My favorite recent HUmar was TX. When I first met TX during the anniversary event last Summer, I immediately saw that he was very stoic & very quiet. At lv200, He embodied the very essence of a HUmar with a beautiful & classic black-hair
Sephiroth-like look.
The dude was absolutely fearless. It didn't matter where he was or what he was fighting. His weapon of choice: 50 hit charge vulcans. Charge every mob in sight. Every time he came into the room it was always the same process. To him it was just another day in the office of Ragol.
He taught me one very important lesson: it doesn't matter how fast you do things the only thing that matters is you finished. 10 deaths in one run? Keep going boi. Doesn't matter if it's a 25-minute TTF run or a 11-minute TTF run to him there's no difference. A FUCKING champ is what he is.