CHB: @RazakelKairo w/ 400pds
Reserve: 100pds
Initial CD: 48hr from bid:
Reset CD: 24hr from bid: 19/04/22 - @22:49 (UTC)
If not pds, wants are as follows:
Sold! for 650
Reserve: 1
Countdown: 48 Hours
Any item that's easy to sell or auction, if it's worth more than your bid I'll pay you the difference.
Spheres, Cookies 4 pd
Sold! for 85 pd
Reserve: 7
Countdown: 36 Hours
Any item that's easy to sell or auction, if it's worth more than your bid I'll pay you the difference.
Spheres, Cookies 4 pd
Sold! for 510 pd
Reserve: 2 pd
Countdown: 48 Hours
Any item that's easy to sell or auction, if it's worth more than your bid I'll pay you the difference.
Spheres, Cookies 4 pd
Next Auction:
[0/0/0/100|50] L&K38
Sold! for 3385 pd
Reserve: 1 pd
Countdown: 72 Hours
Reset: 48 Hours
Min Bid Increment: +3%
Any item that's easy to auction @ 85% market value.
The Vjaya's were one thing, but they were bought while these Caliburs were found by me, the very rare occurrences of my good RNG.
They are...