Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

cool drop

gay drop
Out of curiosity how many runs did you do for sjs hunt? I did quite a bit but think I gave up too early. Maybe I should start again sometime.
Out of curiosity how many runs did you do for sjs hunt? I did quite a bit but think I gave up too early. Maybe I should start again sometime.

My Kill Counter addon on the left says 15237 Gi Gues. I installed this addon near the end of the July HBR (after grinding Skyly PW1 and mostly Skyly PW4) and lost a few hundred on the counter when I forgot to backup my Ephinea directory at one point. So I definitely killed more. Almost all of these with at least one of +25% DAR or +25% RDR, and a good chunk had the summer event boosts (+30% RDR).
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My Kill Counter addon on the left says 15237 Gi Gues. I installed this addon near the end of the July HBR and lost a few hundred on the counter when I forgot to backup my Ephinea directory at one point. So I definitely killed more. Almost all of these with at least one of +25% DAR or +25% RDR, and a good chunk had the summer event boosts (+30% RDR).
RNGezus wasn't kind you to either, but around 50% less of a fucking dick head to you than me.

Either way, congratulations @Ender! Welcome to the J-Sword club =)