Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

Great your shop is back!
So im ordering the next goodies
Grants and megid lvl 28 (bank9)
Lame d'argent [0/35/0/0|0] (bank5)
Frozen Shooter [25/0/25/0|0](bank6)
Samurai armor (bank7)
Amplifier of blue (bank4)
Parts of baranz (bank4)
H/battle (bank8)
H/power (bank8)
And a C/ability if you have one hidden :v
Let me now when you are able to do the trade.

Replied to you on discord bro ;)
Added to shop:

SEASONS Shot [No Spec] - 2 PD's
ZALURE J-cutter [No Spec] - 5 PD's
HELL J-cutter [HELL] - 60 PD's
ARREST Slicer [ARREST] - 60 PD's
I will specify which items are free later by going over the whole shop to make it easier for people wanting to start off. I have a lot of free stuff but it's unspecified what atm.
Edit: Shop and Services are different threads.
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Still offering these services in HC, just not my priority fyi.