hbr counts ranged from 106-200. my opinions based on that:
+lotta hildelts.
-might want to tone it down so as not to overshadow ego
+flow was good except for a few spawns
-too many fuckin wolves. wolves have erratic movement patterns and are very talented with disrupting flow.
-last room Bartles, second spawn. i admit no quest is without at least one awkward spawn, but this one really divides the team as far as strategy goes. with everything far spread out, some players want to group the mobs together and some want to pick them off one by one. picking them off results in reduced exp for everyone as well as not synergising the team unless everyone is tryharding
-cave 2 is fine but i wouldve liked to see cave 3 more (better %s iirc, also cooler atmosphere)
+lotta nano dragons, this is well-needed
-wouldve liked to see lily spawns closer together. seems like all of them are spread across the whole room with a few exceptions.
=reasonable enemy counts
=reasonable spawns
=no annoying/frustrating spawns
=this is just a well-rounded quest that can very well provide another way to run mines for decent hunting
+shitload of sorcerers. kinda op imo but i suppose it's well needed like nanos in caves.
-lily spawns always seemed very inconvenient. almost always spread very far apart; difficult to kill without having to dodge megids unless fo is raz-ing
+a lot of baranz. well-needed i suppose but this one was like wow why cant i hold all these baranz
-kind of low on pan arms. not that i totally love to see these guys because they can disrupt flow but the numbers seemed disproportionate based on other enemy counts.
-too many fucking wolves.
-kinda low on gees. not important i suppose just because gees are abundant in many other quests
+well-done. divides the players when necessary and regroups them as needed.
-more deldepths than i like to see here. theyre kind of just generically annoying regardless of how many are in a quest, but i felt like there were more here. it happened very often that the fo was gifing constantly and i had to tell them to stop repeatedly just so i could ft the delds. that happened multiple times with multiple different players. friction
+tower was my shit, bruh
+well balanced
+ezflo quest
+my shit, bruh
+ask un1ql0
+fuckton of good stuff, not too much of the bad stuff
+good amount of dorphons
-low on zus i feel
-spawn of 3 zus across room (room 2 iirc), middle zu would sometimes laser instead of swoop. idk/idc why, this was just mildly irritating to not know what to expect/play around
-needs more girtas. these guys are weak and dont press any significant threat to the team unless you're letting your 7yo sister play for you
excellent quest set imo. no quest set will be perfect, but i genuinely enjoyed these a lot more than i enjoyed any other quest sets. them all being short i thought was a very nice touch, didnt make players feel like they had to commit to a run to join a game. this in itself was very well-needed; we only have medium and long time quests atm. most of my -'s were just me being nitpicky, these were almost all very very well-done and well-balanced.
the event in itself was overpowered as hell primarily because of the silver badge reward from completing a short quest. every ~15mins each party was getting a guaranteed 0.8pds value. this x ton of parties x 1month + ridiculous boosts (never go past 125 dar again pls, every room was flooded with items. without item reader i wouldve suffocated and missed my dank 75h vanilla laser) = economy gone. prices have been extremely unstable lately and they have changed significantly since last year i feel, probably primarily due to events, or at least based on my experience with actually spending a significant amount of time on this one. op events = inflation = bad bad
the gold gamble sounded like a good idea to me at the start, but it quickly derailed and destroyed the market for nearly every item in it. limiting it to a small set of items will do that every time. at least only put low demand items in there so we dont have to worry about 40h guardianna only being like 10pds afterward etc. only thing really anchoring gold badges' value now is the gold shop/PS and stuff
in the future, events should be less powerful. of course its good to get more player volume and potentially increase the playerbase, but there are a lot of us that worked much harder for our wealth than playing during an event takes. i gained ~700pds of net worth during this event and i only put in about 100 hours (and i didnt even have any great finds. best was a 25h zanba). thats wayyy more net worth than i had after grinding my fomarl from 0 to 200 without events (480hrs). its like tripling the minimum wage. it has a positive effect on most people and/or in the short term but other than that, its subtly hurting everyone else.
i had a wonderful time with this event. it was a spell of massive growth in the game (my meme character went from 140 to 187) and i loved every minute. i want the quests to come back. none of them are overly additive (other than supplemental) to the current quest list and the ephinea experience im sure will feel less complete without them. pls