I played on DC from launch. My first week I played a FOnewm (named Maxim Chill) but I decided after a week that I wanted to played Hunewearl, so I created Platinum the Hunewearl. Platinum was my character for the rest of DC PSO. Back then the level limit was 100, and Platinum maxed out. I played with a good friend from school who played a HUmar named BBeltJones. I also played with a cool girl I met named Amber and a JP player whose Hunewearl was named A'' (just like that, prolly for Sec ID reasons that were over my head back then). Loved that game to death, and was genuinely sad when interest started to peter out.
When GC PSO came around I imported the JP version. The JP version launched 6 weeks earlier than the NA version, so along with a lot of other would-be importers, I planned ahead by sending my GC ahead of time to a mod shop. The mod shop added a red button to the back of the GC which allowed my GC to toggle between being a NA GC and a JP GC. Very cool. It was a lot of fun. In the JP version I made a Hucaseal named Val Ki Ri.
When GC PSO came to North America (NA) I started over and made a Ramarl named Zenith. I really got into that character. At one point my RAmarl was among the top ten highest level Ramarls in the country. She never had luck on rare shot-type weapons, but she had a Red Scorpio (great in those narrow Seabed halls) and a legit Frozen Shooter, plus she found, and then add-slotted to four, and eventually fully evolved a set of special armor to Virus Wear: Lafuteria. That was the armor that, IIRC, started as a basic crappy Stink Frame. But if you evolved it via the Gallon's Shop quest (again, going back a lot of years, but I think that's right) you could put it through several transformations. The final evolution, Virus Wear: Lafuteria, required a character level of 156 to wear. I played a ton online and offline I did tons of SoaB (Soul of a Blacksmith) runs to crack 156 and equip it, which I did. Looked like virus molecules were emanating from your character. Or as my sometimes blunt-speaking friend Balbados would say: looks like Zenith has sperms coming out of her. His words, not mine. LOL.
NA GC PSO is when I played the most PSO, by far. It came at a time in my life when I had just broken up with someone and I needed an escape. GC PSO was that escape and I loved every photonic moment of it. I played with a lot of great people. Tevren, Baconsteak, Zanth, Balbados, Miau, Metsrock, Sera, Lil ("location: ult locations around the world"), Rykoshet, DiosGX, Flowen (not that Flowen, but he used that name), and many other awesome people.
We had a series of topics on GameFAQs entitled "The Antares Chronicles v.X" where X was the latest version. Each one capped at 500 posts, and there were dozens and dozens of them. People would talk trash, share finds, plan future meet-ups and in-game runs, all that stuff. Dedicated to playing legit. Many of those folks, including me, eventually transferred over to a private board. Then I got worried about all my online time, and time in-game, and had a protacted, annoying-for-others-I'm-sure hissy fit and went my separate ways. Too bad I handled that so poorly, but I was much younger then, and it was time for me to change my focus in life. If any of those great people ever see this post (unlikely, but you never know): I truly am sorry. You all were always cool to me!
I didn't get in PSOBB for various reasons, mostly because other things were taking up my time. From time to time, in the years since GC PSO, I've found games that provided some semblance of the spark PSO gave me, but its never been the same. The most recent was Monster Hunter: World - a very good game - but still: it's not PSO.
The itch finally got so crazy I just felt determined to find a way to play the definitive offline mode of PSO (so, PSOBB) and finally found my way here. Yeah, the game's roots go back to 2000 (JP) and 2001 (NA), but there's something about PSO that transcends time. And man, it really has held up well. Playing in 1920 x 1080 full widescreen is beautiful. I've leveled by new Hunewearl up to 22 over the last few nights. Having a blast.
I suspect I'll be tinkering around and leveling up and hunting rares, when I can, for years to come. I'm very thankful to the folks at this site for making that possible via Tethella.
Sorry for the novel. I guess I felt like writing!