There are really only 3 main things I'd love to be able to adjust about sandbox mode - either via a / command or a memory edit/hack.
1) XP rate. Instead of using /levelup, I'd rather be able to set the standard XP rate to something like 5x.
2) Rare drop rate %. I'd love to also give this like a 5x or a 10x. /redbox is just a little too extreme.
3) Toggle on/off the impact of section id on rare drops. So you could make mobs drop everything for everyone if you wanted to. In combination with #2 this would be a lot of fun.
As for the other hack possibilities:
- Setting Telepipes anywhere
Might as well just use /warp**
True. Though being able to use TP/Ryuker in the places that don't allow it would be nice. That's actually a pretty annoying "feature" of some locations.
- Bypassing pre-requisities to use an item
I can make you a god of equip trainer rq, or you could make it yourself if you want some small coding fun (I mean, I know you code/coded before)
God of Equip can be fun but mainly I like to leave the core gameplay alone. Though this can be fun sometimes. If someone makes or has one that can be used off and on, it might be fun to use.
Memory editing was never an area of expertise for me so jumping into this myself is a bit outside my skillset.
- Casting any technique
- Fast-casting any technique
Double meh...
Agreed. Not really into things that dramatically change the gameplay. I like the PSO gameplay.... a lot.
- Infinite Mag Feed
Easy peasy lemon squeezy, if you wanted to still be a bit "legit" about it, I could tell you how to lower the time it takes for mags to be fed again.
At that point, it seems like using your Item Editor to make a mag makes more sense.
- One Hit Kills
Triple meh...
Agreed. At that point its really not even a game.