Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

I read most of every post. But why should we push to play quest that people don't normally wanna run? Let's go back to the roots of pso. Maybe make full runs of f1, f2, c1,c2,c3....etc as originally we had to do all runs in order, an ruins wasn't available until others were completed per difficulty, maybe make full runs boost....please
I read most of every post. But why should we push to play quest that people don't normally wanna run? Let's go back to the roots of pso. Maybe make full runs of f1, f2, c1,c2,c3....etc as originally we had to do all runs in order, an ruins wasn't available until others were completed per difficulty, maybe make full runs boost....please

It's not necessarily that people don't want to run other quests. Most people are just too locked in on boosted quests. It creates this sentiment that you have to run only those quests.

There are so many wonderful and fun quests available to us many just don't realize exist. And the point of this thread is to bring awareness to that and call for a review of the current RBR quest pool, because many believe the choices are too limited.
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Pick out 10-20 random quests for RBR. Every unique completion of the quest in the rotation you gain 1% tri-boost for the rest of the period.

The tri-boost could be applied globally, a selected episode for the week or just among the RBR quests.

This combines the best element of RBR having frequent quest rotations (and by extension, more variety in a shorter timeframe) along with the feeling of progression from HBR.

Low-effort spitball. Thanks.
Pick out 10-20 random quests for RBR. Every unique completion of the quest in the rotation you gain 1% tri-boost for the rest of the period.

The tri-boost could be applied globally, a selected episode for the week or just among the RBR quests.

This combines the best element of RBR having frequent quest rotations (and by extension, more variety in a shorter timeframe) along with the feeling of progression from HBR.

Low-effort spitball. Thanks.
You know, my first reaction to this was "I kind of *like* grinding and getting good at one or two quests for the whole week", but I was specifically thinking of Silent Afterimage 2 where I enjoyed learning how to unlock all the secret areas of the quest and showing other party members how to do so.

Most quests are much more braindead than that so that argument really doesn't apply...
I agree with everybody that said something smart. Also I love Ephinea, and I take for granted sometimes all the improvements over the original retail version of the game that have been implemented. Thank you to everyone who contributes.
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On Sundays when the RBRs are updated, I look forward to seeing which RBRs will be chosen. I look at the updated list and use the calculator to figure out which quests to do. Then I decide the schedule for the week.

We determine if the quests boosted by the RBRs outperform the availability of rare items from the better quests that do not have boosts, and if the feasibility is realistic (not too difficult). Quests that meet these criteria are excellent; NMU4, WoL4, PW1, PW3, SR3, EN4, etc. are particularly good.

On the other hand, weak quests are not played. This was true even in the days of HBR. This is a matter of balance, which is quite difficult.
Making a weak quest stronger will only cause another weak quest to appear. If there is a way other than boosting, it could be a solution.

The key difference between RBR and HBR is that there is less need to complete quests. Most of the quests are only rewarded with a meseta, which is not of great importance. Therefore, the round-trip by resetting at certain occasions became more effective. This feature may be a good point to discover new strengths of quests.

The most serious problem with RBR is the lack of enemies that drop Galatine. It would be desirable to add a quest where this appears or set up a new enemy that drops Galatine. Personally, I think the epsilon:Yellowboze would be appropriate.

I don't speak English so I used a translation tool. Sorry if it was hard to read.
I have been playing this game for more than 5 years now and I am happy to still be enjoying it. Thank you to all involved.
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Interesting thread. Insightful to read the different view points.
Personally, i'll take whatever is thrown at me. I would rather not see myself tamper too much with the evolution of the server; instead observe/experience in a passive/guest role. It is simply more stimulating to me that way. (ex: Think making a videogame where you however already know all the story spoilers lol)

That being said, +1 to the idea of "Area Boosts" though if you were to legitimately consider that. We might just collectively stop skipping caves