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You're absolutely correct about the emergence of online stores driving brick and mortar stores out of business - that's what happened to Kay-Bee, Babbages, and Electronics Boutiques I used to work at - but the demise of WotC stores, sadly, could have been avoided. They were a great company to work with in a lot of ways and were very generous with their employees (I have so many great stories from going to Manager meetings in their Renton, WA headquarters) but they were a game design company at heart, and didn't have anyone with a sense for the retail industry.You weren't Wrong in the least for putting off PSO for spending every waking moment with your new Baby girl dear! Mew's pretty sure MOMMY needed just as much attention too! <3 Mew had heard that epic name of "Wizards of the Coast" tossed around quite a bit 15+ years ago! Not sure if it was from players online or IRL friends mentioning it. It's a shame stores like that are so few and in between. But now a days you can find everything u want thru online stores where ppl dont have to worry about leasing a store in a shopping mall or plaza JUST to sell tiny figurines or naked nekogirl model kits >=3.
Mew can relate to your years long affinity for this wonderful game. Though mew was never a teen when she first picked this up or 10 years old....But, mew had played with teens and young folk back then, and she plays PSO with Their kids! ='). Wouldn't be suprised if mew had actually played with u before at one point. =3
Instead of hiring some outside help in order to break into this new venue, they forwent any consultation and built these huge, elaborate stores that looked great, sure, but they were way too expensive to maintain. Mall rent is notoriously pricey, and they didn't negotiate with mall owners at all, they just naively asked what the cost was and paid for it. It was the apex of the Pokemon card craze, and WotC was flush with cash, so for a year or so all that Pokemon money covered up a lot of bad business decisions, not the least of which was their decision to expand to ninety stores nationwide over the first year without having a firm grasp on the effect of all that money they were spending. Once the Pokemon money slowed down, you had managers like me stuck with stores that cost over a million dollars a year in rent and utilities, and absolutely no way to sell that much merchandise. I had initiated negotiations between WotC staff and mall staff in order to try to downscale my location to a spot where I knew I could turn a profit, but then Hasbro bought the entire company who took one look at the retail division and said, nope. My store was closed in January 2003.
On a happier note, you probably ran into me AND both my daughters if you ever played PSO on the GameCube using SCHT's server about four to eight years ago. They actually played online more than I did. I think the names they usually went by were Shelbiez and Vanilla, but like me they had so many characters that I can't say for sure. My eldest has always favored Fonewearls, and my youngest, Hucaseals. I'll try to get them online in Ephinea one of these days, maybe we can all have a go at Dark Falz together soon!
Edit: Oh, and now my youngest, my PSO baby who was born within days of the US release, is now entering High School as part of the Class of 2020. How time flies!
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