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  1. Ceri0n

    Trader John's & S-Ranks

    20 pds, if still available. Dank 65 hit
  2. Ceri0n

    This months HBR analytics

    Purple drops vises which with a lot of hit can be worth while on PW2. PW3 has the Psycho Wand drop on bluefull but you can hunt Monkey King Bars on Redria too. Tyrells Parasol on Viridia on PW1 is a decent drop, especially with some hit on it. Same counts for PW4 and has the the meme Nei's Claw...
  3. Ceri0n

    This months HBR analytics

    Both are very good since HP drops on Purple + v502 and on Whitill you can get a Lavis cannon, Guld and a v502 if I am not mistaken.
  4. Ceri0n

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Dis is too much... gib plz.
  5. Ceri0n

    (HC) Want to Buy God/Battle, Meseta, Decent Rifle or Mechguns

    Have you already got the battle unit? I know I still have a few left on my HC account
  6. Ceri0n

    Starting fresh, first time on Ephinea

    Welcome! I would advice you starting out with a HU or RA since Forces are quite expensive in the terms of meseta and level quite slow since you don't do a lot of DPS. Later on, this is not an issue. FOmar for life!
  7. Ceri0n

    Ceri0n's Tradelist

    yes I do :)
  8. Ceri0n

    Shared inventory?

    Probably practically and code wise not possible... but other than that. Sounds good!
  9. Ceri0n

    Linux Tutorial for Playing PSOBB on Ephinea

    It should but I have no idea how. Ask ToasterMage since he seems to know how. Wine should work about the same for both Linux and MacOs.
  10. Ceri0n

    Linux Tutorial for Playing PSOBB on Ephinea

    Linux* is another operating system (like Windows and MacOs). If wine works for MacOs I doubt it that only Linux would support the dropreader. You might also just want to dual boot windows since that is way easier than install everything through wine. If you like tweaking however then it is a...
  11. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Well said. Grinding PD's is a tough grind and that is no joke. You need to sell stuff as well if you are to Sphere the crap out of the weapons. Doubling the PD rate will probably cause some inflation (which to some degree is a good thing here actually) without having to go 'balls to the walls'...
  12. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    I feel sorry for your thumbs ;) . So if I understand you correctly then it is the variety you miss instead of the rates being increased right? This means balancing weapons (but this can also mean balancing classes) to a certain extent. Way back in my noob days I thought that charge weapons were...
  13. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Now that would be completely unfair. Equality of oppertunity is great, not of outcome. Someone that works harder will go towards his goal faster (it depends somewhat on IQ as well but we'd better take that out of the equation). You need to have to agree to certain rules to play with each other...
  14. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    This is falz (pun intented ;) ). In Ultimate you need to have done each quest just twice since completing them will have you get 6 points for the quest (source). On Normal difficulty doing HBR is not worth it, it might start on Very Hard but most of it happens on Ultimate anyway. This is...
  15. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    This might be a problem, yes. Well... if you see it as such. I like to play the game whether or not the events are on and it is their choice to only play when events are there. I get the 'frustration' though, as a lack of a better word for it. It sometimes feels not so fair but that's life. You...
  16. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Isn't it just the same with boosting droprates? The probability is higher but that does not mean for certainty that you get something way quicker
  17. Ceri0n

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Cool and sincere post. However, I feel like the items are very well distributed and the droprates are good. We even have hunters boost road for increased droprates and events. The most important items are as a starter are easy to get, most of which are charge items. Getting to the endgame I feel...
  18. Ceri0n

    The metagame, a guide for better play.

    Nice source! I can't compete with reverse engineering so I guess you're right and I'm wrong. Just curious how that thread got his information though. It sounded credible enough.
  19. Ceri0n

    The metagame, a guide for better play.

    Fair enough. Edited ;) .
  20. Ceri0n

    The metagame, a guide for better play.

    Agreed but there are some items quite expensive. Not everyone is lvl 180 for a red ring for example