Quick question - Quick answer

What's a good way to level starting out? I've been playing solo mostly, one player mode. Is online better? Any specific quests?
Once you can handle multimode Dragon, Towards the Future (TTF) is decent XP. If you're a Force and have gotten some decent Ra-techs, nuking E4 MAS/MU3/MA4X first room is even better XP.
(MAS = Maximum Attack S, MU3 = New Mop-up Operation 3, MA4X = Maximum Attack 4 -Stage 4X-, where X can be A,B, or C.)

If you were not able to handle those quests because you don't have higher end equipment from later areas yet, try to get them as they will be a pretty nice boost to your damage. Certain one person mode quests gives you a NPC companion which will make those later areas fairly easy. If you haven't leveled your mag fully yet, those will also help a lot. Doing MA4X first room will often end up with a lot common armor/frames you can sell for meseta for feeding the mag. Also, it will be a lot easier if you have people to play with. I prefer playing with players at the same level and gear, which is more fun as you learn the game, but the fastest way would definitely be getting carried by very high leveled players.
Once you can handle multimode Dragon, Towards the Future (TTF) is decent XP. If you're a Force and have gotten some decent Ra-techs, nuking E4 MAS/MU3/MA4X first room is even better XP.
(MAS = Maximum Attack S, MU3 = New Mop-up Operation 3, MA4X = Maximum Attack 4 -Stage 4X-, where X can be A,B, or C.)

If you were not able to handle those quests because you don't have higher end equipment from later areas yet, try to get them as they will be a pretty nice boost to your damage. Certain one person mode quests gives you a NPC companion which will make those later areas fairly easy. If you haven't leveled your mag fully yet, those will also help a lot. Doing MA4X first room will often end up with a lot common armor/frames you can sell for meseta for feeding the mag. Also, it will be a lot easier if you have people to play with. I prefer playing with players at the same level and gear, which is more fun as you learn the game, but the fastest way would definitely be getting carried by very high leveled players.

Thanks so much for the response! This is my first time getting into the finer details of this game, so all the information helps. I had some friends who started this with me, but they lost interest pretty quickly.
Can anybody tell me why the Transfer feature is unavailbale, I would like to take my character from Ultima and start playing on this server now. Also I tried installing a custom skin for my character, But it didn't work?
For someone willing to use FOmar as a melee character, which of these two max stats plans are better? I'm debating here if it is worth including an ADEPT or not in the plan. I know it is more about personal choices, but I would like to know the pros and cons from using that Unit. I'm still very far from reaching max stats, so I'm planning to build a 5/115/80/0 Mag for meeling while I don't have anything decent (RR, high hit weapons, V502, etc.)

FOmar @ LV 200
Shield: RED RING
Units: V101, V801, SMARTLINK, V502 (I could swap V502 with another situational unit maybe)
Mag: 5/58/46/91 @ LV 200
Mats: 0 left
- 59 Power
- 65 Def
- 74 Mind
- 24 Evade
- 28 Luck
All stats maxed out except:
EVP: -37

FOmar @ LV 200
Shield: RED RING
Units: V101, ADEPT, V801, SMARTLINK (In that case I would swap V801 with V502 when needed)
Mag: 5/50/45/100 @ LV 200
Mats: 17 left
- 62 Power
- 60 Def
- 50 Mind
- 38 Evade
- 23 Luck
All stats maxed out

Also, which weapons a melee FOmar should aim to get? I heard about Charge Vulcans, Excalibur, Slicer of Fanatic, Gal Wind, Diska of Braveman and what else?
I personally feel that you should not plan your character around Adept unless you have to. I planned my first RAmarl around it and, after getting one, found it pretty underwhelming. I made another RAmarl with a power-focused plan and it's GREAT.

That 5/115/80/0 mag sounds like a really good idea. It'll help you hit the 800 ATP breakpoint for Excal and J-cutters as fast as possible! Hitting 900 mst quickly for Glide Divine is important to some, but on FOmar you should be barehand casting support techs most of the time, so it isn't a very big deal.

I'd go with the first plan. Having v502 on all the time is fantastic. I'd swap out v801 for a Cure Unit before swapping out v502...in most cases.
I'd also consider using 0 Evade mats, unless you really want perfect stats. It's more important to get ATP and MST maxed as fast as you can.

No matter what you do, don't go 23 Luck materials. pls pls pls pls you will ragret.

Other good itens are 40+ hit Bringer's Rifle (can SNS), hit Guardianna, S-rank Hell J-Cutter (sns) or Slicer, S-rank Hell & Demon's Cards (SN).

Also Thirteen is best FOmar armor gogogogo (or Ignition Cloak for gifoie memes)
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what's the team quest Robots Reckoning about?, I've asked several people in my team, & they have no clue. Are there any rewards or special drops associated with it?
Thanks in advance
About creating an army of section id dummies (for dual client); What would be the most efficient class for that? Foney,Fomar, Racast?

And what quests to use? I know MAS in ep4, but unsure if any of the new one-person quests are better now.
About creating an army of section id dummies (for dual client); What would be the most efficient class for that? Foney,Fomar, Racast?

And what quests to use? I know MAS in ep4, but unsure if any of the new one-person quests are better now.
A Ranger with certain items leveling via EP1 Maximum Attack S is pretty fast. An android Ranger is preferred to prevent Poison and Paralysis status effects from Poison Lily. RAcaseal has more ATA than RAcast, so I would choose RAcaseal.

A RAcaseal with the following can level up quickly in EP1 Maximum Attack S:
  • S-Rank Hell Needle and/or S-Rank Hell Shot
  • LV1 Frame with 4 slots
  • V101
  • V502
  • Heavenly/Arms
  • Heavenly/Arms
  • Ranger Wall (not necessary, but helps increase ATA by 20 at LV41+)
  • Basic pure DEX mag (189 DEX)
Use "/lobby" after clearing Caves area.

At minimum, LV1 RAcaseal with 189 DEX mag and one God/Arm will start with 187 ATA which is enough to use S-Rank Needle and Shot (180 ATA requirement). Feel free to substitute V101 with Heavenly/Battle, V502 with V501, and both Heavenly/Arms with one God/Arm if you don't have them to use.
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About creating an army of section id dummies (for dual client); What would be the most efficient class for that? Foney,Fomar, Racast?

And what quests to use? I know MAS in ep4, but unsure if any of the new one-person quests are better now.

What NDW said, i guess. Unless you want to actively multi client, then I'd probably go with FO to have access to high level SD on your Casts.
If I rest my materials using /matdatareset or whatever the comand is. Will it also delete my hp mats?
What quest has the most bulclaws?
These were suggested in the monster finding guide:
  • [Retrieval] Fragment of a Memory Ruins 1 (32)
  • [Retrieval] Lost HELL PALLASCH 1P route Ruins 1 (23)
These were suggested elsewhere, not guaranteed to be good:
  • [Side Story] Doc's Secret Plan (6)
If only the sheer count matter, and not the time to complete them, here are the quest with the most Bulclaws:
  • [Retrieval] Fragment of a Memory full (86)
  • [Retrieval?] Dark Research (???)
About creating an army of section id dummies (for dual client); What would be the most efficient class for that? Foney,Fomar, Racast?

And what quests to use? I know MAS in ep4, but unsure if any of the new one-person quests are better now.

How much capital do you have?

Dirty rich, absolute fastest way:

FOnm, closely followed by the other FOs. Then fleshies will be faster than casts in all other cases. Difference between RA and HU is minimal unless your packing hell needle/shot but for dedicated ID bots both are poor choices.

Load up mind mats, h/minds, mind mag, the highest level gifoie, rabarta and gi/razonde you can manage and spam beyond the horizon, quit out after the 2nd zone.Swap out to maxS EP4 when you can no longer clear BTH quickly. This
s is workable with 1 adept, 2+ recommended.

Cheaper option is to try max S EP4 from the start but this will require you to move and actually pay some attention. (Hard to afk)

RA are decent for the 40-80 stretch spamming MaxS ep1 caves with hell, but I'd rather pull my eyes out. FO takes a couple of hours to hit 80, faster if you multi box several at the same time
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