Negating Player Healing

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Can we just get rid of DF? Yeah, let's just get rid of DF.

Or change it's effect to be something where you can only use the special when your HP is full and when you use the one special, your HP drops to 1 and you can't use it again until your HP is completely full.

Yeah, figure that one out. Nerf that shit. Make everyone cry.
remember guys, it's not a skill game, even when it has quests that less than 15 ppl have cleared in the history of the game.

fwiw even the benchmark that said quest establishes is low but what does that speak to?
What quests I'm curious
This is a great idea, I can't see it negatively affecting the game. It would be nice to use the useless units for something sense they have zero value and are just taking space up.

I would see making the unit more a long the lines of a claire's deal item, where you use 5 items to trade for Negate/heal.

I am for it! Please add.

EDIT: No voting option?
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In truth, I just don't like DF. The wave attack is obnoxious, and it's annoying when somebody uses it right in front of your camera; you get a sudden flash of white light and it's not pleasant.

However, I have a greater dislike for when I'm trying to keep the other team members and myself alive, and I'm having to constantly avoid healing the DF user. It's why I personally regard DF as a rather rude weapon.

I personally feel that being able to negate healing would be the way to go, on balance.

That being said though... a few people have suggested that sacrificing a Unit slot for this is not a big deal for a Hunter, and that the cost is not sufficient enough to balance the benefits of negating healing. What about using a shield instead? By making a simple barrier with the Negating effect (as in, 2 DFP, 25 EVP, and 0 Resist), a DF user would have to sacrifice the likes of a Red Ring, Combat Gear, Merges, or a Defensive option. This way they lose extra ATA, ATP, Utility, or Survivablilty (by way of blocking grunts via high DFP, Deband, and Jellen). It would seem to be a fairer price to pay, particularly given many Forces have to make that choice with Tech Merges anyway.
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Being you're a skinner, you know you can remove DF's wave with one of the effect_nt's floating around I'm sure. (also Rufus's return to skinning when?). And yeah it's kind of a "rude" weapon, this is why I'm thankful this is in the works. it'll save a lotta heartache with the average player who is trying to learn to use it but is spited by FO's and others with resta, who have a history of anger with the weapon. Rightly so with how they've been treated.

I'm not so sure about a shield, but it does need something to counterbalnace. DF is really good so a drawback (formerly the resta chance) should be a thing. Unit management+the cost/hunt to create the unit could definitely be the drawbacks. With a shield, The ATA pentalty of not having a Red ring would only truly hurt the lesser classes like HUnl and Humr more than it'd nerf Hucl with her high ata, and the broken HUct who both have FT's to negate evade anyway. So that's why I think that's probably a bad idea.

I mean its true one could say, that the low health is already a drawback but the good players aren't gonna get hit anyway. Either way I think planning around a unit slot loss is more than adequate, as on the spot unit management requires planning and thought, which is more than a limiting factor against the inexperienced. And TA players wont even be using the unit as they already play around resta/flow use.
I heavily disagree. If you make it a shield, then the sacrifice is too high - no one is going to use it and the FOs have to "not heal DF users" again.

You know, I also used to hate Dark Flow, but I got used to it. It just might take a little time. I mean, at least it's locked here. =)

//Edit: Colette's point about a shield affecting HUmar and HUney worse is also true, I think.

//EDIT2: The funny thing is, as a FOmar, DF users pose no problem to me even in random parties since male Resta range is "bad" and because of that you can easily pinpoint your Resta. Females are actually "nerfed" in DF parties with their "better" Resta range - which kinda sucks, lol.
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So many people wanting heavy taxation for the df user yet this unit/command whatever it is will benefit them just as much as it benefits the user. This would allow people to heal freely which is OP biggest issue with df users in party. Allow people to get their triggers which a lot of people who even know not to heal df users do not pick up on.
I'm not so sure about a shield, but it does need something to counterbalnace. DF is really good so a drawback (formerly the resta chance) should be a thing. Unit management+the cost/hunt to create the unit could definitely be the drawbacks. With a shield, The ATA pentalty of not having a Red ring would only truly hurt the lesser classes like HUnl and Humr more than it'd nerf Hucl with her high ata, and the broken HUct who both have FT's to negate evade anyway. So that's why I think that's probably a bad idea.

I mean its true one could say, that the low health is already a drawback but the good players aren't gonna get hit anyway. Either way I think planning around a unit slot loss is more than adequate, as on the spot unit management requires planning and thought, which is more than a limiting factor against the inexperienced. And TA players wont even be using the unit as they already play around resta/flow use.
All the "resta chance" does is divide players on this server from playing with each other
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Being you're a skinner, you know you can remove DF's wave with one of the effect_nt's floating around I'm sure. (also Rufus's return to skinning when?). And yeah it's kind of a "rude" weapon, this is why I'm thankful this is in the works. it'll save a lotta heartache with the average player who is trying to learn to use it but is spited by FO's and others with resta, who have a history of anger with the weapon. Rightly so with how they've been treated.

I'm not so sure about a shield, but it does need something to counterbalnace. DF is really good so a drawback (formerly the resta chance) should be a thing. Unit management+the cost/hunt to create the unit could definitely be the drawbacks. With a shield, The ATA pentalty of not having a Red ring would only truly hurt the lesser classes like HUnl and Humr more than it'd nerf Hucl with her high ata, and the broken HUct who both have FT's to negate evade anyway. So that's why I think that's probably a bad idea.

I mean its true one could say, that the low health is already a drawback but the good players aren't gonna get hit anyway. Either way I think planning around a unit slot loss is more than adequate, as on the spot unit management requires planning and thought, which is more than a limiting factor against the inexperienced. And TA players wont even be using the unit as they already play around resta/flow use.

And this is why I like conversations rather than flippant comments.

You're right, I completely forgot that I could remove the DF effect. I'd remove Grants too iirc, but that's of little consequence really. lol

When I suggested the shield, I wasn't necessarily arguing for it, merely thinking of a solution to the issues some people raised and offering it for discussion. If arguments can be made against a Slot being fair, then what would be a potential alternative? What you say with the ATA is a fair point, in that it's negatively impacting two Hunters more than the others. It's probably further imbalanced by the fact that the two classes the ATA isn't an issue for, Merges wouldn't even be considered on either. So that'd be the sacrifice of ATA and Utility which is a non-issue for them. In terms of fairness then, a Unit would probably be the best way to go. There's an imbalance there too though, since the fleshies might want Adept or V801; so they still have more difficult decisions to make. Not quite to the same degree though.
Lol well lilb the more experienced among us will be using mates and playing around it, it's a non issue for us. Those that want to play the game normally though have this as a good option, and those people should be considered.
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Lol well lilb the more experienced among us will be using mates and playing around it, it's a non issue for us. Those that want to play the game normally though have this as a good option, and those people should be considered.

Agreed- it would be nice to have some confirmation if the server is going ahead with this concept however so we would no longer need to argue its utility. If it is the case as I have heard rumblings it will be- then in which form? Unit- easily accessible?
adding a downside is pointless imo
just making it a command would be fine
but adding a new item to the game is more FUN and COOL
I like the idea of adding it to claires deal 5, therefore making other items more valuable in the process.
There are too many useless items in pso !

PS: Matt said it's going to happen, it just requires a good deal of work to implement, and Matt doesn't work on Teth himself so he can't know when it will be finished.
It's going to have a "downside" because the fact that the interference of healing stops you from using the special is supposed to be how the weapon is "balanced".

Therefore, taking up a unit slot seems pretty fair, as a unit slot doesn't make or break a character, while giving a drawback to using DF uninterrupted with healing around, and if you're wanting to play efficiently without the unit, you wouldn't be doing that in games with random players anyway.

It's already being made, just takes time because it's a unique effect not originally part of the game.
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Didn't read thread.

Why not just make the shit a command you type upon joining a game.

"/noheal" causes a) Player X to not receive healing from any source that isn't Player X, and b) a message that displays upon the person typing it/person joining game/person doing /roominfo or whatever that displays with the XP rate/drop rate and room ID.

Why put effort into changing equipment setups/punishing those who use DF playstyle? I don't play HU, so I don't have experience flowing, and I'm just a scrub in general so there's probably already been this suggested, or a very clear reason why the unit is the most appealing option.
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