Returning Old Guards....the Dreamcasters and Cubers! <3 How? Why? ....

Where did you start PSO?

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Harborer of Hope

That Others May Live!
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Oth-kun had suggested mew mew make this a poll...Alas, she's not too adept at such constructions as Polls (Where did you start? DC? GC? PC? XBOX? Halp? Anyone? =3

Its becoming MORE and More Prevalent that old school Dreamcast, Gamecubers, and even XBOXers are returning Home. But, here's what makes it so interesting... an average of maybe 8 out of 10 or so new players mew had pounced turned out to be old Vets...when asked "How did you find us?" Almost ALL of them said "I Googled PSO", "I heard the call", or mews favorite "Nostalgia!". Here's what got mew Geeking out... A game gets released over 15 (now 19) years ago on a console with pixelated graphics and painfully slow reaction to commands, yet Now in the era of bouncing boobs, jiggling body parts, and the sun glistening off of gun barrels... these same people suddenly get this "urge" or "need" to "GOOGLE PSO"???? SRSLY??? WoW, Destiny, Final Fantasies, Overwatch, These games Blow PSO out of the water on SO Many levels...Lo' and behold they are arriving daily HERE. We are on Forbes, Facebook, PC GAMER, ...4chan, ....All these mass media venues... Yet these warriors simply "Had the 'URGE to GOOGLE' PSO". WHY? WHAT Enchanting aspect of a game long thought Dead makes you return? You could be out there watching your half naked jiggling avatar slaying zombies or other sweat dripping induced activities....yet you Crave slapping Rappies around, dodging megids, and standing motionless for hours stuffing pixelated green items into the mouth of a object called a MAG with more fervor than someone constructing an Empire! WHY?? This should be interesting and sentimental to read! <3 Good luck!
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When we used to play on GC, I always thought that PSO was very deep. There is so much to understand in addition to searching for the best and being the best at your role. I feel like modern games like to hold your hand and the "rares" of those games (not saying all of modern games) are not nearly as rare as you might find in PSO. PSO doesn't baby you. You set out to complete a quest or find that dream weapon. You get slapped up, learn from that experience, research a solution either seeking it out or asking a fellow player and hope to come back and show them what you're made of. Isn't that one of the best feelings in general. Overcoming and being able to handle challenges? And then, why not repeat them until you're a beast at them and you feel more and more successful each time. And then on a quest you hear the sound of a dropping rare item. Could it be?!? YES its the one you've been working so hard for. Now you have accomplished that goal why not make another one or better yet, help someone accomplish theirs and watch as they feel the same greatness you did going through the same tribulations. To me, when you have made several characters, helped dozens of people and had the feeling you get discovering some of the greatest loot you're a true Vet of this adventure that is PSO and I know for sure these Old Guard can relate to all of this and possibly some I can't relate to.

Its always good to feel nostalgic as well =P
Sadly playing on consoles in my crappy country is quite difficult now imagine play it online! So Yeah I only played PSOBB but I'm the kind of guy that does not care about graphics and PSO is one of those games that for me is freaking beautiful really! What is wrong with the graphics? what's wrong with me? :)

What I like in this games is that it's very simple if you want it to be or very deep with you want to go this way too! I love the combat system and of course it's no dark souls (favorite game) but still it requires a little skill cause shit happens in real time and you can avoid attacks and stuff not just click in the enemy with the mouse stay there completely still pressing 1234567890 like crazy so yeah for me it's one of the best online RPG games till now!
Gamecuber here! I must say I've probably sunk in more hours on the GC version than anyone should ever admit, I used to play it splitscreen for countless hours at a time with my brother and local friends, joined the Ragol forums in the days of old, before people started losing their minds and was introduced to a group , where I met one of my best friends who happened to live on the other end of the country.

There was always something just addicting about PSO, an allure that no matter what else I play and for how long, I get drawn back in, I come on-and-off many games and always return to PSO when I do, next to Pokemon, this has to be my favourite ever. Back on GC, I overplayed the game so much as my RAcast that I could remember all the random layouts of every map, I knew what the layout would be just from my first battle and prepared for the whole game from there, and could complete the entire ordeal without ever taking a hit, nowdays, I've had one of my "off" periods for so long, I can't exactly do that anymore, but I feel my gear had something to do with it.

I found the gimmicks of some of the weapons better than the raw power of their superiors, my favourite combination of all time has to be the Frozen Shooter to Yasminkov 9km, a machine gun with rifle range? yes please! and the sounds it makes, I loved it! After my memory card was completely wiped from an FSOD mid-joining a game (the FSOD hit during the join save) I lost all my data for not just PSO, but every 90~100% completion data I had. Since joining BB, first on SCHT, I made it my mission to bring back my favourite combo, and to do it with a Pushan at my side, just like the original Red King. I still need to make that Pushan again, but this time, without all the wasted levels in Mind that I had the first time around.

I joined in GC, found my favourites, got wiped, joined blue burst and have never remade my combination since, I always come back to PSO no matter what else I play because something about it always draws me back in.

Final notes:
I want to one day create a worthy spiritual successor to PSO, I know it will never be allowed to BE PSO, but I want to create a game that fully captures the spirit of this game, with some of the improvements today's tech and knowledge can offer.
Go bless you and may you create a game that capture this old game magic!

I always thought that if you could add something like a defense and roll button that really matters in the middle of the battle and make enemies hit harder it would be cool so that way the game would not just be about levels and cool things but also about skill but that's just the dark souls player in me talking :)

Also avoid the ultra fast gameplay with combos that it's not really you doing but you press a button and the character does things for you. Don't know why but I love the battle slowness of PSO!
Gamecuber here! I must say I've probably sunk in more hours on the GC version than anyone should ever admit, I used to play it splitscreen for countless hours at a time with my brother and local friends, joined the Ragol forums in the days of old, before people started losing their minds and was introduced to a group , where I met one of my best friends who happened to live on the other end of the country.

There was always something just addicting about PSO, an allure that no matter what else I play and for how long, I get drawn back in, I come on-and-off many games and always return to PSO when I do, next to Pokemon, this has to be my favourite ever. Back on GC, I overplayed the game so much as my RAcast that I could remember all the random layouts of every map, I knew what the layout would be just from my first battle and prepared for the whole game from there, and could complete the entire ordeal without ever taking a hit, nowdays, I've had one of my "off" periods for so long, I can't exactly do that anymore, but I feel my gear had something to do with it.

I found the gimmicks of some of the weapons better than the raw power of their superiors, my favourite combination of all time has to be the Frozen Shooter to Yasminkov 9km, a machine gun with rifle range? yes please! and the sounds it makes, I loved it! After my memory card was completely wiped from an FSOD mid-joining a game (the FSOD hit during the join save) I lost all my data for not just PSO, but every 90~100% completion data I had. Since joining BB, first on SCHT, I made it my mission to bring back my favourite combo, and to do it with a Pushan at my side, just like the original Red King. I still need to make that Pushan again, but this time, without all the wasted levels in Mind that I had the first time around.

I joined in GC, found my favourites, got wiped, joined blue burst and have never remade my combination since, I always come back to PSO no matter what else I play because something about it always draws me back in.

Final notes:
I want to one day create a worthy spiritual successor to PSO, I know it will never be allowed to BE PSO, but I want to create a game that fully captures the spirit of this game, with some of the improvements today's tech and knowledge can offer.
Tora-chaaaaaan! <3
Dreamcast PSO v1 on US release day.
Imported the Japanese PSO v2 because I didn't want to wait until the US version came out.
Gamecube PSO on US release day (I never got Plus)
Xbox PSO on US release day.

Then I took an almost 5 year break from gaming during my UM days. Came back because my Xbox PSO buddy texted me about the PC version (Blue Burst) private server in 2009 that had a working Battle Mode and that's when I started playing it again.

Honestly, after 15+ Years of playing all the modes in PSO, Normal Mode and Challenge Mode PSO are pretty stale. For me, playing against the simple AI or against the randomness of weapon drops in Challenge mode gets boring quickly and it doesn't compare against playing another human being. I can still play all day against a competent player in Battle Mode, but I can only play Cmode and Normal mode for about an hour before I start getting bored.

I'll always love this game though.
I got PSO on release day, or should I say my brother did, I was a school kid ;D
I remember him showing me the game and I was like OMG!, never seen anything like it, the online aspect and playing with real people blew my mind, quickly got addicted.
Other games are more advanced however, something PSO never lost was the whol playing in a party aspect.
When you look at WoW (Which I play on Outland EU the highest pop realm in EU) I very, very rarely play with anyone, its become a solo game, theres no need to party, because its so easy.
I missed the social aspect, of PSO, the games great but I love playing with other players, plus Sega just kicks ass. :D
Honestly, after 15+ Years of playing all the modes in PSO, Normal Mode and Challenge Mode PSO are pretty stale. For me, playing against the simple AI or against the randomness of weapon drops in Challenge mode gets boring quickly and it doesn't compare against playing another human being. I can still play all day against a competent player in Battle Mode, but I can only play Cmode and Normal mode for about an hour before I start getting bored.

I'll always love this game though.
One challenge I used to love back in GC days which might spice up normal play is to gather with some friends and try to complete EP2 in Battle mode but cooperatively, It adds the friendly fire dimension which ofrces you to think about what you do and how you battle, for instance, shotguns must be at the front lines, forces can't AoE or debuff without screwing the team and you must always alert other players if you're laying down a trap, it makes the game SOOO much more difficult.
Back on Dreamcast mew and friends started the trend of ONLY USING WHAT YOU PICK UP....We'd start off naked and pick things up as we went and traded as we found crap the others needed. Little did we realize it would actually become....a Thing. lol
I've done Battle Mode co-op before, in the GCPSO+ days where I had an idea and convinced my friends to try it with fresh characters in order to "not lose anything if we die".

It didn't go over so well after our FOnewearl blasted the poor Lv.1 FOmar with a Foie in the first encounter, completely by accident. Then the RAcast shot the FOnewearl, and then me...
I've done Battle Mode co-op before, in the GCPSO+ days where I had an idea and convinced my friends to try it with fresh characters in order to "not lose anything if we die".

It didn't go over so well after our FOnewearl blasted the poor Lv.1 FOmar with a Foie in the first encounter, completely by accident. Then the RAcast shot the FOnewearl, and then me...
Anyone remember when even HUneys had Grants? Would do battle mode with loved ones and would keep ppl from running away by Granting them over and over....wouldnt kill them... but would stun them long enuff to be pounced on by uber weapon wielding comrades. *sighs* good times....
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One challenge I used to love back in GC days which might spice up normal play is to gather with some friends and try to complete EP2 in Battle mode but cooperatively, It adds the friendly fire dimension which ofrces you to think about what you do and how you battle, for instance, shotguns must be at the front lines, forces can't AoE or debuff without screwing the team and you must always alert other players if you're laying down a trap, it makes the game SOOO much more difficult.

If ONLY we could co op BA+CM at the same time. I would totes be up for trying that out.
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Changed my to Ephinea since I consider here my real first time :)
S'ok Luv! Ephinea is as good a place if not better than Any to Start! =3 Mew Was considering putting Others like ULTIMA or Eden, etc... but that would only distract from the thread =P
If ONLY we could co op BA+CM at the same time. I would totes be up for trying that out.
Maybe we could inspire certain people to make a mixed Battle Challenge mode and see how it pans out, would really make CM super difficult to do, and those S-Ranks would be so much more well-earned by people who subscribe to the idea :P