HD UI Project by Luthee (a.k.a Eleria)

Will this conflict with the PSO2 HUD? I use that and want to keep that but use the HD UI project for the damage numbers and anything the PSO2 HUD doesn't change. Will I even see any other benefits from this, outside Damage numbers, if I reinstall the PSO2 HUD after installing this? Will the PSO2 HUD overwrite everything but leave the HD UI Damage Numbers?

I'm taking a break and won't be able to test it out for myself for a few days.
Hi, if I recall correctly you only need "texturejapanese.xvm" from my HD UI if you want the damage numbers. It's been a while and I'm not 100 % sure but yeah you can try using only "texturejapanese.xvm" from the HD UI project.
Is there a way to go back to the old "start menu" text? Feels a bit weird to me compared to everything else looking the same as before. Other than that I'm loving this mod, exactly what I was looking for.
Is there a way to go back to the old "start menu" text? Feels a bit weird to me compared to everything else looking the same as before. Other than that I'm loving this mod, exactly what I was looking for.
To solve your issue you can opt to not use "texturejapanese.xvm" from my HD UI project, because the start menu text is included in it, but you'll also lose the HD damage text.
Hey there, love the mod but the only thing that somewhat bothers me is the contrast between the scanlines and background in the menu UI. I feel like it lowers readability a bit. Is there any way to reduce the intensity of the horizontal lines or slightly increase the background brightness to reduce the disparity between them?


Screenshot 2025-02-09 174016.png

Here's the original UI for comparison:

I have no plans of changing the contrast in any part of this project. It is likely the perceived contrast is difference caused by the higher resolution / detail, I really didn't change many colors, most of time I actually sampled the exact colors from the original art.
The only thing I intently changed in this example was using darker blacks for shadows.
Original art is color crushed because of file compression, and I assumed blacks should be actually black and not gray.
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This is not my project, so @MagicLuthee can do whatever they want or not do whatever they want.

BUT I think @silentace is correct and that the colors are actually very slightly incorrect in the HD UI.

If you compare the original and the HD version, it's clear SEGA was trying to go for some sort of shadow effect around the UI there.

The color underneath the text is brighter, which makes the text easier to read, and there is a shadow that starts on all four sides of the text menu. In the reimagining, the color is darker underneath the text and the shadow has been lost on the left and right sides. It still exists on the top and bottom, though.

I think it looks fine and it's not a problem. It's just "different" and one of the compromises you make while using the HD version as opposed to the original. I also don't believe compression has anything to do with the difference.

HD UI is still awesome, though.
Thank you Sodaboy for your detailed explanation.
Do take into account that original has color banding and my UI uses smooth gradients and shadows. If I recall correctly the left/right sides have shadow but it was difficult for me to make it "visible" because of the smoothness of the shadow I couldn't get right.
In the end I also did what I could with what little skills I have/had at the time, which meant I may have cut corners because I had spent way too much time on some parts too.
To be honest this has ballooned to a multiple thousands hours project over the years, partly because I'm slow but still...
I really wanted to create the best / a perfect UI... and I'm sorry it's not that. Maybe someone will take a stab at it from scratch in the future and will be more successful.
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