Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

Not a big deal for most, but I started my first hunt on sunday. I figured I would go for s parts 2.01. Last night on my last run of the night I got the drop. It took a little over 5000 gils. It was very satisfying to actually hunt something and get the drop. From the beginning I've just bought what I wanted/needed, but I really enjoy the hunt. I
Delbiter Psycho Wand

No, first prize is Girasole > Samurai Armour > Friend Ring > (then PD?)

(not Photon crystal as 3rd)

Not to drag this out, but I got Samurai Armor first then Girasole as my first two prizes. The others are still TBD while I collect more tickets.
This weekend was a Kondy Stomp. He gave me Two Heaven Strikers (no hit) and a Lame (also no hit). Selling these got me to the PD threshold for my first ever Srank. HELL Needle Get! :) Thanks to all those that ran PoD with me too much, AIZEN especially. I had to buy sooooo many moons :3. Great runs buddy!
And this, while not a huge achievement (though a more personal one), happened tonight just a moment ago. Gradually been getting friends and family from my gaming group and from my old PSOBB team as well as some of my PSO2 friends onto the server as part of my team. Finally got a group of us together in one lobby where most exchanged cards with one another.
