Hi all! I am perhaps an unusual case... I am in my late 50's and never played PSO (of any variety) until just recently, my motivation being that my two adult children (mid 30s) LOVE this game and I wanted us all to be able to play something together. I honestly wasn't sure if I would warm to it... I had watched them play numerous times over the years but thought it seemed too grindy (sorry!!). My MMO experience is mostly WoW (2008-2018, rarely since) and GWII (off and on since 2010-ish, not much lately). I am however a lifelong gamer, which is where my kids got it!! I play a lot on consoles, with some favs being Skyrim AE, Stardew, Dark Souls, and Fez, Zelda, Pokemon SV and too many in my backlog to list. ANYWAY, I installed it last week, started playing with my daughter and I LOVE IT!! When the stars align I play with one or both of my kids, but unfortunately work schedules don't always sync so I often find myself wandering around aimlessly solo. I thought I might drop in and say hello, maybe find a friend or two to play/chat with but mainly just to say hi since it seems like such a friendly community
My kids and I made a team so I can't join one, but I would love to party up sometime with any patient soul(s) who wants to take pity on an old gal and potentially answer a LOT of questions! I am motivated to learn and so have been watching several YT channels and reading the wiki to learn the ins and outs. My play times are typically weeknights 6pm-9pm EST and weekend afternoon/evenings. I am tech savvy but rarely use forums so please forgive any gaffs or faux pas along these lines. I am on Discord if anyone wants to connect there LMK. I am working on a RAcaseal (Purplenum) and of this writing I am lvl 45. When alone I just do quests on normal and when my kids are around I have tagged along on harder difficulties (ouch!) spending a LOT of time in the doorways.... Thanks for reading and maybe I'll see you in Ragol