Fire Emblem: Heroes

Oh yeah, I'm still playing. I have more units than I know what to do with now. Tons of stragglers for Chain Challenge and all that. I was going to screencap my unit list, but I have over 70 outfitted units at this point. So instead of doing that, I'll put some of my favorites in the spoiler below.

I was pretty sold on the Black Knight when he came out, so he's still my summoner support unit, even though he's not my featured any more.


My Bigger, Blacker Knight. I killed a spare Tharja to turn him into an enemy phase nuke.


Zelgius shares a support with Radiant Ike. Earth seasons are goofy with these two, and they feature on my defense team most of the time.


I wound up with a +Res -Spd Winter Robin, so I threw Berkut under a bus and turned him into a mixed tank. Unless one of my other blues shows up as a featured arena unit, he sits right next to Zelgius on my defense team.


Even though I threw my Winter Lissa away for Alondite man, I kept my Chrom. He was built the way he is before Valentines Hector was a thing, so uh, lol.


"I need your help, can you c'mere?"
"I can't right now, I'm pulling for Azura."
"Alright well hurry up and come over here."
"I can't find her."
"What do you mean you can't find her?"
"I can't find her. There's only soup."


Recently picked up Grima. I know he has +Spd, which is less than ideal, but I'm not fussed. He still hits like a truck driven by a jaunty small truck man.


I like armor teams, but I'm also a big fan of villains. They're a bit tougher to invest in because they're usually a big feather sink, but the only real restraint is waiting for arena to pay up. I want to make an all Oliver team, but Arvis is my premiere villain mage for now.


Ayra is dumb.


I remember throwing away at least six 5* Healers before the buff, and I wish I hadn't. Giving them Staff+ and Healing+ skills made a huge difference by itself, and the Staff refines were icing on the cake. This is my Lucius; I want to build some more healers, but I need more Wrathful Staves first.


If anyone wants to add me, my code is 7335533730. I accept most friend requests (I get some random invites through arena and get to see some pretty wild units through it) so you'll probably be added within the day. My featured unit is the Bigger, Blacker Knight.
it looks like fire emblem.

been playing the series since my older brother and I bought the first one for gameboy years ago. I really want to play the new 3DS ones but maybe I'll check this out.
And they don't demand money from you every 5 minutes.
Debatable, if you actually did want a character and used 300 orbs you've saved up over months and still didn't get them...then if you did spend money just to get that character it is crazy expensive for barely any orbs at all.
So I got into feh after reading this thread, been doing pretty well.

Currently running a no fun allowed team of
Legendary Ike

all maxed out & 5*'d. Wrecks in arena.

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I got christmas chrom to replace cherche and the new Nino from the new summoning set that came out yesterday, but have nothing to get good skills transferred to them (apparently distant counter on christmas chrom is really good? I don't know where to learn it from aside from hector
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Oh hey, a Heroes thread for me to necro-post in. I’ve been playing since it came out and I have quite the collection but for the sake of brevity I’ll just show my arena team and my pride and joy. My current arena team consists of
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However my true pride and joy is my meme build Julia