Character Tier List?

Wait HUcast for solo? Hard to say for me Cast got that low resta endurance loool
HUcast is the best in the game hands down.
The only reason to keep FO around is for no PB buffs, and Gifoie.
Everything else is irrelevant.

Implying Fo's job isn't the most important lol

Demon's > Hucast
Assuming all situations, weapon animations and available weapons for each class in terms of raw DPS. Arms with sacri special + strong Shifta alone just puts almost everything else to shame.
HUcast's atp is great but RA weaponry is so strong i'd argue even RAcaseal's DPS isn't far under a HUcast.

Racast 10
Ramar 9.7
Hucast 9.5
RAcaseal 9.0
RAmarl =/= FOnewm 8.7
FOney 8.5
HUmar =/= HUcaseal 8.0
HUney 7.5
Fomar =/= fomarl 7.2
Assuming all situations, weapon animations and available weapons for each class in terms of raw DPS. Arms with sacri special + strong Shifta alone just puts almost everything else to shame.
HUcast's atp is great but RA weaponry is so strong i'd argue even RAcaseal's DPS isn't far under a HUcast.

Racast 10
Ramar 9.7
Hucast 9.5
RAcaseal 9.0
RAmarl =/= FOnewm 8.7
FOney 8.5
HUmar =/= HUcaseal 8.0
HUney 7.5
Fomar =/= fomarl 7.2
I think most of the ratings here would make sense if it was really uncoordinated play.
Trust me when I say HUcast is the best, though only if all the players have some semblance of teamwork.

In TA (Ordered in terms of importance):

1. Hucast
(Best single target damage in the game. Most spawns are one enemy assigned per player etc.)

2. Fonewm/Fomar/Fomarl
(Fonewm for EP 4, Fomarl for EP 2, and Fomar for EP 1)

3. Racast
(In 4way PB it has its uses, MA4C Episode 4 etc)

4. Ramar
(Can be used in Episode 2 quests, and Solo Multimode)

5. Ramarl
(Just for TTF)

6. Everything else is irrelevant.
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In no particular order:

"Human gutterball" tier:

"Person who puts halloween decorations over their entire house and yard in September" tier:

"Uninstall the game please" tier:

"Direly needed prostate exam you've been avoiding" tier:

"Involuntary celibacy" tier:

"Mad cuz bad" tier:

"Stage 5 cancer" tier:

"Matryoshka trashcan" tier:

"Liberal arts degree with $100,000 worth of student loan debt" tier:

"Week-old microwaved McDonald's fries" tier:

"Person who puts an obituary of their fish in the newspaper" tier:

"NEET that owns a body pillow with an onahole installed in it" tier:
In no particular order:

"Human gutterball" tier:

"Person who puts halloween decorations over their entire house and yard in September" tier:

"Uninstall the game please" tier:

"Direly needed prostate exam you've been avoiding" tier:

"Involuntary celibacy" tier:

"Mad cuz bad" tier:

"Stage 5 cancer" tier:

"Matryoshka trashcan" tier:

"Liberal arts degree with $100,000 worth of student loan debt" tier:

"Week-old microwaved McDonald's fries" tier:

"Person who puts an obituary of their fish in the newspaper" tier:

"NEET that owns a body pillow with an onahole installed in it" tier:

Lol. That list reminded me of this post I saw somewhere:

HUcast - You believe techs are a bunch of bullshit and have a strong dislike for any other class.

HUmar - You just plain suck, for no particular reason.

HUnewearl - You're a sick horny man.

HUcaseal - You spent your highschool years believing you were a ninja, and still fantasize about it today.

RAmar - You like to wear headbands and call yourself Snake.

RAmarl - You have a military girl fetish.

RAcast - You're a really lonely boy who seeks true love, but will never find it.

RAcaseal - You're a pervert who dreams of robot sex and believes maids are the sexiest things ever.

FOmarl - You desperately try to give the impression that you're cute and fun-loving when you really are a cynical and depressed individual.

FOmar - You like to dress as a girl.

FOnewm - You totally lack taste in clothes and often walk the streets wearing nonsensical stuff.

FOnewearl - You are a pedophile.
I mean, it's really hard to argue that there is any class better than Hucast or Racast. They are just the best.
Classes with high base atp are the strongest here's why:

Note: tech level in game client is always 1 lower than value shown, some values may vary a little due to hidden natural atp

See here, shifta atp bonus is based mostly on BASE ATP and the effect on weapon atp is minimal unless there's a huge gap between weapon min and max atp which is unlikely.
In terms of raw atp, hucast has 1639 which given the formula above 1639*((1.3*29+10)/100) = 781 giving us 2420 atp which is ~1143 damage per hit unarmed assuming you have shifta level 30 (Not even counting the overpowered 4 way pb)

Let's compare to another melee class, let's say lowest atp hunter aka hunewearl.
The raw atp is 1237 which given the formula above 1237*((1.3*29+10)/100) = 590 giving us ~787 damage per hit which is about 356 damage less per hit than hucast.
Combine this with a charge special, the damage difference offloads close to around 626 damage difference per hit which is crazy shit numbers when using charge vulcans hitting many times per second.

Don't even try to compare the other stats, accuracy is similar, attack techs are useless and you might think buffs are useful but let's compare right here...
1237 atp given the formula 1237*((1.3*19+10)/100) = 429 so 1666 atp which is 27 higher atp than raw hucast when using shifta level 20 lol
Jellen/Zalure spells are also not as good as they used to be in version 1 due to massive enemy nerfs.
Defensive stats aren't too useful since the most threatening attacks bypass def/evp and it's generally more useful to fall on the ground and not die than stand and die to a combo.
What this tells us is that hunewearl needs buffs to be as good as a class that doesn't need any while also not benefitting from traps which are generally more useful than the spells with 100% crowd control success rate.
To sum things up, Hucast is stronger solo and god tier under the effect of shifta which can happen either from mag boost or a teammate.

Think again if you think the classes are balanced, this game has no balance whatsoever.
And for hardcore players, this means atp from mag/units/materials is superior to atp from weapons by close to 50% under the effect of shifta 30.
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Classes with high base atp are the strongest here's why:

Note: tech level in game client is always 1 lower than value shown, some values may vary a little due to hidden natural atp

See here, shifta atp bonus is based mostly on BASE ATP and the effect on weapon atp is minimal unless there's a huge gap between weapon min and max atp which is unlikely.
In terms of raw atp, hucast has 1639 which given the formula above 1639*((1.3*29+10)/100) = 781 giving us 2420 atp which is ~1143 damage per hit unarmed assuming you have shifta level 30 (Not even counting the overpowered 4 way pb)

Let's compare to another melee class, let's say lowest atp hunter aka hunewearl.
The raw atp is 1237 which given the formula above 1237*((1.3*29+10)/100) = 590 giving us ~787 damage per hit which is about 356 damage less per hit than hucast.
Combine this with a charge special, the damage difference offloads close to around 626 damage difference per hit which is crazy shit numbers when using charge vulcans hitting many times per second.

Don't even try to compare the other stats, accuracy is similar, attack techs are useless and you might think buffs are useful but let's compare right here...
1237 atp given the formula 1237*((1.3*19+10)/100) = 429 so 1666 atp which is 27 higher atp than raw hucast when using shifta level 20 lol
Jellen/Zalure spells are also not as good as they used to be in version 1 due to massive enemy nerfs.
Defensive stats aren't too useful since the most threatening attacks bypass def/evp and it's generally more useful to fall on the ground and not die than stand and die to a combo.
What this tells us is that hunewearl needs buffs to be as good as a class that doesn't need any while also not benefitting from traps which are generally more useful than the spells with 100% crowd control success rate.
To sum things up, Hucast is stronger solo and god tier under the effect of shifta which can happen either from mag boost or a teammate.

Think again if you think the classes are balanced, this game has no balance whatsoever.
And for hardcore players, this means atp from mag/units/materials is superior to atp from weapons by close to 50% under the effect of shifta 30.
How do you calculate ~1143 barehand damage from 2420 ATP for the comparison? I'm curious.
Also the Shifta duration formula means level 3 Shifta is 60 seconds duration?
Jellen/Zalure spells are also not as good as they used to be in version 1 due to massive enemy nerfs.
Shifta and percentages are nerfed as well, so that doesn't help matters, either. The V2 formula alows Shifta to affect your entire raw ATP (base + weapon + grind), and percentages affect everything (base, weapon, grind, Shifta), meaning that any class can outdamage (or at least match) a particular HUcast if they use a weapon strong enough to make their total ATP higher than his (assuming he's using a weapon worse than yours). With the V3 Shifta formula, it doesn't really matter what weapons anybody uses, because Shifta gives HUcast way more ATP than it gives anybody else.

The V2 formula appears to work like so:

(base ATP + weapon ATP + grind ATP) * Shifta % = visible ATP
visible ATP * weapon % = final ATP

Not only does doing it this way decrease the importance of who has the most base ATP, but it also decreases the importance of how much ATP your weapon has, so you don't have the problem of "any % except Hit is useless on a Mechgun, because its base ATP is trash" like you do on V3 and V4.

Of course in order for this system to work, you need much more powerful enemies than the ones Sega created for V3, so that they can withstand the damage you can do with a 50% weapon under the influence of Shifta, which means that while Techniques are highly valued in this system, androids are also trash for soloing, because they can't do any damage.


Sega sucks at balance.