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Hi everyone, a new episode of one of my (in)famous posts. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
This time I’m going to talk about the metagame. First and foremost, I’m not going to state that I’ve got it all figured out but I think I know the biggest part of it. This post is mostly for new(er) players since the veterans have probably their own style of play and can deviate effectively from what is underneath, both skill and wealthwise. Anyhow, this is where the real post begins.
I’m going to talk about all the classes that are in PSO, the hunters, rangers and the forces in this specific order as well.
So first of all I will start with the hunters. They do high damage but sometimes lack a bit of accuracy to use firearms. That is why you need a smartlink for them. Besides that, a charge gun with 50% hit or more is wise to use as well as charge mechs with 50% or more. Especially the charge mechs are important to do a lot of single target damage. For multitarget you can use a sacrificial slicer (Charge slicer or Diska of Braveman) and/or a sacrificial sword like a charge caliber (don’t see them a whole lot unfortunately) Zanba or Yunchang.
For me, this is probably the most effective gear if you are starting out as a new hunter on our server and you are about level 90/100. I prefer accuracy over power but you can do whatever you like .
- Charge Mechs 50 hit (Vulcans) 1pd
- Charge Gun 50 hit (Raygun) 1pd
- Charge Slicer 50 hit (1pd)
- Charge Calibur 50 hit (1pd)
- 4 slot armor (I don’t mind which one)
o Heavenly/battle (1-3pds)
o Smartlink (1pd)
o God/heavenly arms x2 depending on your build
o Heavenly Power maybe, depending on your build
- Kasami bracers (S-Parts ver2.01 for HUcast or HUcaseal if you are lucky, 15 pds but perhaps more right now)
- A decent mag with power/dex.
When you are a more experienced Hunter then you know you can easily deviate from this with a Dark Flow, Black King Bar, Vjaya and Excalibur so things are not set in stone. It is one of the most basic needed gear though for hunter.
The 2nd classes are naturally the Rangers. They have very good accuracy but can sometimes lack the power of a hunter (bar RAcast and RAmar to a lesser extent).
This is probably the most common setup, and certainly the most wanted starting out.
- Frozen shooter (for freezing Baranz, Gi Gue, Ill Gill and more strong mobs that can be frozen).
- Charge Mechs 50 hit (Vulcans) 1pd
- 0’d Heaven Striker (3-6 pds)
- Charge Gungnir 50 hit (1pd for ep4, lizards)
- Demons Laser 50 hit (1pd)
- Charge Arms 50 hit (1pd)
- Arrest Raygun/Laser 50 hit (1pd) for Dorphons in ep4
- 4 slot armor (I don’t mind which one)
o Heavenly/battle (1-3pds)
o V501 (2-5 pds) but less important on ep1/4
o God/heavenly arms x2 depending on your build
o Heavenly Power maybe, depending on your build
- Rangers Wall (1pd or get it yourself with button mashing game in gallon’s shop. 300 points are needed)
- A decent mag with power/dex/(mind for RAmarl perhaps).
You can also deviate from this build once you are more experienced. Hence, the s-ranks are not even mentioned here as well as the hell weapons for ep2. They will come in later however once you have gathered enough pds, through grinding or through trading.
PS: spread needle can suck in multimode because it still causes a lot of DMC. They are still viable for crowd control and single mode however.
The 3rd and last classes are the forces. For relevant gameplay they need the least amount of armor. Sounds crazy right? All they need is a good level Shifta and Deband and also Zalure (and Jellen to a lesser extent).
The gear that is needed however is:
- Glide divine (for increasing jellen/zalure range)
The rest is optional but I’m going to name them now anyway
- Ignition Cloak (5pds)
o V801 (2-4pds)
o Wizard/Devil or God technique just in case
o 2xHeavenly minds (1pd )
- Red/Gifoie Merg (3-5 pds)
- Mind mag
As with the other classes, when you are an experienced fo you can easily deviate from this. Every fo bar the FOnewearl can be used as a battle fo. You will need a Pow/Dex mag then as well of course. Since it is more of a beginners guide I let out the high hit charge/spirit mechs, adept and bringers rifle. Thirteen and DoB can be used on Fomar and Fomarl as well and FOmarl is an expert user of the Slicer of Fanatic as well when you glitch your Special/Normal/Special your attack.
You can also check this thread when you are a bit further in terms of wealth to push you in the right direction. Those are probably the best weapons for every class, period
For now, this is all but suggestions are more than welcome of course! Thanks for all the feedback
This time I’m going to talk about the metagame. First and foremost, I’m not going to state that I’ve got it all figured out but I think I know the biggest part of it. This post is mostly for new(er) players since the veterans have probably their own style of play and can deviate effectively from what is underneath, both skill and wealthwise. Anyhow, this is where the real post begins.
I’m going to talk about all the classes that are in PSO, the hunters, rangers and the forces in this specific order as well.
So first of all I will start with the hunters. They do high damage but sometimes lack a bit of accuracy to use firearms. That is why you need a smartlink for them. Besides that, a charge gun with 50% hit or more is wise to use as well as charge mechs with 50% or more. Especially the charge mechs are important to do a lot of single target damage. For multitarget you can use a sacrificial slicer (Charge slicer or Diska of Braveman) and/or a sacrificial sword like a charge caliber (don’t see them a whole lot unfortunately) Zanba or Yunchang.
For me, this is probably the most effective gear if you are starting out as a new hunter on our server and you are about level 90/100. I prefer accuracy over power but you can do whatever you like .
- Charge Mechs 50 hit (Vulcans) 1pd
- Charge Gun 50 hit (Raygun) 1pd
- Charge Slicer 50 hit (1pd)
- Charge Calibur 50 hit (1pd)
- 4 slot armor (I don’t mind which one)
o Heavenly/battle (1-3pds)
o Smartlink (1pd)
o God/heavenly arms x2 depending on your build
o Heavenly Power maybe, depending on your build
- Kasami bracers (S-Parts ver2.01 for HUcast or HUcaseal if you are lucky, 15 pds but perhaps more right now)
- A decent mag with power/dex.
When you are a more experienced Hunter then you know you can easily deviate from this with a Dark Flow, Black King Bar, Vjaya and Excalibur so things are not set in stone. It is one of the most basic needed gear though for hunter.
The 2nd classes are naturally the Rangers. They have very good accuracy but can sometimes lack the power of a hunter (bar RAcast and RAmar to a lesser extent).
This is probably the most common setup, and certainly the most wanted starting out.
- Frozen shooter (for freezing Baranz, Gi Gue, Ill Gill and more strong mobs that can be frozen).
- Charge Mechs 50 hit (Vulcans) 1pd
- 0’d Heaven Striker (3-6 pds)
- Charge Gungnir 50 hit (1pd for ep4, lizards)
- Demons Laser 50 hit (1pd)
- Charge Arms 50 hit (1pd)
- Arrest Raygun/Laser 50 hit (1pd) for Dorphons in ep4
- 4 slot armor (I don’t mind which one)
o Heavenly/battle (1-3pds)
o V501 (2-5 pds) but less important on ep1/4
o God/heavenly arms x2 depending on your build
o Heavenly Power maybe, depending on your build
- Rangers Wall (1pd or get it yourself with button mashing game in gallon’s shop. 300 points are needed)
- A decent mag with power/dex/(mind for RAmarl perhaps).
You can also deviate from this build once you are more experienced. Hence, the s-ranks are not even mentioned here as well as the hell weapons for ep2. They will come in later however once you have gathered enough pds, through grinding or through trading.
PS: spread needle can suck in multimode because it still causes a lot of DMC. They are still viable for crowd control and single mode however.
The 3rd and last classes are the forces. For relevant gameplay they need the least amount of armor. Sounds crazy right? All they need is a good level Shifta and Deband and also Zalure (and Jellen to a lesser extent).
The gear that is needed however is:
- Glide divine (for increasing jellen/zalure range)
The rest is optional but I’m going to name them now anyway
- Ignition Cloak (5pds)
o V801 (2-4pds)
o Wizard/Devil or God technique just in case
o 2xHeavenly minds (1pd )
- Red/Gifoie Merg (3-5 pds)
- Mind mag
As with the other classes, when you are an experienced fo you can easily deviate from this. Every fo bar the FOnewearl can be used as a battle fo. You will need a Pow/Dex mag then as well of course. Since it is more of a beginners guide I let out the high hit charge/spirit mechs, adept and bringers rifle. Thirteen and DoB can be used on Fomar and Fomarl as well and FOmarl is an expert user of the Slicer of Fanatic as well when you glitch your Special/Normal/Special your attack.
You can also check this thread when you are a bit further in terms of wealth to push you in the right direction. Those are probably the best weapons for every class, period

For now, this is all but suggestions are more than welcome of course! Thanks for all the feedback

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