Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

Just before the anniversary event ended, I was running the underground desert event quest and over the course of an hour got 3 Girasole and a Lame de Argent to drop from rare enemies which was wild to me, and 2 of said girasoles and the lame dropped when running it in the same guys remade lobby, so it felt like he was a lucky charm which was kinda funny, can't recall his name but I told him as much myself after the lame dropped, so if in the off chance he reads this he knows who he is.
Its been a hot minute.
I had a lot of stuff going on in life, deleted my old discord and wasn't sure I would have time. Life is much less hectic now. Happy to be able to play again.
But got this beaut.


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Value is 20PDs considering the wiki, but 1/2100 on Epsilon is a great sucess ^w^