Fire Emblem: Heroes


Thread Creeper
Anyone else tried this out on mobile? I think it's pretty fun. And they don't demand money from you every 5 minutes.

I got hot tiddy ninja
I have it downloaded, I just haven't played much yet :o
The menu's theme made me want to listen to that.

I have the game now, just need to actually get in it. I'll start later today. :p
Bit of a necro but I'm gonna go ahead and prod this thread for interest. Anyone still playing?

They just came out with a new Tempest Trial and the Black Knight is basically red Hector. Just slap Quick Riposte on him and you're golden. I'm building mine with Distant Def, Quick Riposte and Armor March, although I'm considering Heavy Blade for the A so I can do Black Luna shenanigans. Sit him next to Zephiel for his debuffs, Hector for his Hone Armor and Effie for her Fortify Armor and he's basically a walking fortress of death and destruction. At least until Reinhardt shows up. But that's what my man Hector is for.

Armor might be kind of shit due to mages in the current meta, but it's at least fun to do. Eat your heart out, Quad archers.
BK is more of an Enemy Phase unit so Vantage would probably work better. Or, if you have the fodder (WHICH I WOULD HAVE IF I DIDN'T MERGE LIKE AN IDIOT) you could give him Steady Breath and potentially Wrath and just laugh at people.
Nah, don't have any Wrath fodders sitting around.

I'd normally do Vantage but I'd rather he keep the ability to ORKO speedy attackers. (Also I think I'm out of Lon'qus but I had a Subaki ready for the meat grinder when BK came out)
Oh, yeah, he is. Guess I'll do that.

Couldn't hurt to have both on hand, really. And thanks to TT, he's going to be swimming in SP.
I hit a wall and quit. The game has probably changed since then, but I also felt like it was leaning towards pay to win.
Most gacha games are inevitably going to be pay to win, but given everything is PVE, that doesn't mean that F2P players are hung out to dry. With a few of the right units, a bit of skill inheritance and some hero feathers, you can still make a team that works. Plus, they give out more campaign orbs these days than they used to, and the first summon in every focus is free, so that helps.

They've also got a few decent looking free units coming out soon. Joshua is going to be a tempest trial reward, and he has pretty well rounded stats, decent base skills and a legendary that accelerates special cooldown. Fjorm is a little bit further out but her legendary has distant counter built in, she appears to be defense inclined, and is being handed out for free. So if you felt like getting back into it, those two could probably help you break down any walls you felt you were hitting.
BK is more of an Enemy Phase unit so Vantage would probably work better. Or, if you have the fodder (WHICH I WOULD HAVE IF I DIDN'T MERGE LIKE AN IDIOT) you could give him Steady Breath and potentially Wrath and just laugh at people.
I want Steady Breath for my BK :(