List of all(?) the quests with npc followers in "One Person" mode (offline mode on consoles)
Just a few details worth noting before taking on these quests:
- The npcs can be used as "tanks", giving players more safety during combat and allowing them to focus more on damaging enemies instead of running/evading attacks.
- While useful for solo hunting/leveling, the npcs are far from being as effective as other players could be. They should mostly be used as "tanks" and you really shouldn't expect them to support you or even themselves. In fact most of the time it's pretty much the other way around.
- Always keep an eye on their HP/status and heal/buff them when possible.
- If you can't use techs to heal/support them (Cast classes) then use crowd control traps and weapon specials efficiently (Freeze/Paralyse>Confuse) and try to kill monsters as quickly as possible since npcs tend to heal only between fights.
- Mag buffs (Photon Blasts/Bonus Triggers) can be applied on npcs at relatively close range.
- While I've never tried it myself, Star Atomizers should heal npcs at relatively close range but they are uncommon and really expensive to buy from the item shop (5k mesetas) so it's up to you, I don't really recommend using them.
- When you run away from npcs they'll try to follow you, leaving them completely helpless if surrounded by enemies.
- Npcs can get stuck in walls and doors because of their poor path-findind AI. Try to keep an eye on the minimap to make sure you don't lose them along the way. If you happen to lose them, using a telepipe should reset their position by your side.
- Episode 1 -
- You have to complete the quests
Magnitude of Metal,
Claiming a Stake and
Battle Training to unlock the more advanced ones.
- In addition to the 3 quests mentioned above, some of the advanced quests will require other specific quests to be completed in order for them to be unlocked and finally appear at the Guild Counter (read the corresponding notes).
- The notes concerning quest requirements and additional stuff are based on my playthroughs on
Ephinea as well as external help from some of our members. It may not always match 100% what is writen in the guides from PSO-World since they're mostly based on older versions of the game from the official Sega servers.
Quest - Follower(s) - Notes
(Basic Quests)
Magnitude of Metal - Elenor Camuel / RAcaseal - Forest 1 - When you reach Elenor, tell her that you're looking for the Mag and she'll join you.
Battle Training - Kireek / HUcast - Forest 1
(Advanced Quests)
Journalistic Pursuit - Nol Rinale / HUnewearl - Forest 1 & 2
Forest of Sorrow - Alicia Baz / FOmarl - Forest 1 & 2 - Unlocked after completing the quest
Native Research. Very good quest to hunt Hildebear, Hildelt, Hildeblue, Hildetorr (skip to Forest 2 with the red telepipe). Lots of boxes to farm tech Amplifiers easily on hard mode with Pinkal ID (Deband Amp/Barta Amp in Forest 1, Resta Amp/Foie Amp in Forest 2).
Gran Squall - Bernie / RAmar - Forest 1 & 2 - When you reach Bernie, tell him that you believe everything about the pleasure boat story and he'll join you.
The Lost Bride - Cicil / FOmarl - Cave 1 & 2 - Be ready to cast Resta on Cicil at any moment. If she gets hit you need to heal her quickly to prevent her from using mates. If she uses too many, the quest will be failed.
The Grave's Butler - Matha Grave / FOmarl - Cave 1 & 2 - To complete the quest you only need to reach and activate the capsule in the room filled with waterfalls and a rainbow (just before the end of the red path in the guide). After the dialogue scene in that room, just proceed to the next hallway and Matha will set a telepipe. Use it to get back on Pioneer 2 and head to the Guild Counter to get your reward. Lots of boxes to farm tech Amplifiers and Barriers easily on hard mode with Pinkal ID (Zonde Amp in Cave 1, Gizonde Amp/Blue Barrier in Cave 2).
The Retired Hunter - Donoph / HUmar - Ruins 3 - Good quest to level up quickly when reaching a new difficulty mode but it can be very difficult on Ult at early lvls (80-100). Lots of boxes and monsters for drops.
Dr. Osto's Research - Sue / HUnewearl - Mines 1 - When you reach Sue, talk to her and he'll join you.
Soul of Steel - Elenor Camuel / RAcaseal & Dr. Montague / FOnewm - Mines 2 & Ruins 3 - Unlocked after completing the quest
Doc's Secret Plan.
Doc's Secret Plan - Elenor Camuel / RAcaseal - Ruins 1 - Very good quest to hunt Chaos Sorcerer, Gran Sorcerer,
Seek my Master - Shino / RAcaseal - Ruins 1 & 2 - If you don't talk to Zoke when you find him in the big room, you can go a bit further on the same level for more a few more rooms filled with boxes and/or monsters. Lots of boxes to farm tech Amplifiers and Barriers easily on hard mode with Pinkal ID (Rafoie Amp/Red Amp on Ruins 1, Razonde Amp/Yellow Amp/Red Barrier/Assist Barrier in Ruins 2).
Updates coming soon...
- Episode 2 -
Quest - Follower(s) - Notes
Seat of the Heart - Elly Person / FOnewearl -
Blue Star Memories - Wilm Break / FOmar & Orland / HUmar -
A New Hope - Mr. X / Fomar -
Updates coming soon...
- Episode 4 -
Quest - Follower(s) - Notes
The Warrior's Pride - Ash / HUmar & Bernie / RAmar, Rupika / FOnewearl (optional) - Crater South & Crater Interior
Pioneer's Spirits - Ash / HUmar & Rupika / FOnewearl, Karen / ??? (optional) -
To the End of the Wilderness (Japanese Quest) - Ash / HUmar (optional), Bernie / RAmar (optional), Sue / HUnewearl (optional), Alicia Baz / FOmarl (optional) -
Updates coming soon...
I'll try to keep updating the list until it provides as much useful details as possible for solo hunting/leveling purpose. Feel free to let me know if you see some mistakes or want to add some info. Of course, the list can also be used/modified by the Ephinea staff if they want to move it to a thread of its own etc...
Huge thanks to phantasystarved and Ducks for their help.