HD UI Project by Luthee (a.k.a Eleria)

it was just the issue that I had it set to custom then. I guess I was confused when I read "Installation (v1.0.0 and v1.1.1): Extract right into your PSOBB game folder then set Ephinea's launcher from EN to "Custom" so that no files are overwriten by the launcher/patcher."

because that says switch en to custom. But I guess the newest version doesnt need that change. It's been working fine since I switched it back to english

Yeh, it used to be one file in data only, but ephinea added this custom folder recently-ish.
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First off, I commend you on all the work you've made so far in providing the PSO community an update to the aging UI of this game.

Now, when it comes to specifics, ie. the R, I'd recommend providing the image(s) and instructions for those who want those preferences implemented. As a fellow artist, I suggest that you stick to your goal. You're always going to get "requests", at some point. Not everyone will understand that it's not only extra work, but a time-consuming process to provide these "alternatives"/changes. If you want to cater them, that's your call. Then you might find yourself feeling like this project had gone from a "labor of love" to just plain labor.

As for rendering tips, I'd zoom into the original file and render your vector image at that size, in reference to your sample trap icon. Then you can enlarge the vector to whatever size you need. The thing to watch out for is the thickness of your lines and have it scale accordingly. If you need a better explanation, I can provide you with an example; send me a DM.

I hate that Illustrator went subscription and I'm not a fan of Inkscape, it feels clumsy. I've since switched to Affinity Designer and I believe you can still try it out before you buy; worth the purchase. It's what I've been using when working on my own custom skin/mods to the game. Cheers!

*Also, I came across this page: You can play PSOBB offline, to maybe help with testing things, without the need to jump online until your final edits.
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I've been using this mod since you initially released it and I truly appreciate it. I was wondering though, and please excuse me if this makes no sense as I'm ignorant on the subject, but is it possible to apply the same kind of mod to the Dotum font in-game to make all other text in-game sharper/clearer?

I would love to see the other in-game text be as sharp and clear as the main menu font is with this mod. I'm not sure if that's possible or if it would work, but I'd imagine that the work you've already done with the Dotum font in the main menu can perhaps be used to make the regular Dotum font in-game look better? No idea, but wanted to ask if something like that was possible. Thank you!
I was wondering though, and please excuse me if this makes no sense as I'm ignorant on the subject, but is it possible to apply the same kind of mod to the Dotum font in-game to make all other text in-game sharper/clearer?
Not the OP but nope. PSO renders the font as size 14 to bitmaps, then to a texture, and then stretches the characters to scale. It's not trivial to change it.

This is something I looked at last year but wasn't sure how it worked beyond a certain point. It is something I'll probably look at again eventually
Not the OP but nope. PSO renders the font as size 14 to bitmaps, then to a texture, and then stretches the characters to scale. It's not trivial to change it.

This is something I looked at last year but wasn't sure how it worked beyond a certain point. It is something I'll probably look at again eventually
I see, thanks for the insight on that Ender. I think this would probably be one of the biggest upgrades to the game on the same level as the widescreen work that was done, imo. Text just looks so bad by default.
This mod has nothing to do with that. The high res HUD option changes the amount of space your HUD takes up on the screen.
I sometimes wonder if the "high res HUD" option in Ephinea launcher couldn't be labelled with a more fitting name.
Something like HUD Scale. :)
I uploaded v1.1.3 which restores F1-F4 icons in Chat->Shortcut menu.
(Thank you Izzy for bringing the issue to my attention)

*edit : v1.1.4 is available and provides higher-resolution ingame patching UI. (there's still some color banding in the gradients though u_u)
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I added an optional HD Section ID icons/badges mod, which improves UI slightly when installed.
It also makes Section ID badges on character models really sharp.
Section ID icons are located in pltex files (plAtex -> plYtex) which also contain player character textures. Be warned.
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Hey! First, this is beautiful and thank you so much for doing this.

Second, I am having trouble making the HUD smaller. I wasn't sure if this is something I should ask here. I used the option in the launcher to make it smaller, but it is still the same size. I was trying to go for something like CARNAGE's picture. I'm not really good at tinkering with mods/addons, so I apologize if the answer is super obvious or if this is not the place I should be asking.
Hey! First, this is beautiful and thank you so much for doing this.

Second, I am having trouble making the HUD smaller. I wasn't sure if this is something I should ask here. I used the option in the launcher to make it smaller, but it is still the same size. I was trying to go for something like CARNAGE's picture. I'm not really good at tinkering with mods/addons, so I apologize if the answer is super obvious or if this is not the place I should be asking.
Enable high res hud in the launcher's options and increase the hud scale.
Hey! First, this is beautiful and thank you so much for doing this.

Second, I am having trouble making the HUD smaller. I wasn't sure if this is something I should ask here. I used the option in the launcher to make it smaller, but it is still the same size. I was trying to go for something like CARNAGE's picture. I'm not really good at tinkering with mods/addons, so I apologize if the answer is super obvious or if this is not the place I should be asking.
I just use hi res hud. I used to use this but I think we have something similar in the launcher now.
Hi res hud option in launcher seems to only scales up or down the existing UI which to me looks really bad and it shows tons of compresion-artifacts.
That launcher option is in a need of a name change ~
Will this conflict with the PSO2 HUD? I use that and want to keep that but use the HD UI project for the damage numbers and anything the PSO2 HUD doesn't change. Will I even see any other benefits from this, outside Damage numbers, if I reinstall the PSO2 HUD after installing this? Will the PSO2 HUD overwrite everything but leave the HD UI Damage Numbers?

I'm taking a break and won't be able to test it out for myself for a few days.