Quick question - Quick answer

i need to know some things about EVP.
equations? ive heard it is the main factor in block chance. can this be confirmed or denied?
i'm thinking about a proof of sword-saint build on a hucaseal. is the evp buff from poss after max stats? meaning could it theoretically push her evp beyond its max? if so i've found her max +bovn + rr +jizai + 3 poss to be 1504 evp! this sounds like it should be able to do something.
thanks as usual for your help mates.

Formula is ATA-EVP/5, that's the chance the enemy can hit you. If you do Delsaber set + 4 PoSS + Stealth Suit, your EVP ends up at about 164x (I don't remember). IIRC theoretically it perfectly blocks Goran and below while Gibbles hits you 5% of the time.

a lore unseals into a poss. so you cant actually unseal a poss. I think you meant limiter
2 Questions regarding S-ranks:

1. I know of NDW's guide for recommended equipment for each class, but is there any info on more specific specials to add to S-rank weapons? (specifically S-rank needle) Popular ones are zalure, hell, demons, arrest etc, is there a "best" one or is it all more a matter of preference/situational? Once I have enough PDs i was leaning towards zalure but wanted an opinion.

2. If already using a Spread Needle, seems like getting an S-rank needle isn't really worth it until you can add a special, would this statement be accurate or does it also have higher ATP than a spread once fully grinded? I'm going off of pso-world info so wanted to make sure here.
1. I know of NDW's guide for recommended equipment for each class, but is there any info on more specific specials to add to S-rank weapons? (specifically S-rank needle) Popular ones are zalure, hell, demons, arrest etc, is there a "best" one or is it all more a matter of preference/situational? Once I have enough PDs i was leaning towards zalure but wanted an opinion.
Each special fits a certain role.

ARREST NEEDLE: Overall paralyzes enemies better than Spread Needle.

BERSERK NEEDLE: Used for Sil Dragon when it's down, DRL/BR if you don't have Excal for when it's on the raft, Vol Opt 2, and for killing groups of small enemies fast.

DEMONS NEEDLE: Useful for applying Demon's as a RAmar/RAmarl on large groups of small enemies if your Base ATP is low or useful for a group of large enemies with high HP.

HELL NEEDLE: Useful for instant killing multiple enemies quickly. Generally used in EP2, but can also be used on Sand Rappies and frozen lizards in EP4.

ZALURE NEEDLE: Useful for non-RAmarl solo gameplay or playing in a group where LV20+ Zalure isn't available to use. Can be used to apply special and attack with.

2. If already using a Spread Needle, seems like getting an S-rank needle isn't really worth it until you can add a special, would this statement be accurate or does it also have higher ATP than a spread once fully grinded? I'm going off of pso-world info so wanted to make sure here.
It would be recommended to add Arrest special to an S-Rank Needle after you've gotten the other desired S-Rank Needles' specials.

At higher level gameplay you won't be using a Spread Needle or S-Rank Needle to attack with unless you are soloing or trying to build PB for a 2-4 way PB combo for LV41-81 SD.
Hit Spread Needle is better overall than an Arrest Needle on a cast, as the stuff you primarily paralyse cannot be frozen, and the hit will do a better job than the extra activation rate.

However, looks like you have a RAmar/l anyway, so Arrest Needle is the way to go.
Is the spirit special good for a Ramarl? The Adepts can be traded for, I just want to be sure that this is worth the investment. I assume needle or shot would be best for this s rank special?
Spirit is alright, but since RAmarl has a decent Resta power unlike RAmar, there's no real need to go for it over Berserk. It's up to you, personally I prefer not to use Spirit on RAmarl to free up a unit slot.
Is the spirit special good for a Ramarl? The Adepts can be traded for, I just want to be sure that this is worth the investment. I assume needle or shot would be best for this s rank special?
I think overall Demon's is preferred for offensive Needle on RAmarl, though they're not exactly the same. You don't want Spirit on a Shot, instead get hit Spirit Arms.
they're both situational I doubt you'd want to demon a bunch of boomas or vulmers. the thing with demons is that its a coin toss you might be able to kill faster using it but spirit is much more reliable. but ofc it'd be worth it for big dorphon spawns or something like that
Short answer: pick your preference and varies based on class played! Thanks all for the responses! I do have a 502 so demons and hell are tempting too
I definitely don't recommend Demon's Needle for general mobbing, as Berserk/Spirit/Charge are usually always faster except on high HP enemies.
At what damage would you consider Gibarta useful?

I'm mean if u had Cogneal Cloak, Gibarta Merge, and SGH, would Gibarta do more DPS than Rabarta?
Nope, the cooldown on Gibarta is simply too long. The cone is also not worth it as you can also AoE with barta (and it does more damage) and Rabarta obviously gets everything around you (plus it stuns Gorans, Gibarta does not).

If Gibarta was similar to Gizonde (cone in front of you, but stronger and faster), it might be worth it, but it isn't like that at all.