Unitxt issues


Staff member
Hi guys, I'm gonna run through the Unitxt (probably tomorrow, might be next weekend though) sometime soon and I'd like to know what errors or typos there are to fix. This can also include text in quests as well.

Right now I have the following:
  • V801 description of the word technique.
  • Swordsman Lore / Proof of Sword Saint description
  • Magic Rock "Moola" having weird capitalization.
If there's anything else you're aware of that looks wrong/silly, please post it in here, thanks.
Rainbow baton is described as a 'wand' with the use of the magical stone irisitia.
I noticed these a long time ago, so not sure if they got fixed in the meantime:
  • Quest Soul of Steel: When getting the Meseta reward, there was a space character missing in the NPC’s message.
  • Episode 2 Government quest: When talking for the first time to NOL, she says something like "Hi I'mNOL" (i.e., missing space character).
Not sure if bug or intentional:
According to PSO-World’s entry for the item Divine Protection, its description ends with "depending on the time of day.", but IIRC it doesn’t contain this on Ephinea. The effect still depends on the Beats, though.
@Soly I know, but the item description (on Ephinea) doesn’t say that the effect is "depending on the time of day", although it is.
Every /Ability unit incorrectly lists the ATA bonus, except one (I think Hero/Ability is correct?)

Going only by memory, please forgive me if I goof as I can't log in from where I am at the moment:
General/Ability has .5 ATA, not mentioned at all I don't think.
Hero/Ability has 1 ATA, I think this one may be the one with a correct description.
God/Ability has 2 ATA, I think the current description says 2 HP instead.
Heavenly/Ability has 2.5 ATA, never had this unit but I doubt it's listed correctly.
Centurion/Ability has 3 ATA, bad memory again but I think it's listed as 2? Whatever it is, it's wrong I think.

Also, I think it's Toward the Future, principal's first statements, "hazerdous" should be "hazardous"
That spelling error has been there since the beginning of time.
Kinda reminds me of all the people who played Maple Story as a kid who were misled to believe that "quitted" was a word.

Edit: Ok I checked, TTF's issue wasn't "hazerdous" (that seems to be fixed in the Ep1 MA4 quests?), but the principal calls you "Joeblow's Hunter" instead of "Hunter Joeblow" or "Joeblow the Hunter".
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I noticed these a long time ago, so not sure if they got fixed in the meantime:
  • Quest Soul of Steel: When getting the Meseta reward, there was a space character missing in the NPC’s message.
  • Episode 2 Government quest: When talking for the first time to NOL, she says something like "Hi I'mNOL" (i.e., missing space character).
Adding more info:Just did Soul of steel (22.qst) and still has window_msg 'Received<color 1>8000<color 0>Meseta.' the GC version with the correct spaces has window_msg 'Received <color 1>8000<color 0> Meseta.' it applies to all difficulties.
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Don't know if this was fixed or not: TP/Ressurection -> TP/Resurrection

Someone talked about tweaking Excalibur's description, IIRC it's the same with DLS so that one should be tweaked too.

V101: says it boosts 1 ATA.
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In the Japanese unitext the descriptions of both Resist/Dark + Resist/Evil say that the items boost your resistances by 0. May be the case for other units too.
In the Japanese unitext the descriptions of both Resist/Dark + Resist/Evil say that the items boost your resistances by 0. May be the case for other units too.
This might be that soda didn't patch the "max unit format"... a value that says whats the highest unitxt ID to get the description formatted, originally is a value of 944 (perfect resist ID + 1) ... but since soda added new music disks and other "tool" items, the IDs were pushed forward....
I had that happen before in Ultima and my test server.
That is on stuff like sorcerer's cane as well. It says cut by 10 instead of 10%
That might be that either the description is missing the % sign or has only 1, since the strings get formatted and in C the % sign is a parameter... it requires 2 of them (to be on the safe side)...

What I did long ago was just search for every instance of % (only 1, excluding stuff like %d, %s, %u, etc) and changing it to %% (in C this will effectively get formatted to %)

Also, I didn't take pic but whatever he says when you receive item needs space too.


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