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  1. phantasystarved

    If I'm not raising a mag then I feel like I'm forgetting something. The mag timer in my head...

    If I'm not raising a mag then I feel like I'm forgetting something. The mag timer in my head goes off regardless.
  2. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Can you check item ID 01029B00 and see if the design changes depending on the SID of the wielder? The description I have is kind of ambiguous. Or maybe it's meant to be an ID best used as a quest reward, thus giving you your SID's version? Just curious.
  3. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Shuffle away! Thank you everyone for your input. One interesting equipment note about Genpei, after thinking about it more: Genpei is one cool looking shield, having different versions with cosmetic changes (different ID symbols). It has synergy with Samurai Armor which makes it useful as...
  4. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Second revision for Shamby drops, reflects points made above. Section ID: Very Hard drop / Ultimate drop Viridia: Samurai Armor / Murasame Greenill: Le Cogneur / Tension Blaster Skyly: Nei's Claw (replica) / Daisy Chain Bluefull: Broom / Getsugasan Purplenum: Jitte / Rage De Feu (Geist) Pinkal...
  5. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Oh. Right.
  6. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Hm, I'm curious, is it the 10 extra ATA over Last Swan that makes it so much more powerful? Because it actually has less of an ATP bonus (on average) 50-100 compared to Last Swan's 80-90. I know more ATA = more hits/damage, but does the extra ATA make that much of a difference? I've never really...
  7. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    This is really outside the box, but one could also place some TypeM weapons (TypeSA/Saber, Type RI/Rifle, TypeWA/Wand etc) into the Very Hard chart. I think they're normally random Beak's Cafe prizes? Not sure. Anyway, they're all low requirement, low stats, high grind weapons that are white in...
  8. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    My spreadsheet, which was originally born out of early SCHT but has been long since proofread for vanilla, coincides with PSO World on this one. I really think NDW's chart is off on that one - for the ATP anyway - but the ATA and other stuff looks correct at first glance. But like you, I too...
  9. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Thanks for the input! My first draft of potential drops was only meant to be constructive conversation starter, they could be anything! No Dual-Bird makers is cool with me. Although I do love those weapons! Other suggestions: Le Cogneur, Chameleon Scythe, Jitte, 5th Anniversary Blade Friend...
  10. phantasystarved

    Unitxt issues

    Every /Ability unit incorrectly lists the ATA bonus, except one (I think Hero/Ability is correct?) Going only by memory, please forgive me if I goof as I can't log in from where I am at the moment: General/Ability has .5 ATA, not mentioned at all I don't think. Hero/Ability has 1 ATA, I think...
  11. phantasystarved

    Shambertin drop adjustments

    Whoo, new forum format! Anyway... The issue before the Shambertin drop table nerf: Under Sega's final PSOBB JP table, way too many endgame drops came from Shambertin, to the point where people became sick of doing PoD runs all day, erry day. The issue after the initial Ephinea adjustment: Now...
  12. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I still do BPD2 in Ultimate because I'd rather have a statless Shouren to make Jizais with than a statless Yunchang. Plus, maybe the drop percentages are the same for each item, but I've had way better luck in Ultimate. Superstition, it's a thing.
  13. phantasystarved

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I claim the 2000th post!
  14. phantasystarved

    Anyone have looping .OGG files for:

    Brilliant, thanks for the tips!
  15. phantasystarved

    Anyone have looping .OGG files for:

    I didn't put the seasonal music in, but I edited a couple dozen PSU tracks to make my PSU ogg package for PSO. Edit: From past experience, custom lobby music got overwritten by the patch server after the file check, but I haven't tried...
  16. phantasystarved

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    My first one ever! I was so shocked I forgot to snap a pic of the banner...
  17. phantasystarved

    Look for GameCube lots on Ebay, they're so numerous that you can get some really good deals that...

    Look for GameCube lots on Ebay, they're so numerous that you can get some really good deals that way. Last year I scored a Gamecube lot that came with the hard to find and expensive component cable for under forty bucks. I actually spent a month seeing if I could spot a cable in someone's...
  18. phantasystarved

    Quests with NPCs

    I enjoy going through all the solo content as well! My apologies to those who have heard me say this before, but it's pertinent to this thread - there's secret goals to the Episode 4 quests that unlock a special cinematic when completed. Warrior's Pride: Complete the Crater Interior portion in...
  19. phantasystarved

    Quests with NPCs

    I'd go more into detail but I am super-tired right now, hehe. But all the one-player quests for Ep4 have NPC escorts except for BPD/BPD2. The Japanese titled one is "To the End of the Wilderness", and it's rather unusual in that you have a choice of escorts, or can even go without an escort...