This special little mag didn't stick to her diet and no longer has the slim waistline her former future owner wanted. She still has room to grow though, and is looking for a good home to love and nurture her seemingly imperfect figure!
min: 69 meseta
countdown 24h
reset 24h
Sold! for 4 ph
All of my xmas loot that hasn't yet been sold or traded.
Reserve: 3ph
Countdown: 48h
Sniper [Demon's] [0/0/0/0|70]
Monkey King Bar [0/0/0/15|35]
Sealed J-Sword [0/0/30/0|0]
Frozen Shooter [0/0/0/0|15]
Yasminkov 7000V [15/0/0/0|45]
Lame d'Argent [0/0/20/0|0]
Lame d'Argent...
SOLD! for 60 pd
The rest of my Anniversary loot, I'm too lazy to sell these items by themselves but I'm sure someone would profit on these..
Reserve: 1 pd
Countdown: 24 Hours
PS @ 99
PC 1:1
Gold 1:1
Mag auction? Why not?
Accepted currency:
Silvers: 10:1pd
Gold's: 1:1pd
Meseta 400k:1pd
Item tickets: 1pd
Countdown: 24hrs
Reset: 24hrs
Res: 1pd
Buyout: 20pd
I recently made six Mark-3 mind mags and messed up their stats a little bit. I thought I'd try to auction them off at a discount...