Totally new to PSO!!


Hi all! I am perhaps an unusual case... I am in my late 50's and never played PSO (of any variety) until just recently, my motivation being that my two adult children (mid 30s) LOVE this game and I wanted us all to be able to play something together. I honestly wasn't sure if I would warm to it... I had watched them play numerous times over the years but thought it seemed too grindy (sorry!!). My MMO experience is mostly WoW (2008-2018, rarely since) and GWII (off and on since 2010-ish, not much lately). I am however a lifelong gamer, which is where my kids got it!! I play a lot on consoles, with some favs being Skyrim AE, Stardew, Dark Souls, and Fez, Zelda, Pokemon SV and too many in my backlog to list. ANYWAY, I installed it last week, started playing with my daughter and I LOVE IT!! When the stars align I play with one or both of my kids, but unfortunately work schedules don't always sync so I often find myself wandering around aimlessly solo. I thought I might drop in and say hello, maybe find a friend or two to play/chat with but mainly just to say hi since it seems like such a friendly community :) My kids and I made a team so I can't join one, but I would love to party up sometime with any patient soul(s) who wants to take pity on an old gal and potentially answer a LOT of questions! I am motivated to learn and so have been watching several YT channels and reading the wiki to learn the ins and outs. My play times are typically weeknights 6pm-9pm EST and weekend afternoon/evenings. I am tech savvy but rarely use forums so please forgive any gaffs or faux pas along these lines. I am on Discord if anyone wants to connect there LMK. I am working on a RAcaseal (Purplenum) and of this writing I am lvl 45. When alone I just do quests on normal and when my kids are around I have tagged along on harder difficulties (ouch!) spending a LOT of time in the doorways.... Thanks for reading and maybe I'll see you in Ragol :)
Hi all! I am perhaps an unusual case... I am in my late 50's and never played PSO (of any variety) until just recently, my motivation being that my two adult children (mid 30s) LOVE this game and I wanted us all to be able to play something together. I honestly wasn't sure if I would warm to it... I had watched them play numerous times over the years but thought it seemed too grindy (sorry!!). My MMO experience is mostly WoW (2008-2018, rarely since) and GWII (off and on since 2010-ish, not much lately). I am however a lifelong gamer, which is where my kids got it!! I play a lot on consoles, with some favs being Skyrim AE, Stardew, Dark Souls, and Fez, Zelda, Pokemon SV and too many in my backlog to list. ANYWAY, I installed it last week, started playing with my daughter and I LOVE IT!! When the stars align I play with one or both of my kids, but unfortunately work schedules don't always sync so I often find myself wandering around aimlessly solo. I thought I might drop in and say hello, maybe find a friend or two to play/chat with but mainly just to say hi since it seems like such a friendly community :) My kids and I made a team so I can't join one, but I would love to party up sometime with any patient soul(s) who wants to take pity on an old gal and potentially answer a LOT of questions! I am motivated to learn and so have been watching several YT channels and reading the wiki to learn the ins and outs. My play times are typically weeknights 6pm-9pm EST and weekend afternoon/evenings. I am tech savvy but rarely use forums so please forgive any gaffs or faux pas along these lines. I am on Discord if anyone wants to connect there LMK. I am working on a RAcaseal (Purplenum) and of this writing I am lvl 45. When alone I just do quests on normal and when my kids are around I have tagged along on harder difficulties (ouch!) spending a LOT of time in the doorways.... Thanks for reading and maybe I'll see you in Ragol :)
EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!! *POUNCES and examines the Denjies-san wiff a warm and playful giggle~!* You're never 'too old' to start a new passion, luv! Mew was exactly 30 years old when she started PSO the first week of FEB 2001, So we're kindred spirits there~! Had Started playing PSO wiff teenagers on SEGA Dreamcast she's playing PSO wiff THEIR Kids here on Ephinea~! You already has the mindset of a survivor here by keeping up wiff the wiki and Youtubing, so mew isn't gonna harp on any essentials of 'Whats' and 'Hows' to play....Sadly,'s all about The Grind and she is not about to rob you of finding your own Fighting style through crucible of combat~! >=3!
And Yes, the Community here is pretty much Unlike Anywhere Else on the world stage when it comes to MMOs! We are Friendly, Supportive, and often Halpful to a fault. Can totally see how you'd feel far moar comfy playing amongst your own litter..buuuut as for you "wandering aimlessly Soloing".... *Reaches up wiff her tiny paws grasping your arm to turn you around to see a SEA of Smiling, Scarred, and War painted faces eager to join you on your Endeavors as a new tribe member~! "Pity" be Damned~! You're FAMILY Now~!! Mew is also EST, but she logs on at Midnight everyday if possible! (Will still try to find an excuse to come pounce you during Your hours just to meet you~!)
Well, guess we've covered all the mushy crap, so...looking forward to Pouncing and Playing wiff you too, dear! Welcome HOME~!! =3!
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EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!! *POUNCES and examines the Denjies-san wiff a warm and playful giggle~!* You're never 'too old' to start a new passion, luv! Mew was exactly 30 years old when she started PSO the first week of FEB 2001, So we're kindred spirits there~! Had Started playing PSO wiff teenagers on SEGA Dreamcast she's playing PSO wiff THEIR Kids here on Ephinea~! You already has the mindset of a survivor here by keeping up wiff the wiki and Youtubing, so mew isn't gonna harp on any essentials of 'Whats' and 'Hows' to play....Sadly,'s all about The Grind and she is not about to rob you of finding your own Fighting style through crucible of combat~! >=3!
And Yes, the Community here is pretty much Unlike Anywhere Else on the world stage when it comes to MMOs! We are Friendly, Supportive, and often Halpful to a fault. Can totally see how you'd feel far moar comfy playing amongst your own litter..buuuut as for you "wandering aimlessly Soloing".... *Reaches up wiff her tiny paws grasping your arm to turn you around to see a SEA of Smiling, Scarred, and War painted faces eager to join you on your Endeavors as a new tribe member~! "Pity" be Damned~! You're FAMILY Now~!! Mew is also EST, but she logs on at Midnight everyday if possible! (Will still try to find an excuse to come pounce you during Your hours just to meet you~!)
Well, guess we've covered all the mushy crap, so...looking forward to Pouncing and Playing wiff you too, dear! Welcome HOME~!! =3!
Thanks for the warm welcome ❤️ I'm really excited to be here
Hi all! I am perhaps an unusual case... I am in my late 50's and never played PSO (of any variety) until just recently, my motivation being that my two adult children (mid 30s) LOVE this game and I wanted us all to be able to play something together. I honestly wasn't sure if I would warm to it... I had watched them play numerous times over the years but thought it seemed too grindy (sorry!!). My MMO experience is mostly WoW (2008-2018, rarely since) and GWII (off and on since 2010-ish, not much lately). I am however a lifelong gamer, which is where my kids got it!! I play a lot on consoles, with some favs being Skyrim AE, Stardew, Dark Souls, and Fez, Zelda, Pokemon SV and too many in my backlog to list. ANYWAY, I installed it last week, started playing with my daughter and I LOVE IT!! When the stars align I play with one or both of my kids, but unfortunately work schedules don't always sync so I often find myself wandering around aimlessly solo. I thought I might drop in and say hello, maybe find a friend or two to play/chat with but mainly just to say hi since it seems like such a friendly community :) My kids and I made a team so I can't join one, but I would love to party up sometime with any patient soul(s) who wants to take pity on an old gal and potentially answer a LOT of questions! I am motivated to learn and so have been watching several YT channels and reading the wiki to learn the ins and outs. My play times are typically weeknights 6pm-9pm EST and weekend afternoon/evenings. I am tech savvy but rarely use forums so please forgive any gaffs or faux pas along these lines. I am on Discord if anyone wants to connect there LMK. I am working on a RAcaseal (Purplenum) and of this writing I am lvl 45. When alone I just do quests on normal and when my kids are around I have tagged along on harder difficulties (ouch!) spending a LOT of time in the doorways.... Thanks for reading and maybe I'll see you in Ragol :)
Love it!!! Unless you do not mind playing solo, always remember that you are NEVER alone on here!!! An abundance of genuine people call Ephinea home. There are ALWAYS amazing individuals who are willing to help in any way possible. Good luck on all the WILD adventures PSO will bestow upon you!!! They'll be memories that will last you a lifetime :). I hope to see you around!!!

P.S. Good choice on your first ID with Purplenum, along with class! Ranger and casts are much fun to play :)