DXY's Trade List

Hello! Can I purchase this for 3 PDs and 2 Gold Anniversary badges? Tschüss!

"Nidra LV200 [Gold] [5/148/47/0] [Mylla & Youlla|Estlla|Pilla] - 5pd"
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Reactions: DXY
I'll take care/freeze, cure/confuse, and cure/paralysis for 2pd. Let me know when you are online and we can make the trade.
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Reactions: DXY
Arms +6 [Charge] [0/0/50/0|50] - 2pd
Diska of Braveman [0/0/0/0|40] - 1pd
Diska of Braveman [0/0/0/0|40] - 1pd
Ranger Wall [0/10|0/10] - 1pd
Ranger Wall [0/10|0/10] - 1pd
Laser +5 [Hell] [0/0/35/40|50] - 2pd
Heavenly/Battle x3 - 1pd each = 3
Heavenly/Arms x1 - 3pd each = 3

HP Material x99 - 7pd
Power Material x99 - 7pd
Power Material x99 - 7pd

buying to help new players
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Reactions: DXY
Hello! I'd like to purchase these items next time you're available:

Thirteen [7/8|8/8] [4S] - 5pd
Kasami Bracer [2/50|7/15] - 2pd
Diska of Braveman [35/0/0/0|40] - 2pd
Smartlink x1 - 2pd
Heavenly/Battle x1 - 1pd
Centurion/Ability x1 - 8pd

Discord: galsia

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Reactions: DXY