Shared inventory?

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So do you hate transferring from one character to another?

Are you like me and have more than one character and when you go to switch you then have to spend another few minutes making bank space in your common bank and then spend a few more minutes in the bank hunting for what you want to equip for them?

I assume this can be annoying when u wanna join a group as well and several of the same class show up? And instead of being awesome and having a FO party or something you gotta go and grab a smelly hucast to join rank cause people for some reason think a team of 4 little Foney girls isn't up to the task of taking on an pissed off simulation of a evil god or 2.

I bet this is very annoying because it isn't like you aren't really changing that much around as well even?

Yeah sure you have your spread needle, frozen shooter, zanba, flowen's, glide divine, and magic piece but it isnt like you really need to regrab those charge mechs, v101, v502, red ring, and so on .

So I ask, is it possible to have a shared inventory like we have a bank?

I don't really see this as broken even though you got 60 items now cause it's not like you'd get to use all 60 at one time and I'm pretty sure you'd have to equip everything again after moving from shared to character as well.

However I could see it as fixing a complaint a lot of people have with pso and that is the limited amount of space you have to carry loot.
Probably practically and code wise not possible... but other than that. Sounds good!
Isn't part of the challenge gearing up correctly before heading into battle?
Extending the inventory kinda removes the tactical aspect of this, but that's just my opinion. :P
This to be a very interesting idea. I like it. Would be very useful for storing cross-character essentials like v-units/Sranks.
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