Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

Ok I'll try it

If you need some meseta for it (you spend it fast) I can lend some and ofc a few dolls. Let me know when your free bud.
Added some wants and notes. The main shop for items will be reopening with a ton of stuff on the 7th when Event+HBR ends.
Item shop is back open for trade.
I'll take the v501 and 45 hit charge Arms, black hound. and 50 hit charge beam. And the better dfp standstill shield plz, oh I forget, 35hit agni too please
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Hey Spuz. I will take the v501 that was res and the higher DFP tripolic shield. I will be on in around two hours if you want to hit me up. Otherwise I will pm you. Thanks
Ok, i will be Unsealing so I'll catch you then.
Bank 2:
S-Reds Blades 3 Pds

Bank 7:
Kasami Bracer [DEF: 48/EVP: 8] 5pd
Three seals 3 Pds

I think this is all I need at the moment :) You know I'm on often, so no rush.
Unsealing of my Limiter (1/4 complete) 6 Pd
Yellow Ring
Hunter Field

Are what I'm interested in.
Heart of Morolian [8pd]
Rambling May [0/20/0/55|0] [2pd]
Tyrell's Parasol [10/0/0/0|0] [3pd]
Tech Rafoie Lv: 29 [2pd]
Tech Barta Lv: 29
Tech Resta Lv: 30

Let's discuss these Spuz.
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I've just taken the God/Power, Heavenly/Battle and Heavenly/Arms off you - For your records :)
I want to buy that 30 Hit Red Sword for 6 PDS and 6 HP mats if that is okay.

Also would like a King Striker so I can make that Merc Rod.
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Let me know when free. :)

I would like to put in an order for a SPIRIT Launcher. No rush.
Ok, still on?
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