Christmas 2018 Event Thread

Hi guys, not to be the bearer of bad news but I've made some changes that frankly we should have made earlier:

Daylight Scar's hit has been reduced to 30.
Asteron Belt, Rambling May, Holy Ray and Guardianna now drop with variable hit instead of 50.

Rates have been changed for the variable hit weapons to be more common, Daylight Scar stays the same. Rates have been slightly adjusted for other things to try and make the Very Rare category rarer as well, so there are hopefully not too many 75H items.

The 50H items were not really something we should have added in the first place. If you did get one, it won't be removed from you, but in the interest of balance it's necessary to make these kind of nerfs.

Please direct all hate towards me as the staff are not responsible in any part for these nerfs, thanks.
I remember someone posted an image of some apes at a round table last year during the Christmas thread. Turns out it really was a group photo of the event QA team loool
I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I do feel the change is a bit unfair, at least as far as changing the guaranteed 50h or others to variable. (I can understand making the Very Rare category slightly more rare, sure.)

The thing is, some people got to find high hit items for almost half of the event but now everyone else will find the same items but with a higher chance for those items to be not nearly as good.

I feel, with this much time that has passed, the change probably shouldn’t have been made at all.
Then change it back, you're the server owner.
Well, WE WILL SEE. Maybe when I get home either after having a talk with some of the staff... or maybe they will change it back themselves.

Not to turn the topic into a conspiracy theory, but doing stuff like this halfway after an event has started and people have found things (whether random people, friends or whatever), really looks bad. I don’t think this is the first time this has happened either as previous events were modified after people found things and then the item list was claimed to be too strong.

Better discussion and thought should be done prior to the event starting. If a list is feared to be OP, then start the list as weak and buff accordingly, but not nerf so hard in the middle. It really alienates players, especially those who may not be able to play as much or find as many presents or items as someone who goes beast mode on PSO non stop.
This also highly punishes people who were saving presents to open a lot of them at once. Not exactly fair because they had no idea this change would happen. There was no forewarning.
Damn I didn't even think about this, that sucks dude.

And all the community gets is a pitiful "oh well"

First time I've seen that, was that on Eph1 or another discord? Grimey, pero que se puede hacer? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This also highly punishes people who were saving presents to open a lot of them at once. Not exactly fair because they had no idea this change would happen. There was no forewarning.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. A nerf this hard should have probably came with an announced time it would occur.

If someone doesn’t visit the forums, there is also not a news post, so they could be in game opening their presents now and getting the finger.
Damn I didn't even think about this, that sucks dude.

First time I've seen that, was that on Eph1 or another discord? Grimey, pero que se puede hacer? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ephinea discord in the PSO chat. just under 3 hours ago.
My two cents:

If they think this change is required for balance or to not pass a certain 'vanilla' threshhold, I think that overrules the not-fair argument.
I think a better balance, in my opinion, would have just been to change the rarity on the items but not actually change some of the static hit values to variable.

This makes some of the items gained as "worthless" in some players eyes.

Extreme example here:

A: Oh yeah! I just got a 15 hit Rambling May!
B: Not a 50 hit? Might as well be a shit tier weapon. Sell it for 1 PD.
If they think this change is required for balance or to not pass a certain 'vanilla' threshhold, I think that overrules the not-fair argument.
Personally speaking, the only one I'd say is contentious is the Rambling May.

Holy Ray directly competes with Arrest Raygun/Laser and isn't even equippable by three Rangers and two Hunters,
Asteron Belt has a disgusting special and is primarily only used as an accurate beatstick by some Hunters and FOmars,
Guardianna has powerful burst but isn't very commonly used due to other weapons being more straightforward and being a TP hog,
Daylight Scar is a more dangerous (but more powerful) alternative to sacrificial Mechguns and getting to your special sooner only means you get to be on death's door sooner. Getting a 30 hit Daylight Scar compared to getting basically anything else in that tier may as well be a slap in the face.

Rambling May is a powerful weapon that never originally had hit, but was added to the drop tables to be huntable and is ultimately still gimmicky since it uses the Shot animation so only really FOmarl uses it. While sphered RM is exceptionally powerful, it's still being used primarily by characters with ~870 max ATP.

I may not have as much of a horse in the race as I'd like to believe I do, and my word is ultimately irrelevant compared to those higher on the ladder than I am, but getting told two weeks in that "50 hit holy ray was a bad idea actually" is a bit frustrating.