event quests, RBR, maybe targeted item hunts, so whatever quests are the most popular probably.

You can sphere 3 out of 4 of the attributes on most weapons. Personally I think it’s best to do that so you have a more well rounded weapon. As for which 3: everything but machine because it’s the least common attribute. Also hit like that only really matters with RAcast with HS to be honest… and EVEN WITH 35h we’re talking about the first S in a SSS combo going from 35 to 50% chance of hitting making it basically a coin flip in most situations meaning you’d probably be better off just doing NSS even with 35h.

Needless to say hit is kind of overrated. You could probably find a set with really good attributes for basically free and be hitting close to sphered numbers for basically free. The only reason people really even care about muh hit% and hs is because there are very little good weapons in this game to begin with as well as lame/hs basically outclassing all of them: there’s pretty much nothing else to hunt.

Honestly if I were you I’d just hold onto those PDs and keep saving so you can get something that is truly one of a kind one day. You can always get more PDs but you might only get one shot in your entire life at an item that will never be found/sold more than once. At the end of the day sphering really only truly matters if you play anguish mode and I guess RTA too (but for RTA you can literally just play in sandbox and hack in 100h everything anyway). The game is insanely easy and it’s often a competition to even land a hit anyway. A NSS combo is gonna 1tap most things completely 0’d.

If you really want to see if things are worth it then make a sandbox mode char and see how things feel. You can’t unsphere. Don’t waste your entire career of farming PDs on 1 single weapon when it might not even save you any time over a 1 PD one.
no but you can donate armors and units which generally translates into far more points than you would have had on sonic team