HD UI Project by Luthee (a.k.a Eleria)

Will this conflict with the PSO2 HUD? I use that and want to keep that but use the HD UI project for the damage numbers and anything the PSO2 HUD doesn't change. Will I even see any other benefits from this, outside Damage numbers, if I reinstall the PSO2 HUD after installing this? Will the PSO2 HUD overwrite everything but leave the HD UI Damage Numbers?

I'm taking a break and won't be able to test it out for myself for a few days.
Hi, if I recall correctly you only need "texturejapanese.xvm" from my HD UI if you want the damage numbers. It's been a while and I'm not 100 % sure but yeah you can try using only "texturejapanese.xvm" from the HD UI project.