Returning Old Guards....the Dreamcasters and Cubers! <3 How? Why? ....

Where did you start PSO?

  • Total voters
Started on v1 on the Dreamcast and lvled a Fonewearl to lvl 100, then v2 came out and we heard you could carry over the characters but our serial numbers were fake (we were using burn discs with the boot cd) so we had to start again.
PSO is a true masterpiece that's why I keep playing.
I played on Schthack and Ultima (I think it was called) but I was never satisfied with the xp and drop boosts on those servers (made it feel effortless) so I quit.
Been playing on Ephinea for a few weeks and really like the experience so I'll stick around. I also like playing v2 on the Dreamcast emulator.

BTW isn't the community account the same as the one you use to log in on the game? I had to create a new account to post (first post)
Not entirely sure how to answer the "community account" question, but one of our Forums Gods will prolly chime in. You will find MOST of us here are not only Dreamcast Survivors, but we are also Schthack refugees and Ultima defectors looking to play PSO the 'way it was meant to be played' ='). Mew's glad you're experiences here are encouraging and that you want to stay. Hope to pounce you soon Aaaaaand Welcome Home! =3
Pso Version 1 on Dreamcast is the game that made me truly respect video games. I mean, I had played video games casual like before PSO. But when it came out, I remember not getting too much sleep. xD I remember learning something new about how deep the mechanics go each day. And I'm even still learning how deep certain things go. Not gonna lie, just only recently found out that Luck does not effect drops. Back on console, I just assumed it made me more "lucky". Nope. But honestly, this game is a true gem. I don't believe in giving games 10/10, so this one is definitely a 9. This thing was my teenage life.
Pso Version 1 on Dreamcast is the game that made me truly respect video games. I mean, I had played video games casual like before PSO. But when it came out, I remember not getting too much sleep. xD I remember learning something new about how deep the mechanics go each day. And I'm even still learning how deep certain things go. Not gonna lie, just only recently found out that Luck does not effect drops. Back on console, I just assumed it made me more "lucky". Nope. But honestly, this game is a true gem. I don't believe in giving games 10/10, so this one is definitely a 9. This thing was my teenage life.
Mew can almost 'Hear' the bereft *Sigh* of anyone new to the game that she explains that 'Luck' doesn't affect the purrsons ability to Find Red's like 'critical hits???? BAH! SHOW ME Da SHINIIIIES!!' X'D! When their names are Yellow it really helps the dour convo go from ORLY??? =D!
I used to play this offline with my friends on the GC till I fell asleep.
We would drop ice down each others backs to wake back up.
I came back to it because I wanted to make a mag I messed up on when I was a kid.
I spent so much time trying to make a Nidra and somehow made a Rati.

I got on this server and made 100k and then spent 8 hours that day and 7 the next and made a sato.

I have no idea what to do now. I got nervous and ate half a pound of unbleached white flour.

Please send help.
Haha. It can be pretty tough to create a mag the right way at first. Once you get the hang of it, it's really not too bad. PSO-World has some great mag-evolving guides; here's a couple of Nidra ones:

The key caveats are the balancing of the stats specifically for Nidra and making sure that they get the final feeding before becoming rare by the correct section ID. The section ID can screw up everything if you don't pay attention to what ID you need to make it a Nidra. Looks like this is what the guides recommend:

Level 99 Mag - Feed to 100 with a Male Force (this is crucial) of specific ID. This depends on your choice of stats.

DEF 5, POW 49, DEX 45, MIND 0 - Viridia, Bluefull, Redria, Whitill.
DEF 5, POW 45, DEX 49, MIND 0 - Skyly, Pinkal, Yellowboze.
I used to play this offline with my friends on the GC till I fell asleep.
We would drop ice down each others backs to wake back up.
I came back to it because I wanted to make a mag I messed up on when I was a kid.
I spent so much time trying to make a Nidra and somehow made a Rati.

I got on this server and made 100k and then spent 8 hours that day and 7 the next and made a sato.

I have no idea what to do now. I got nervous and ate half a pound of unbleached white flour.

Please send help.
*Sends help in the form of additional ingredients to let you make......COOKIES while you play!* <3
I played a lot of PSO Ep1&2 Plus on my old Gamecube but only in offline mode, sometimes co-op with my best friend. After seing the Forbes article and a few videos from Ephinea, I decided it was time to quit playing boring games and come here instead. MAN I wasn't dissapointed! So, why come back to PSO when there are so many games out there? Easy answers for me: TRUE MMO GAMEPLAY+GREAT COMMUNITY.

I played a LOT of online games during the last 5 years or so... None of them were as fun imo. I'll take WoW as an exemple since it's a well known and still very popular game. I go pretty deep with all this so feel free to skip... or maybe grab a cold beer and enjoy my little "rant". :)

In WoW you have WAY more stuff to do, it's a fact, but the content can get boring for many reasons. In many games like WoW and other MMOs there's often a tradeskill system where we craft gear and other things like mounts and toys. Unless you want to be broke all the time, you'll want to make some money (gold) to at least buy some collectible goodies like mounts/toys right? So here's the problem, and believe me, I know what I'm talking about since I've been the biggest crafter/seller on my server for a quite a while.

1st prob: Too much solo farming. Yeah, if you want to get "rich" you'll be farming for crafting materials a LOT, even with the most optimized character/class. We're talking about easily spending 10+ hours each week (honestly more around 20 hours or even more) farming stuff and not even in combats in some cases (minerals/plants). Hope you like flying over the world while looking at your mini map to spot some mineral veins or plants on the ground, I garantee you'll be doing that a lot. And people rarely form groups for these things... LONELINESSSSSSSSSSS... ':(

2nd prob: That damn auction house: You've gathered/crafted a lot of things to sell, now you need to sell them. When you have an auction house system like the one in WoW, things get annoying VERY quickly. Why? Two words: Addons and very obsessive competitors. If you want to be able to sell properly, you'll need some addons since the standard game's auction house menu is ridiculously devoided of useful features. Once you have proper knowledge of what addons to get/install and how to use them, now's the time to "try" to make some money. I say "try" because the competition is pretty insane most of the time. There's almost no penalty when people remove their products from the auction house and repost them. Meaning they'll scan all the sales every few minutes and repost everything that another player posted at a lower price. It even got worse recently since players can pay their subs with in-game gold... So yeah, get ready to spend, again, a LOT of time in front of the auction house's counter to scan/remove/repost your stuff all day long. Sounds fun right? :p

3rd prob: The addons. Some players don't use any addons but if you want to get anywhere in WoW or many other MMOs, it's almost certain that you'll need to install a lot of addons. Get ready to read tons of tutorials on how to use them properly for the most complicated addons like the ones for the auction house. Boring... :p

4th prob: The collectible stuff. Low xp and drop rates are a common thing in MMOs in general and I don't really mind, at least when the farming/grinding can be done with other players in most cases. In a lot of games, farming is better done solo because the rewards, like rare mounts in WoW, are shared within in the entire group. In other words, players will be solo farming all the time if they can because if that damn 1% mount finally drops, they want to be sure they'll get it. Since a lot of the raids/content from previous expensions can be completed solo, people don't see the point to do these tings in a group anymore.

5th prob: Micro managment: Want to spend even more time playing solo on a MMO? Guess what? You can have garrisons in some games, meaning you can do stuff like sending npcs on quests for extra rewards, sometimes even unique stuff like, again, mounts. Of course you'll need to learn how to install/use a few addons (yeeeeeah!) to speed up the process since, again, the in-game interfaces are often very limited and unneficient (bah, the modders will improve it for us anyway, why bother). :p

Final prob (not really but gotta end this post someday lol): The community: Really big servers means toxic community imo. The fact is, on popular games like WoW there's so many people that you can expect a lot of trolling and stupid/hateful comments in the game and the chat. A reflect of our society I guess.. and IT SUCKS! Sorry, just needed to get that outta my system. ;)

Now back to PSO: Noticed that pretty much everything I mentionned above doesn't apply to PSO, or at least on this server?

Solo farming? Maybe a bit but here on Ephinea we have the awesome PSO2 loot system (well done guys) so shared loots are not a problem. Even better, the drops are well balanced in PSO and if you want good gear, you have to play on VH or ULT, and you'll probably want a group for Ult and/or can easily help lower lvl players in VH groups while farming your gear/items. In the end, not that many things you'll be doing solo in PSO, unless you REALLY want to.

Auction house? NONE and it's 100% better that way imo. No abuse, no cheating, no addons, no time wasted and better than everything, you won't be dreaming of the damn goblins on the auction house counter when you go to bed. Yeah, happened to me once... :D

Addons? Do we really need addons for PSO? Nah. :)

Collectible stuff? Yeah, PSO has plenty of things to collect for, and it can mostly all be done with a group. Again, PSO2 drop system! :)

Micro managment? Unless we count raising MAGs there's not much for micro managment. And for MAGs, people often create open room for others to come and maybe have a chat. :)

The community? Damn, I've met more people and had more fun doing so in 2 weeks on Ephinea than I had in 4 full years on WoW... What more can be said? The community here is GREAT! Quality over quantity! :)

PSO is great and almost perfect by being more simplistic than most other MMOs while focusing almost entirely on multiplayer gameplay. Other MMOs should take notes, lots of' em could learn what MMO is supposed to mean. :D

I give PSO 9½ out of 10, only because perfection is a matter of opinion.

So there ya go, my full thoughts on the subject! Now back to the lobby that I love so much! ;)
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I played a lot of PSO Ep1&2 Plus on my old Gamecube but only in offline mode, sometimes co-op with my best friend. After seing the Forbes article and a few videos from Ephinea, I decided it was time to quit playing boring games and come here instead. MAN I wasn't dissapointed! So, why come back to PSO when there are so many games out there? Easy answers for me: TRUE MMO GAMEPLAY+GREAT COMMUNITY.

I played a LOT of online games during the last 5 years or so... None of them were as fun imo. I'll take WoW as an exemple since it's a well known and still very popular game. I go pretty deep with all this so feel free to skip... or maybe grab a cold beer and enjoy my little "rant". :)

In WoW you have WAY more stuff to do, it's a fact, but the content can get boring for many reasons. In many games like WoW and other MMOs there's often a tradeskill system where we craft gear and other things like mounts and toys. Unless you want to be broke all the time, you'll want to make some money (gold) to at least buy some collectible goodies like mounts/toys right? So here's the problem, and believe me, I know what I'm talking about since I've been the biggest crafter/seller on my server for a quite a while.

1st prob: Too much solo farming. Yeah, if you want to get "rich" you'll be farming for crafting materials a LOT, even with the most optimized character/class. We're talking about easily spending 10+ hours each week (honestly more around 20 hours or even more) farming stuff and not even in combats in some cases (minerals/plants). Hope you like flying over the world while looking at your mini map to spot some mineral veins or plants on the ground, I garantee you'll be doing that a lot. And people rarely form groups for these things... LONELINESSSSSSSSSSS... ':(

2nd prob: That damn auction house: You've gathered/crafted a lot of things to sell, now you need to sell them. When you have an auction house system like the one in WoW, things get annoying VERY quickly. Why? Two words: Addons and very obsessive competitors. If you want to be able to sell properly, you'll need some addons since the standard game's auction house menu is ridiculously devoided of useful features. Once you have proper knowledge of what addons to get/install and how to use them, now's the time to "try" to make some money. I say "try" because the competition is pretty insane most of the time. There's almost no penalty when people remove their products from the auction house and repost them. Meaning they'll scan all the sales every few minutes and repost everything that another player posted at a lower price. It even got worse recently since players can pay their subs with in-game gold... So yeah, get ready to spend, again, a LOT of time in front of the auction house's counter to scan/remove/repost your stuff all day long. Sounds fun right? :p

3rd prob: The addons. Some players don't use any addons but if you want to get anywhere in WoW or many other MMOs, it's almost certain that you'll need to install a lot of addons. Get ready to read tons of tutorials on how to use them properly for the most complicated addons like the ones for the auction house. Boring... :p

4th prob: The collectible stuff. Low xp and drop rates are a common thing in MMOs in general and I don't really mind, at least when the farming/grinding can be done with other players in most cases. In a lot of games, farming is better done solo because the rewards, like rare mounts in WoW, are shared within in the entire group. In other words, players will be solo farming all the time if they can because if that damn 1% mount finally drops, they want to be sure they'll get it. Since a lot of the raids/content from previous expensions can be completed solo, people don't see the point to do these tings in a group anymore.

5th prob: Micro managment: Want to spend even more time playing solo on a MMO? Guess what? You can have garrisons in some games, meaning you can do stuff like sending npcs on quests for extra rewards, sometimes even unique stuff like, again, mounts. Of course you'll need to learn how to install/use a few addons (yeeeeeah!) to speed up the process since, again, the in-game interfaces are often very limited and unneficient (bah, the modders will improve it for us anyway, why bother). :p

Final prob (not really but gotta end this post someday lol): The community: Really big servers means toxic community imo. The fact is, on popular games like WoW there's so many people that you can expect a lot of trolling and stupid/hateful comments in the game and the chat. A reflect of our society I guess.. and IT SUCKS! Sorry, just needed to get that outta my system. ;)

Now back to PSO: Noticed that pretty much everything I mentionned above doesn't apply to PSO, or at least on this server?

Solo farming? Maybe a bit but here on Ephinea we have the awesome PSO2 loot system (well done guys) so shared loots are not a problem. Even better, the drops are well balanced in PSO and if you want good gear, you have to play on VH or ULT, and you'll probably want a group for Ult and/or can easily help lower lvl players in VH groups while farming your gear/items. In the end, not that many things you'll be doing solo in PSO, unless you REALLY want to.

Auction house? NONE and it's 100% better that way imo. No abuse, no cheating, no addons, no time wasted and better than everything, you won't be dreaming of the damn goblins on the auction house counter when you go to bed. Yeah, happened to me once... :D

Addons? Do we really need addons for PSO? Nah. :)

Collectible stuff? Yeah, PSO has plenty of things to collect for, and it can mostly all be done with a group. Again, PSO2 drop system! :)

Micro managment? Unless we count raising MAGs there's not much for micro managment. And for MAGs, people often create open room for others to come and maybe have a chat. :)

The community? Damn, I've met more people and had more fun doing so in 2 weeks on Ephinea than I had in 4 full years on WoW... What more can be said? The community here is GREAT! Quality over quantity! :)

PSO is great and almost perfect by being more simplistic than most other MMOs while focusing almost entirely on multiplayer gameplay. Other MMOs should take notes, lots of' em could learn what MMO is supposed to mean. :D

I give PSO 9½ out of 10, only because perfection is a matter of opinion.

So there ya go, my full thoughts on the subject! Now back to the lobby that I love so much! ;)
*Applauds post as loud as her tiny paws can be heard!!* Well said! And Well voiced Warrior! Mew may not have ever been part of the WoW community, but from the horror stories she's heard and from some hilarious Youtube videos, we can see how PSO retains it's charms. Your 'Rants' are well founded and have the ring of an old master trying to enlighten students. But then again...Even 'masters have their lighter side....
Dreamcast for me. Many a pound sterling spent on the dial up charges for all night sessions.

Honourable mention for the Xbox version where I played hundreds of hours with OrochiUK and PEB whom I met on the Ragol forums. Oddly enough, both of them have joined up here as well this week :p

As to the why: nary a week goes by when we're playing on Xbox live and one of us bemoans the lack of a great co-op game such as PSO2. We did try the recent pso2 pc version but the lack of English made it hard work, we never really got on with schtack as it didn't seem well balanced so here i/we are.
Neither Orochi or PEB are particularly forum-centric so I don't know if you'll see them here but you'll definitely see us in the EU ship.
We look forward to dancing in the lobby with you all but we're mainly here to find more red boxes!
Welcome to Ephinea!! :) I think you'll enjoy it here!

Also, I wanted to point out that this poll is inherently biased. I'm afraid my poor GameCube people will ignore this topic and not vote just because of the topic being named "Dreamcasters". Clearly the poll isn't telling of the whole community. :p
Welcome to Ephinea!! :) I think you'll enjoy it here!

Also, I wanted to point out that this poll is inherently biased. I'm afraid my poor GameCube people will ignore this topic and not vote just because of the topic being named "Dreamcasters". Clearly the poll isn't telling of the whole community. :p

Cubers UNITE!

Loved the game back in high school, I remember giving 20$ to a friend for his copy of the game, and we spent HOURS in 3 player splitscreen with my brothers. I mean, what game in the last 10-15 years on console could boast full splitscreen co-op play with more then 2 players? NONE I KNOW (probably is but this one is the only one I know :P)
What's funny is that for the last 10 years, I've been looking for ANY game that I felt could replace PSO. I purchased a bunch of terrible games in the process. What I didn't realize is that, at least for the last few years, I could have been replacing PSO with PSO haha.
What's funny is that for the last 10 years, I've been looking for ANY game that I felt could replace PSO. I purchased a bunch of terrible games in the process. What I didn't realize is that, at least for the last few years, I could have been replacing PSO with PSO haha.

To be fair, I luckily had a broadband adapter for close to nothing back when official servers died, and played a lot on SCHThack server for a while. Got a very high level FOnewearl (183) but my brother lost my memory card :(

Then I got an urge to play again, got my bro, and a few friends to play. Too bad im the only dedicated one XD (theyre all in the 30-40 range, and my main is 11x HC.. im crazy)
What's funny is that for the last 10 years, I've been looking for ANY game that I felt could replace PSO. I purchased a bunch of terrible games in the process. What I didn't realize is that, at least for the last few years, I could have been replacing PSO with PSO haha.

That's exactly it. The only replacement for PSO is PSO
Took me too long to realise that
Welcome to Ephinea!! :) I think you'll enjoy it here!

Also, I wanted to point out that this poll is inherently biased. I'm afraid my poor GameCube people will ignore this topic and not vote just because of the topic being named "Dreamcasters". Clearly the poll isn't telling of the whole community. :p
Mew can FEEL your Angerrrr....let it FLOW through you... USE your aggressive feelings...With each passing moment you become more of mews...*Blinks at everyone staring at her with her fangs out.....Cough!* ok ok ok! Your mew mew will see what she can do to try to make it... .fair....=PpPpP',',',', For weeks now, everytime the GC poll catches up, the DCers pull ahead, not by much tho =3
Goodness, looking back at the time I went to EB games.. I remember seeing a massive amount of people there buying this game (PSO EP 1&2) that I had never heard of before, so I begged my mother to buy me the game (GC). A blind shot at giving a game a try only because of the fact that people seemed so excited to get. I believe I was 9 or 10 at the time, so I couldn't necessarily consider myself a seasoned gamer. Shortly after, I convinced my neighborhood friends to give the game a try and we spent countless days, long hours grinding out our characters. The game style was so new to us, and we just couldn't get enough of PSO. I could go on and on about our memories together just in offline mode/challenge/quests. But that would me just rambling on about countless of the same experience you can all probably relate to.

Shortly after grinding the game in offline mode, I was always curious about the "Online" feature so after being the swell, good-mannered son that I was, I got the modem for the GC that connected you to the GC PSO server. I can still remember to this day the amount of surprise I was witnessing. Lobby FULL of people chatting, spamming, asking "rare itemz plz", etc.
The experience of PSO after finding out about the online feature sky-rocketed for me. That's when I started investing so much of my time to the game and trying to find out EVERYTHING about it. (I'd say I have it nailed now :cool:)

I would be lying if I didn't say that PSO had not opened me up to other MMO's and set the bar early on, in what I would consider a good game. Now I'm almost 24 and still have the game on my mind... Reading the previous posts to this thread, I was very pleased. I noticed that I share a lot of feelings about this game that myself and everyone else can relate to that is a veteran to the game.

Young boy has his life changed by a game and is never the same again.
-You mean, Jumanji?
I could have sworn I had posted in this thread before, but I guess not!

Ok, so... We have a ton of people from Michigan here for whatever reason - maybe someone here ran into me before. Phantasy Star Online came out for the Dreamcast during my tenure as Head Manager at the Wizards of the Coast retail store at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi, which was open for four years until they decided to shutter all their stores. This is relevant because not only did we sell video games, but we had a LAN area with eight PCs and two stations for video games for rental, including a couple of Dreamcasts. We played many off-hour sessions of Halflife: Opposing Force, Diablo II, Day of Defeat, Unreal Tournament and Everquest on that LAN, let me tell you. I have so many great memories from working there.

Confession time, my friends. I so totally failed. Ed, one of my part-time employees and ace Pokemon tournament organizers, walked in with Phantasy Star Online shortly after the US release. Showed it to me on our Dreamcast. Admitted he was going on three hours of sleep a night because it was so good. It certainly looked like a fun game to me, and I was tempted to purchase it even though I hadn't really used my Dreamcast much up until that point. Did I really want to get into another involved game? I was already part of a raiding guild in Everquest, I worked fifty hours a week at WotC, I had a regular D&D group, and my wife had just given birth to our youngest daughter just two weeks earlier. I decided my plate was too full already for another online game, and passed on getting it. For shame, am I right!?

So I missed the whole Dreamcast era, which would have been great to experience. However, I would get another chance.

Enter my friend Mike. Hey, do you know about PSO he said, I just picked it up the new version out on XBOX, let's get the gang together and play it since it has four player co-op! Sure, sounds like fun, let's order pizza and make a night of it! Well, one night became a campaign that lasted more than a week, until we all beat Dark Falz together. That's right, everybody, my first experience playing the game was actually four player splitscreen on the XBOX, how many people can say that. I immediately knew that I had to have this game for myself, but XBOX controllers made my hands cramp up, so I got the Gamecube version instead.

It's so funny to think back to my first games, now that I've logged literally thousands of hours into PSO across all the platforms. My first character was a Pinkal Ramar, which is arguably the worst combination of class and ID that one can choose. Over time, I've obtained soundtracks, art books, wall scrolls, framed my PSO Nintendo Power posters, and even went back and played the Dreamcast version that I had missed. There's a lot of good games out there, but man, no other game comes close to PSO. It's not the perfect game, but it's the perfect game for me.
I could have sworn I had posted in this thread before, but I guess not!

Ok, so... We have a ton of people from Michigan here for whatever reason - maybe someone here ran into me before. Phantasy Star Online came out for the Dreamcast during my tenure as Head Manager at the Wizards of the Coast retail store at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi, which was open for four years until they decided to shutter all their stores. This is relevant because not only did we sell video games, but we had a LAN area with eight PCs and two stations for video games for rental, including a couple of Dreamcasts. We played many off-hour sessions of Halflife: Opposing Force, Diablo II, Day of Defeat, Unreal Tournament and Everquest on that LAN, let me tell you. I have so many great memories from working there.

Confession time, my friends. I so totally failed. Ed, one of my part-time employees and ace Pokemon tournament organizers, walked in with Phantasy Star Online shortly after the US release. Showed it to me on our Dreamcast. Admitted he was going on three hours of sleep a night because it was so good. It certainly looked like a fun game to me, and I was tempted to purchase it even though I hadn't really used my Dreamcast much up until that point. Did I really want to get into another involved game? I was already part of a raiding guild in Everquest, I worked fifty hours a week at WotC, I had a regular D&D group, and my wife had just given birth to our youngest daughter just two weeks earlier. I decided my plate was too full already for another online game, and passed on getting it. For shame, am I right!?

So I missed the whole Dreamcast era, which would have been great to experience. However, I would get another chance.

Enter my friend Mike. Hey, do you know about PSO he said, I just picked it up the new version out on XBOX, let's get the gang together and play it since it has four player co-op! Sure, sounds like fun, let's order pizza and make a night of it! Well, one night became a campaign that lasted more than a week, until we all beat Dark Falz together. That's right, everybody, my first experience playing the game was actually four player splitscreen on the XBOX, how many people can say that. I immediately knew that I had to have this game for myself, but XBOX controllers made my hands cramp up, so I got the Gamecube version instead.

It's so funny to think back to my first games, now that I've logged literally thousands of hours into PSO across all the platforms. My first character was a Pinkal Ramar, which is arguably the worst combination of class and ID that one can choose. Over time, I've obtained soundtracks, art books, wall scrolls, framed my PSO Nintendo Power posters, and even went back and played the Dreamcast version that I had missed. There's a lot of good games out there, but man, no other game comes close to PSO. It's not the perfect game, but it's the perfect game for me.
You weren't Wrong in the least for putting off PSO for spending every waking moment with your new Baby girl dear! Mew's pretty sure MOMMY needed just as much attention too! <3 Mew had heard that epic name of "Wizards of the Coast" tossed around quite a bit 15+ years ago! Not sure if it was from players online or IRL friends mentioning it. It's a shame stores like that are so few and in between. But now a days you can find everything u want thru online stores where ppl dont have to worry about leasing a store in a shopping mall or plaza JUST to sell tiny figurines or naked nekogirl model kits >=3.
Mew can relate to your years long affinity for this wonderful game. Though mew was never a teen when she first picked this up or 10 years old....But, mew had played with teens and young folk back then, and she plays PSO with Their kids! ='). Wouldn't be suprised if mew had actually played with u before at one point. =3
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