I like to give a shout out to Skylar who is also known as
@falkenjeff on the Ephinea forums. He was a cool guy that used to play with me when the Ephinea server was open to the public starting around the Summer of 2015. A lot of time has passed since then, so I like to give a few posts to remember him in the old days of Ephinea besides
his signature post.
Remember that time when nobody understood that
EA meme after falkenjeff said that he did quite playing? falkenjeff has you covered! Who remembers the time when fakenjeff didn't want to switch off of Apple's iPhone because he thought that they were going to reinstate
the headphone jack but felt crushed after realizing Apple likes to
"engineer different"? Finally, I like to finish off the list with another thread by falkenjeff where he underestimates how hard it is to see the problem in regards to the
Meltdown and Spectre CPU exploits.