I voted yes, simply to keep my interest in this beautiful game.
To put my vote in context, I played BB on the official Sega servers for almost 3 years when it was first released in the U.S., even hitting level 200 with a FOmar named Shocker. I also played v1, v2 and Ep I & II on official Sega servers as well. After not playing for about 6 years, I stumbled across Schtserv while researching PSO 2 once I heard there would be one. I fell in love with PSO all over again. It was great having new items and other items unlocked. Yes, some of the weapons added to Scht made the game very easy, but I enjoyed dominating and running TA games for every quest there was with players who are very skilled and experienced at this game. I quickly stocked up on all the best items in the game through trading (because my luck is absolute shit when it comes to actually finding gear) and was having a blast. Then, it all blew up because of incompetence. Knowing this server was being put up as close to Vanilla as possible and the admins here actually cared for this game and their server, it was intriguing... at first.
However, I have become bored very quickly. It's probably because I have played the Vanilla BB on Sega servers, and then going to a private server in Scht and seeing the new items (some of which were actually released on BB, just after I quit) which brought a new flavor to the game I have loved for so many years. Having such terrible luck when it comes to drops, ever since I can remember playing PSO, I haven't been able to find much on this server. So, my thought process has changed to wanting to wait out on this server until there was a nice-sized economy so I could trade and trade and trade to get gear that would actually make this game fun again.
People have to keep in mind that the Sega BB drop rates were designed for a very large community, where hundreds of players are online simultaneously. Since we have such a small community here, the economy is developing very slowly. I believe if the drop rates were increased at the same rate across the board (say, 20%?), it would help build an economy here. I understand that a major aspect of this game is hunting for your gear. After all, it is very satisfying finding that great rare that you have spent hours hunting. However, spending tens of hours hunting something as necessary as a Frozen Shooter, is just frustrating. It will take hundreds of hours to build one of my characters at this point, and I enjoy playing multiple classes. Now that I just don't have that much time to put into this game, having a full-time career and all, it's not nearly as fun when I do have the time to sign on. Playing my characters with shitty weapons and a General/Battle just isn't fun.
Maybe even having more events (or even weekend mini-events like we had) that increase the drop rate, or adding some unique drops, will help boost the economy here. I'd like to see the unobtainable items be added to the drop chart, even if it is temporarily for mini-events. Maybe add some more end-game gear to the mix that was added to the later days of JP BB.
Also, I do think balancing some of the classes will help as well. For example, giving FOmar more ATA so it would be more enjoyable to play as a battle FO (Scht's Battlemage Cloak was great for this, not sure if this was a JP BB item or not). I can't really think of other stats to boost for certain classes off the top of my head, because I just haven't played with them because of their inferiority to other classes. Maybe boosting the HP for the female characters would help, so I don't have to use HP units in my slots. I also think raising the material limit on the newman classes will help from 150 to 200.
I believe unlocking, or adding in, all of the available quests in BB would be beneficial; particularly the solo quests since it takes a long time to complete all the government quests because people don't play them, and it's too hard to solo them with the gear available.
Maybe I'm just being impatient because I've played this game for countless hours over the last 13 or so years. I'd really like to be able to build my characters in a reasonable amount of time and enjoy playing PSO again, rather than getting my ass kicked and not be able to hunt for items to make my characters decent.