Wep switch can be really incredible fast, but the sounds my keyboard made xD sometimes I thought anyone who could see me playing bb (with kb) must think I'm crazy, playing piano is kindergarden compared xD
I have up/down keys bound to up/down right thumbstick for the fast scrolling. @Yuffie
Here's my FO's Antimicro/Palette Manager setup:
LT: Zulure/Jellen auto
RT: Rabarta/Gifoie auto + AD
Back: Shifta/Deband auto
'Xbox Menu': Resta/Anti auto + AD
LS Click: Reverser/Ryuker
Up: Grants auto
Down: Megid auto
Left: /bank
Right: Trimate auto + AD
Up: Up
Down: Down
Left: Sol Atomizer
Right: Trifluid
X: Rafoie auto + left (or sometimes Gifoie + toggle on for spamming hands-free)
A: Razonde
B: Gizonde
(second 'ctrl' palette is blank for PBs)
(AD is for fast unfreeze and auto is rapid fire)