Old School PSO players?

I played PSO on dreamcast got the game on release in 2001 i was 19 back then i asked my mom if i could use the second phone line that was in my room( it was my sisters old room ) so i could go online with my dreamcast and play pso online she said yes and well my mind was blown it was my first online experience i made a HUcast named zero and was in clan called Clan EX i played around lvl 90 and around that time pso V2 came out and i got the US Version because i did not wanted to wait that long for the EU version, in the game i met alot of ppl but i only remember one
guys name a Ramar named NOMAD , i was addicted to the game and i have alot of fond memorys and thats the love of pso i have :)
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Id say im oldschool in that I played the GC game as soon as it came out, but like alakaboom pointed out... offline, 13-15 year old won't give creditcard data.

I played a few months on schthack somewhere around 2008/2009 as "FonyDan", a couple days on a team but there was always drama so i just carded the two guys i mainly rolled with "barney"/"weaksauce" and "sam".

went solo with a viridian fo - unlocking limiters while farming for new ones (plus presents in fiasco... since all the stuff was "a bit" pricier than it is here you could made 1000s a week and buy everything e x c e p t their unobtainable version of 3 seals). could even do it on VH if a bunch of sealed items held u back too much.

I left to try ultima for a night or two after dropping my stuff on sam, but quickly realized that server wouldn't give me anything to grind at all with 4-5x rates.

On and off gamecube offline/couch coop whenever I had an itch or me and rl friend cant decide what to play.
Id say im oldschool in that I played the GC game as soon as it came out, but like alakaboom pointed out... offline, 13-15 year old won't give creditcard data.

I played a few months on schthack somewhere around 2008/2009 as "FonyDan", a couple days on a team but there was always drama so i just carded the two guys i mainly rolled with "barney"/"weaksauce" and "sam".

went solo with a viridian fo - unlocking limiters while farming for new ones (plus presents in fiasco... since all the stuff was "a bit" pricier than it is here you could made 1000s a week and buy everything e x c e p t their unobtainable version of 3 seals). could even do it on VH if a bunch of sealed items held u back too much.

I left to try ultima for a night or two after dropping my stuff on sam, but quickly realized that server wouldn't give me anything to grind at all with 4-5x rates.

On and off gamecube offline/couch coop whenever I had an itch or me and rl friend cant decide what to play.
Eeeeee!!! *POUNCES and looks over carefully!* Yet another SCHT Refugee/Survivor returns to the fight! MOST if not All of us here are also SCHT Survivors, so running into 'barney', 'weaksauce', and 'sam' can very well be likely! =3. Ultima.......BLECH! lol. You'll find a LOT has changed for the better and can actually ENJOY yourself as you were meant to years ago~! So....Welcome Home! =3
ehhh i didnt experience the crash (nor would i have cared for it, im the kinda guy who throws everything out as freebies when retiring/hibernating in most if not all the games he plays, and when i pick up a game i havent played in years i erase the char and start fresh anyway), nor any other issues that may have come up with later leadership.

Scht was alright back then imho, I enjoyed myself (ultima on the other hand seemed pretty broken :x). I just had everything / was done with the game for the time ^^

yeah thats why i mentioned the names, you never know who you might run into after 10+ years lol

ehhh i didnt experience the crash (nor would i have cared for it, im the kinda guy who throws everything out as freebies when retiring/hibernating in most if not all the games he plays, and when i pick up a game i havent played in years i erase the char and start fresh anyway), nor any other issues that may have come up with later leadership.

Scht was alright back then imho, I enjoyed myself (ultima on the other hand seemed pretty broken :x). I just had everything / was done with the game for the time ^^

yeah thats why i mentioned the names, you never know who you might run into after 10+ years lol

*Bites her lips looking quite restrained.....* IT WASN'T A "CRASH!"......Crono-kins just got Tired of watching his Cash Cow get RAPED that was SCHT....So in order to regain some semblance of 'control'....HE WIPED ALL OUR DATA to start New again later under an alias! Just Mentioning "Crash" Triggers mew into striking up a bonfire and a story telling War Dance of a tale of Love, Betrayal, and Hope....Yes, for 8 Years we were quite happy there. Weaksauce-san IS here somewhere~! Wonder if he's in the members listing for you to message him? And we have a special 'Word' for these Ultima players we get here........"RESCUES! <3". =3
Hey! I'm not as ancient as DC. I first started on xbox on release. My parents got me online for a couple months and I played a FOnewearl to 70 or 80.

When the nostalgia really kicks in is from when I got the GC version in 2005 or 6. Me and my best friend and his little brother who lived 4 houses down the road from me would play split screen local ALL THE TIME. We would compete to see who could get their characters "flagged" for certain areas first. In local multiplayer, TTF was not an option, and you always had to start from forest 1 UNLESS the host character had killed a boss solo. It was always a huge milestone killing de rol le and falz solo single player on each difficulty back in middle/high school.

After that I had a stint with schthack in maybe 2011. Played a FO to 150ish and hunter and ranger to 80s. And now I found this server a week or so ago. Just got to 80 and ready to start ultimate with you fine people!
NA GC PSO is when I played the most PSO, by far. It came at a time in my life when I had just broken up with someone and I needed an escape. GC PSO was that escape and I loved every photonic moment of it. I played with a lot of great people. Tevren, Baconsteak, Zanth, Balbados, Miau, Metsrock, Sera, Lil ("location: ult locations around the world"), Rykoshet, DiosGX, Flowen (not that Flowen, but he used that name), and many other awesome people.

We had a series of topics on GameFAQs entitled "The Antares Chronicles v.X" where X was the latest version. Each one capped at 500 posts, and there were dozens and dozens of them. People would talk trash, share finds, plan future meet-ups and in-game runs, all that stuff. Dedicated to playing legit. Many of those folks, including me, eventually transferred over to a private board. Then I got worried about all my online time, and time in-game, and had a protacted, annoying-for-others-I'm-sure hissy fit and went my separate ways. Too bad I handled that so poorly, but I was much younger then, and it was time for me to change my focus in life. If any of those great people ever see this post (unlikely, but you never know): I truly am sorry. You all were always cool to me!
Sorry for the necro bump but are you still around? I played with the same people, I was known as Ward or whosward at the time but had my Ramarl KPG. I recently got in touch with Bordering but otherwise haven't seen the old gang in a while. Also, don't be so hard on yourself, your 'hissy fit' wasn't that bad. I still play PSO.
Sorry for the necro bump but are you still around? I played with the same people, I was known as Ward or whosward at the time but had my Ramarl KPG. I recently got in touch with Bordering but otherwise haven't seen the old gang in a while. Also, don't be so hard on yourself, your 'hissy fit' wasn't that bad. I still play PSO.
Aye, I remember you Ward and I may have played a game or two with Platinum as well. Tevren, Bacon, Zanth and few others more so though back then. That was far too long ago though. Back in DC days my main was a Humar named Thundar I think, and even in the DC days that was mainly the character I remember playing the most (GC I moved on to Ramarl). I believe I had a character named Artemis as well, but my memory is fuzzy.
Ah yeah the good ol DC days! I got the game in 2002, v1 at first and then shortly after v2. Lot's of people here with the same nostalgic history, I remember tying up my phone line just so I could play lol
I played the GCN version when I was in middle school with my brother and cousins around the mid-2000s. My brother stumbled across a copy in a GameStop one day and snatched it up since he knew it was a rare find. We made a 4 man team with my cousins and played whenever they visited. We played very casually and the most hardcore we really got was with looking up Mag builds on PSO-world.
Then my oldest cousin got an Action Replay and we started messing around with infinite item cheats to max out mats and spam star atomizers until we beat Dark Falz on Ultimate. We never really researched into finding rare drops so we just muscled through with generic shop weapons and maybe the occasional 9* drop but suffice to say we didn't get to experiment with cool weapons like sacrificial specials and the like.
Even when we were young and had a lot of time on our hands, though, we probably wouldn't have been able to really get into the meat of things because we only got together every weekend after school and had a lot of other games to play anyway. Most of our time went into learning high-level Melee and later lots of Street Fighter 4 up until we all slowly split off into college after 2010. Around last month I finally got "the itch" that calls us all back into this void. Suffice to say, I'm back, and this time I roped in my college buds to play with.
I'm an old school PSO player. I'm 34, so when PSO came out, I was around 13 years old or so. I do remember it like yesterday. My first day I logged in, and I got PK'd by a level 100 guy named Ramirez. I also remember getting NOL'd countless times, the RSOD (where you log into a lobby and they freeze your screen). I also remember when I got killed people stole my weps and money when I died, LOL. But I do have fond memories. Met some pretty cool people, I mean, I'd stay up till like 2-3am playing sometimes (more often than not!). It was such a fun time to be a gamer at that time. I would work at a fish fry on Fridays and make just enough to pay for the $8 subscription (for v2). LOL. Online gaming was new and exciting, so you never knew what to expect. I also played Ep 1&2 and 3 on GC, that was fun. The card battles were pretty cool. Such a fun time to be a gamer!
All great stories, I started as a white outfitted Ramar named Neo on PSO for DC when it was released. Eventually switched to a Humar cause I couldnt get past the constant Matrix jokes. I remember the jerks were constant with coming in your room, hitting one mob and freezing you so you would die and drop your weapon and meseta. If memory serves me, Gameshark worked for ver 1 and you needed action replay for ver 2 so I ended up getting both. I never ruined other peoples games but I did use it so I couldnt get froze in place or walk thru doors so you didnt need a 2nd player to get thru anything but forest. Of course I got GCN that first day and starting the grind all over again, one of my closest friends who is no longer alive would grind like crazy for rares. I remember I got a sega saturn mag kit from a rare rappy in vr temple and he was so mad I got something so rare. Eventually the dupe glitch got crazy and so many people would enter room and drop red boxes to fill pioneer 2 so for me it almost made the game broken and not fun because the hunt and excitement from getting that super rare item obsolete. I dont really remember trading or using PDs as currency so I really like how the community is set up here.
I'm a Looong time Phantasy Star fan since 1988, and a PSO veteran.
I started playing PSO a couple months after version 1 on the Dreamcast went online.
Then I moved onto version 2 on the DC, and then got a Gamecube and managed to order a Modem Adapter direct from Nintendo, and bought Ep 1& 2 for the GC, and played it for at least 3~4 years, then the official GC servers were shut down. (I do regret never pre-ordering PSO Ep I&II Plus; now that the physical game costs around $250+ )
My main character was always a Humar named "ShadowDragon"
I played on a few different private servers for a bit, then two years on Schthack amassing 800~1000 hrs of playtime on it (due late night free time due to the pandemic, and lot's of insomnia so I was playing from 10pm to 4 am, nearly every night from Jan 2020 to May 2021) ;
Now due to various circumstances joined Ephinea.
The altered letter limit for BB made me have to create a character with an alternate name to get Redria and use "dressing room" or now "mod name" to have the name "Shadow Ryu" since Ryu is Japanese for "dragon" and "ShadowDragon" wont fit in the name entry on BB..
I'm a Looong time Phantasy Star fan since 1988, and a PSO veteran.
I started playing PSO a couple months after version 1 on the Dreamcast went online.
Then I moved onto version 2 on the DC, and then got a Gamecube and managed to order a Modem Adapter direct from Nintendo, and bought Ep 1& 2 for the GC, and played it for at least 3~4 years, then the official GC servers were shut down. (I do regret never pre-ordering PSO Ep I&II Plus; now that the physical game costs around $250+ )
My main character was always a Humar named "ShadowDragon"
I played on a few different private servers for a bit, then two years on Schthack amassing 800~1000 hrs of playtime on it (due late night free time due to the pandemic, and lot's of insomnia so I was playing from 10pm to 4 am, nearly every night from Jan 2020 to May 2021) ;
Now due to various circumstances joined Ephinea.
The altered letter limit for BB made me have to create a character with an alternate name to get Redria and use "dressing room" or now "mod name" to have the name "Shadow Ryu" since Ryu is Japanese for "dragon" and "ShadowDragon" wont fit in the name entry on BB..
Man shadowdragon seems really familiar to me, did you happen to play on the later time of ver 2 shortly before sega started shutting servers down? I cant remember my name on there but I used to run with another Humar and we both had spread needles and I think we ran thru Ult ruins nightly as a duo. I could never remember his name but it deff was shadow"something". That doesnt sound familiar to you at all? If not maybe I just ran into you. I need to dig my DC out.
Man shadowdragon seems really familiar to me, did you happen to play on the later time of ver 2 shortly before sega started shutting servers down? I cant remember my name on there but I used to run with another Humar and we both had spread needles and I think we ran thru Ult ruins nightly as a duo. I could never remember his name but it deff was shadow"something". That doesnt sound familiar to you at all? If not maybe I just ran into you. I need to dig my DC out.
i never used spread needle on my humar, mostly used Red Sword and Lavis Cannon, my Humar's hair was the same shade of purple as blades of the Lavis Cannon. when i wasn't solo'ing i was teaming up with Forever Zero, Sita, a few others, and sometime the C-mode master named Shotie she married a guy IRL that she knew that also played PSO, i frequented a forum called "The Arcade"
Have played in PSOBB Japan official server from 2004 to 2008 during college time. Had strong willing for rare collecting and was almost known as a successful rare hunter or item trader in the server. Due to the work situation, leaved in 2008 with sorrow that I had never got a red ring in official server by own hands. Ephinea gives me another chance. Thanks Ephinea. And thank you all.
Played online on DC when I was 15 or however old when it was new. Got a Foney to 100 and Huney/Humar close to 100. Played with a couple people from some forum called Lunabean that I hung out on back then. Never played V2.

Got the game again on GCN when it came out. Got a Foney to 130ish online. Have since gotten a Ramarl to 170ish mostly solo offline and a little on schthack many years ago. Once in a blue moon I get bored and play it offline still, but getting my GCN/Wii out of the closet and plugged in is a big hassle for the novelty of playing it.

Played BB on official servers in 2005ish when I was in college. Played with a real life home town friend. Got a Huney to 130ish.

Started schthack in 2008 and played off and on until maybe 2013 and will never go back after the fake wipe stunt. Had a 200 Foney+Fonewm, a 180ish Ramar/Huney and played occasionally on my real life friend's Racast that he abandoned since I gave him a bunch of gear and didn't have the heart to trade it in case he ever wanted to play again. I had a good time in general there but an amazing time during every Xmas that I was active since I always found a great regular group that appreciated my Fo skills and wanted to hunt as efficiently as possible. Loved the large boost to Fo techs some items received and felt like there was a great time invested to reward received ratio in my time there.

Started on Ultima in 2016 when I got the pso itch and found out that schthack was "wiped". Have a 200 Foney/Fomarl/Ramarl and not sure what level Ramar/Racast. Unpopular opinion here it seems but I love the massive exp boost. Leveling a character is not an important part of the experience to me so fast forwarding to endgame is fine by me. With the custom items on the server, Fomarl became my favorite all time PSO experience with her versatility and efficiency. I know lots of other people dislike the p2w potential, but I spent $0 and grinded my way to having the vast majority of good FO/RA gear. Though grinding out dozens of Limiters, xyz event items and whatever else to trade for DTs to trade other players for what I actually want instead of ever finding what I want was pretty bleh. What I really, really don't love there is that the most desirable items are event only. Two xmas+one anniversary with 0 PGF/STA defeated me and made me take a break in 2017, playing only briefly in 2019. Life got tough recently and I got kinda pissed at one of my two friends I was playing Diablo II Resurrected with at the same time other stuff isn't going so well and PSO sounded like a fun escape so I started playing there again a week or so ago. Then I remembered I have everything but dark weapons and STA which aren't available atm and there is very little activity on there and suddenly the game wasn't fun. Still wanting to play PSO brought me here and I've been having a great time playing and talking to people.

So yeah, that's my PSO journey and how I wound up here. Very thankful Ephinea exists and looking forward to grinding out a ton of gear again and having fun with new people.
Played online on DC when I was 15 or however old when it was new. Got a Foney to 100 and Huney/Humar close to 100. Played with a couple people from some forum called Lunabean that I hung out on back then. Never played V2.

Got the game again on GCN when it came out. Got a Foney to 130ish online. Have since gotten a Ramarl to 170ish mostly solo offline and a little on schthack many years ago. Once in a blue moon I get bored and play it offline still, but getting my GCN/Wii out of the closet and plugged in is a big hassle for the novelty of playing it.

Played BB on official servers in 2005ish when I was in college. Played with a real life home town friend. Got a Huney to 130ish.

Started schthack in 2008 and played off and on until maybe 2013 and will never go back after the fake wipe stunt. Had a 200 Foney+Fonewm, a 180ish Ramar/Huney and played occasionally on my real life friend's Racast that he abandoned since I gave him a bunch of gear and didn't have the heart to trade it in case he ever wanted to play again. I had a good time in general there but an amazing time during every Xmas that I was active since I always found a great regular group that appreciated my Fo skills and wanted to hunt as efficiently as possible. Loved the large boost to Fo techs some items received and felt like there was a great time invested to reward received ratio in my time there.

Started on Ultima in 2016 when I got the pso itch and found out that schthack was "wiped". Have a 200 Foney/Fomarl/Ramarl and not sure what level Ramar/Racast. Unpopular opinion here it seems but I love the massive exp boost. Leveling a character is not an important part of the experience to me so fast forwarding to endgame is fine by me. With the custom items on the server, Fomarl became my favorite all time PSO experience with her versatility and efficiency. I know lots of other people dislike the p2w potential, but I spent $0 and grinded my way to having the vast majority of good FO/RA gear. Though grinding out dozens of Limiters, xyz event items and whatever else to trade for DTs to trade other players for what I actually want instead of ever finding what I want was pretty bleh. What I really, really don't love there is that the most desirable items are event only. Two xmas+one anniversary with 0 PGF/STA defeated me and made me take a break in 2017, playing only briefly in 2019. Life got tough recently and I got kinda pissed at one of my two friends I was playing Diablo II Resurrected with at the same time other stuff isn't going so well and PSO sounded like a fun escape so I started playing there again a week or so ago. Then I remembered I have everything but dark weapons and STA which aren't available atm and there is very little activity on there and suddenly the game wasn't fun. Still wanting to play PSO brought me here and I've been having a great time playing and talking to people.

So yeah, that's my PSO journey and how I wound up here. Very thankful Ephinea exists and looking forward to grinding out a ton of gear again and having fun with new people.
*Blinks and smiles while reading EVERY word as if trying to paint a picture of Koal-San's strife and struggles...*. And we are VERY happy to count you among us, dear! Passionate people Should has a place to not only 'play' a game they once enjoyed, but to actually be able to relive any moment of feeling like something was left behind...now able to fulfill it and feel 'Whole' again after all these years, no? =3. MOST if not All of us here are Schthack refugee/survivors as well! And mew has a special "WORD" for you Ultima players we get here................."RESCUES~! <3". Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you too! Welcome Home!
I played on Dreamcast. Was in the GF clan and went by the name Tritoch for a while, also went by the name ShinAsura depending ont he character I was playig as. Skipped the gamecube online sadly.