Quick question - Quick answer

Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)

For Sato, you need the following:
Female Force
Viridia, Bluefull, Redria, Whitill

DEF + DEX mus be the same as POW + MIND in order to evolve the Mag into a Sato. The Mag also needs to be at least level 100. After it evolves into a Sato, it will stay a Sato, meaning the "formula" does not need to be followed any further.
Hi, I got another question.
My Huney is lvl 50, I'm starting to get good gear but I still struggle with my friend when we fight some bosses (Olga, Dark Falz, or

Shield :
Resta Merge
Grab a Secret Gear or something and ditch the resta merge
edit: Nyte totally already said this, sorry.
Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)
I have standard stat lv 200 satos for sell, you can click on the link in my sig and check out pics of the colors that i have. Ignore the not available, I have all colors in power and mind in stock, i just dont have them publicly available right now. But i do sell them, if needed.
Nidra is easier to make, has the same triggers and also does not have the penalty for low Synchro like Sato.

Ok, so if i want a Sato I'll need to give it to a male Force right ? I'll keep my Savitri until I can get Sato :) thank you for your advice :)

Nidra gets no love despite being cheaper, faster, no sync penalty and a significantly cheaper upkeep costs to maintain 120/200. I'm just going to being chilling with my dope hard working scorpion in the corner by myself.
Thank you all for your advice, and I meant Nidra sorry :s I have a Yellowboze male Force so I could easily get it :)
@TaoChaos Yes I followed his advice and luckily I found one yesterday :p I have less trouble with ennemies know, Olga killed me rapidly because I didn't know what I was doing, and for the MA4 quests it's just that I need to find someone to do it with me :)
why can't i fill 3 slots in an ultimate mode game of MSB or Lost Chaos Calibur u.u
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Nidra gets no love despite being cheaper, faster, no sync penalty and a significantly cheaper upkeep costs to maintain 120/200. I'm just going to being chilling with my dope hard working scorpion in the corner by myself.
Nidra is dope, I rock Nidra
Hell jcutter fomarl is the best thing in the game, but her raygun animation isn't amazing.
I've used megid on FOmarl a couple times before, but I don't think Dark Bridge is worth the weapon slot.
I plan on making more than 4 characters because I want various rares that are spread across multiple section IDs. Do I need to have another person manually help me transfer items between my account, or is there a function built into this private server to streamline the entire process?

Greatly appreciate the assistance!
I plan on making more than 4 characters because I want various rares that are spread across multiple section IDs. Do I need to have another person manually help me transfer items between my account, or is there a function built into this private server to streamline the entire process?

Greatly appreciate the assistance!
type /bank to access the shared bank to swap items between your characters
Hey ! Is there a way for my account to be remembered everytime I launch the game ? Tired of entering the whole data every time :D
Hey ! Is there a way for my account to be remembered everytime I launch the game ? Tired of entering the whole data every time :D
Launch online.exe, click on Options on the left, then click on More. This brings up a new window with a checkbox for "Save ID and Password" at the bottom.
type /bank to access the shared bank to swap items between your characters
I should have been much more clear, so my apologies. What I meant was more than 4 characters including other accounts. Basically I want to know if there's a way I can transfer items between two separate accounts.