I realize I made it here a little late and your queue is probably backed up to 2022, but if you're not burnt out yet then here's my request,
@Hardwood .
Edit: The internet has been giving me trouble with any filehosting I attempt to use, so if the image is not showing up, look here or I can get it to you another way:
This is going to sound really arrogant but my favorite HUmar is my own, Genocidal.
He was originally a homeworld soldier on Coral who served among the royal guard, but when the capital building he was guarding was overrun by an extremist militia force, he was mortally wounded. During the engagement, he fell back to the underground gene splicing labs where his blood loss took him to the floor. Before he passed out, he drew some of his blood into a syringe and tossed it into a cosmic jettison capsule and launched it into space in the same direction that the Pioneer ships had set course. As he slowly blacked out and the militia broke through the laboratory doors, he made a wish that he would come back to fight another day.
Shortly after the landing on Ragol of Pioneer 1, the cosmic jettison capsule could be seen from Gal De Val as a flaming arch in the sky. It landed approximately six miles off the coast of the island and deputy commander, Heathcliffe Flowen ordered an immediate retrieval of the foreign object. Once they got it back to the lab and opened it, they realized they had an opportunity on their hands with this pristine sample of HUmar DNA. They would use this unclaimed, secret source of genetic material as a side experiment to be blended with the DNA of one of Ragol's strongest inhabitants, the Delbiter.
After some splicing and cloning, Genocidal sat inside a secret, sanctioned-off cryotube chamber in the laboratory, but before he could be released, the disasters we all know of began to strike. All scientists were wiped out and there was no one left to free him, except for one; an experimental mag designed for lab assistance, named Prote343-8241. Prote was programmed to deactivate all chamber locks in the case of an emergency where none of its masters survive.
Upon falling forth from the opened cryotube, soaked in a photon-enriched liquid, Genocidal had no idea who he was but could feel something orgaic, yet bionic gripping at his insides. At first, it was such excruciating pain that he could not move for days, writhing on the dark floors of a powerless laboratory, but eventually he began to feel this entity inside him slow to a calm, harmonizing symbiosis with his own tissue and organs. He and the Delbiter had become one.
As he escaped down the laboratory hallways, he came across an armory that had been unsealed along with the rest of the lab. Inside this trove, he discovered an assortment of high end gear, some of which had belonged to Flowen, himself - others were experimental devices designed by the laboratory staff. Among them, he discovered Flowen's sword with 50 hit, a 100 hit Geist raygun (which he later discovered he could use to counter the loss of TP from the sword's spirit), a powerful Virus armor, a maximum strength shield made from a De Rol Le worm experiment, and a peculiar mag that resembles the tail of a mythological creature from religious texts on a far away, long since destroyed planet called Earth, but this one was somehow purple instead of the black version he saw in the computer server blueprints.
Genocidal finally made it out of the laboratory and off the island thanks to a small group of explorers and rescue personnel from Pioneer 2. To this day, Genocidal enjoys free running around his new home of Ragol.
Random fact: Genocidal's hair is actually very short and his brain is very small...what you see is just a whole lot of thick skull mass which serves as a built-in helmet in battle.
AIDS SHOT (Demon's)
I would be infinitely honored to be accepted into your HUmar Fan Club!