Is PSO old to you? (Sandbox mode added!)

Based on that picture, you're supposed to type in /item 022CC8DC,57023731,3308EB13,78C80707
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You can't have 255 hit anyway. PSO treats the percentage byte as a signed byte. Therefore, you can only have -128 to 127 percent.
You can have up to 381% Hit by putting 127% Hit three times on the same weapon. It will say 127%, but you'll get 381 ATA. This also applies to the ATP you receive from damage percentages, assuming Sega didn't fix it in BB. (It's fixed in PC.) You gotta love doing 10000 damage with a 381% Dark S-Rank Needle +255 on DC. Now that's cheater mode. Who needs 1HKO patches? :D
A 381% attribute weapon definitely works.

Any weapon where any one % goes above 100 will be reset to 0'd after logging out, though. If you wanted to make comical niche items for TA WITH NO LIMITS then you'd have to make them every time.
Nah, it's completely fine if you can actually realise that it's completely separate and something other than the legitimate game.

Personally I'm using it to play the legitimate game after all the grinding is done with some old friends, but still gonna grind up on my legitimate account since I prefer it that way. It's not like having a cheating account means you have to be 200 and make 127% weapons and all that. ;P

Would also like to note I added the values for the warp areas at the bottom of the original post is anyone wanted those and didn't notice already.
Fodra was patched earlier with same fixes the other two ships had:

- Game join rejection message distortion fixed.
- Used the proper term for Cheat Mode in Japanese language.
- You should be able to create a Challenge or Battle game with other Cheaters now.
- You have infinite use of mod_sectionid and mod_name.

See that right there, folks? That's right. There exists a glitched(?) sword, on my HUnewearl. And I'm not sure how such a thing happened.

(to the surprise of absolutely nobody, something broke.)
Lol, probably typed the item create code wrong. There is no checking for valid values entered by the player.
I'd assume it was something like that, yet, the item's created anyway.

(I'm almost curious as to what the item even looks like anyway, despite it saying that I'm unable to equip it.)
Yes, as it should be. It takes whatever values you give it and puts it on the ground in front of you. It is not a bug.
I attempted creating the level 200 mag show in the picture by entering the following command, but it didn't work. Did I do the command wrong? I flipped the values.
/item DCC82C02,31370257,13EB0833,78C80707
Idk why would you use that program, unless you can't run mine at all, even then you would be better using the old item maker.

(No idea why I'm posting this here lol, but I guess it's still relevant)
Either way, this is how its going to be now, thanks to Tofuman who found the pointer I needed. No typing wait, no missing characters...
You can either put the text in the chat only or automatically send the command.
Idk why would you use that program, unless you can't run mine at all, even then you would be better using the old item maker.

Oh, because I'm an idiot and when I went to the topic to download your item maker, I saw "Item Maker - In process of remaking" and didn't scroll down to find the attached files in the post. >___>
Nice to see you got it working. So much better than emulating key presses.
Definitely and all thanks to you lol ... although I'm remaking the whole thing in WPF so isn't ready yet but I'll be more comfortable with people looking at that source instead of the winforms one :p
Can't wait until there are others who want to run in this mode. Party of 4 is going to be fun. :cool:
made my acct n tried some things out

wondering if you could make no equipment restriction a command
so people wouldn't need cheat engine or w/e

i just wanna wear bunny ears on dudes
Even with CE, you would get booted (does it?) because the ship knows you shouldn't be equipping that item, to solve it you could just disable equipment restriction checks in cheater accounts, however, the client needs another ItemPMT (file that says what you can and can't equip) which I think was being talked about a few posts back and Soda said he was not going to implement?.