Quick question - Quick answer

Ok thank you, how long does it generally take to feed a mag to lvl 200 ? I could create a thread to offer custom mags but I don't know if it will be profitable since it's kinda long to do :)
Subject to what you’re feeding. In the Magtama app you can plan out your feeding plans and it tells you how long it will take.
Subject to what you’re feeding. In the Magtama app you can plan out your feeding plans and it tells you how long it will take.
Ok thank you, I'll create a thread and give examples of mags with the time needed to feed them :)
is dex more so relevant on a mag for range,melee, or tech players ?

how important is it for ultimate and effectively doing weapons extra attacks (like freeze) ?
It is crucial. Without Hit Material, DEX and units are the only ways to fill the gap between your level 200 ATA and the cap, and having to equip 4 arm units at level 200 to max your ATA is a terrible use of your slots. The only reason to not have DEX is if you're making a pure MIND mag for a Force who's going to be nuking exclusively.
What dex number range for the mag would you consider acceptable when doing a mag more focused on power ?
It depends upon the class. Look up your level 200 ATA and your max ATA on PSO-W, subtract, then multiply by 2, and that's how much DEX you need to max your ATA by level 200. You can get away with less DEX if you plan to use any units that boost ATA in your final character build.
Hi again, I have a question about challenge mod, what class should I use ? I saw Hucast is a good choice but is there anything else ? I want to obtain an S-rank weapon for my Huney, what weapon should I chose ?Thank you ^^
Hi again, I have a question about challenge mod, what class should I use ? I saw Hucast is a good choice but is there anything else ? I want to obtain an S-rank weapon for my Huney, what weapon should I chose ?Thank you ^^
Here are the best classes to play for the easiest time with Challenge Mode:

Episode 1:
2P: HUct / HUcl
3P: HUct / HUcl / FOnl
4P: HUct / HUcl / FOnl / HUct

Episode 2:
2P: HUct / FOnl
3P: HUct / FOnl / HUcl
4P: HUct / FOnl / HUcl / HUct

Good S-Rank weapons for HUnl are Arrest Slicer/J-Cutter, Hell Slicer/J-Cutter, and Demon's Mechgun.
So a Demon Mechgun and an Arrest J-Cutter would be good S-rank weapons for Huney, what about a Spirit Twin ? Or is it better to stick with mid-distance weapons for my Huney ?
So a Demon Mechgun and an Arrest J-Cutter would be good S-rank weapons for Huney, what about a Spirit Twin ? Or is it better to stick with mid-distance weapons for my Huney ?
Charge Vulcan. Excalibur for enemies you can't attack with ranged weapons from the front (Satellite Lizards/Yowie).
Hi, I got another question.
My Huney is lvl 50, I'm starting to get good gear but I still struggle with my friend when we fight some bosses (Olga, Dark Falz, or the ep 4 Desert boss). We deal a solid amount of damage in Normal and Hard but we get killed very quickly (in Normal and Hard), is there anything we can do to be more resistant ? i didn't finish my mat plans yet (kinda hard to farm for those lol).
My current gear :
Weapons :
Charge Vulcan+9 50H
Vivienne 30H
Diska of Liberator

Armor :
Absorb armor 4S

Shield :
Resta Merge

Mag :
Savitri lvl 200 5/95/100/0
How can you die in Normal at level 50? You shouldn't even take any damage at that level. It sounds like you need to learn boss strategies. For instance, raise your EIC to avoid getting chained to death by Rabarta on Dark Falz, and either kill Gael/Giel or run away when Olga Flow is about to perform his light shower; you'll take 3x damage and die if you stay close to him.

Also keep in mind that merges have almost no DFP, so if you're fighting VH enemies that can kill you in 2 hits, you may need to switch to a shield with better DFP so you can take an extra hit. You don't really need to use a merge if you're playing 2P, because it's easy to stay together when there's only 2 of you.
The garanz in the Mines can kill me pretty easily :/ For Dark Falz we only struggled on his 3rd form on Hard but it was the first time we tried to fight him on hard :) We'll try another time to fight Olga, the first time we had a lvl 20 with us and we didn't know what was happening XD Ok for the shield, maybe I'll use the merge when I play with other players and get a better one when playing alone or with juste another player :)
tbh i would leave the Resta Merge off and just use whatever the highest level standard shield you can equip is. it'll make a world of difference in what you can take damage-wise since most of those standard shields have at least somewhat balanced resists (with the exception of specialized ones, like Flame Barrier, etc).
tbh i would leave the Resta Merge off and just use whatever the highest level standard shield you can equip is. it'll make a world of difference in what you can take damage-wise since most of those standard shields have at least somewhat balanced resists (with the exception of specialized ones, like Flame Barrier, etc).
Ok thank you, Maybe I can sell the Resta Merge to someone who actually need it and know how to play with it ? I can keep the best barrier I can find for now and start farming for a rare one when I got to the right level :)
Secret gear pr good shield. Lvl 41. Get one!
Ok I'll try :)
As for the ennemies killing me in Normal mode, some ennemies in Mines and Ruins keep dealing a decent amount (Garanz, Dark Belra, Chaos Bringer, Delsabers) of damage and I can't dodge everything x)