DXY's Trade List

ラスト スワン +9 [0/0/0/0|0] - 7pd
タイレルのパラソル [0/0/0/0|0] - 1PD
V801 x1 - 7pd
天/能力 x2
Danm, what an update ^w^ !
Could i buy the Galatine [15/45/0/0|0] - 7pd new ?
Hi, I would like to buy the following items from you. Please let me know if you still have them.

Black King Bar +80 [20/0/20/0|25] - 30pd
S-Rank HELL SCYTHE +150 [Hell] - 82pd
Twin Blaze [25/0/0/0|0] - 5pd
Yunchang [0/0/25/0|25] - 4pd
V801 - 7pd
S-Rank BERSERK NEEDLE +70 [Berserk] - 71pd
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Hello I'd like to buy a few things from your wonderful shop.

Cure Units all set x4 - 2pd
Heavenly/Ability x6 - 6pd
Addslot x8 - 4pd
I'd like to buy these
Heaven Striker [0/0/25/20|0] - 1pd
Tyrell's Parasol [0/0/0/0|15] - 2pd
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I would like these please:

Soul Banish [0/15/0/0|35] - 2pd new
Monkey King Bar [0/0/0/0|30] - 6pd
Flapjack Flapper +25 [0/0/35/0|30] - 3pd


Hello, I'm back to buy some more things from your wonderful shop.

1x Heavenly/Battle
1x Heavenly/Power
2x Heavenly/Mind