I thought they were rather well done overall, and I definitely enjoyed them!
CCA was pretty dangerous, I lost the most dolls there I'm sure... I think ep2, especially CCA, has always been more dangerous than ep4 whilst often having less exciting drops (although drop table changes have helped somewhat with that). The quest *did* have a lot of Meris so... fair enough?
Tower seemed less dangerous by comparison, the spawns were much more manageable (although there were more dedicated high-level and experienced people running tower all day, so that may have been a factor!)
Desert felt a bit OP, if anything there were possibly too many Girtas... I found 3 Limiters without trying all that hard. (Did Limiter price go down? I don't follow the market much being HC.)
Related but not directly about the event: Rare monster hunts still seemed to suck pretty badly... even with things like the high Bear count in Forest. Are rare monster drops in general that much worse than other ones? Are rare monster boosts enough to make much of a difference?